Voices of Conscience

(Ret.) Ann Wright
of Appearances
Tuesday, Jan 18, 20226 p.m. - Speak at 1st Meeting of Korea Peace Now Hawaii Grassroots Chapter Zoom in Honolulu Contact Christine Ahn OUR GOALS
The Korea Peace Now! Grassroots Network aims to:
· Increase public understanding of the unresolved Korean War as the root cause of the 70-year-old conflict between the US and North Korea
· Advocate for the formal end to the Korean War with a peace agreement as the main solution to the ongoing US-North Korea conflict
· The unresolved Korean War is the root cause of the conflict, as well as the intensifying arms race and nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula.
· Seventy years is enough! It’s time to officially end the Korean War with a peace agreement to reduce the risk of nuclear war and allow separated families to reunite.
· The multiple crises we face today cannot be resolved militarily. It’s time to shift priorities from war and militarism to urgent human needs.
· We must take steps to build trust and reduce tensions, such as suspending the costly and provocative US-ROK combined military exercises and ending sanctions that hurt ordinary people.
· For lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula, women and civil society must be involved at all levels of the peace process.
Download information: https://koreapeacenow.org/resources/
Wednesday, Jan 19, 20223 p.m. - Speak on U.S. Foreign Policy For Primer on Foreign Policy for Congressional Candidates contact David Swanson Ann Wright, David Swanson, and more guests to discuss U.S. militarism, out-of-control Pentagon spending, and why it’s critical that every candidate for the U.S. Congress has a foreign policy platform.
Read and download the Foreign Policy Primer here.
7 p.m. - Speak at Sunset Beach, HI Community meeting About National Security and Red Hill Jet Fuel contamination Contact Lynell De Mate
Saturday, Jan 22, 20222 p.m. - Events on Anniversary of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Monday, Jan 31, 20223 p.m. - Panelist on Urgent webinar on Ukraine Roots Action contact David Swanson VIDEO: Ukraine Crisis Webinar: Peace Activists and Experts Gather
Speakers include:
Katrina vanden Heuvel, editorial director of The Nation magazine, columnist for the Washington Post.
Ann Wright, retired U.S. Army colonel, retired diplomat, author, activist.
Vladimir Kozin, member of Russian Academy of Military Sciences, speaking from Moscow.
Norman Solomon, co-founder and national director of RootsAction.org, author, activist.
Moderator: David Swanson, campaign coordinator of RootsAction.org, executive director of World BEYOND War.
Everyone sign this petition
USians email Congress and White House here
6 p.m. - Speaker at Catholic Worker House on US Navy's Red Hill water contamination Honolulu, Hawaii Contact Wally Inglis
Tuesday, Feb 1, 202211:30 a.m. - Monthly Vigil on Nuclear Siren scare of Incoming Nuclear missiles State Capitol, Honolulu, Hawaii Contact Wally Inglis
7 a.m. - Dialogue between U.S. and Russian Women Contact Cynthia Lazaroff Creating a joint letter from U.S. and Russian women that says "No War!!!" Dialogue not war!
Wednesday, Feb 2, 20222 p.m. - Protest US Navy water contamination HQ, Commander US Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Contact Mikey Inouye
Friday, Feb 4, 20224 p.m. - Organized Honolulu's "No War With Russia" event as a part of the National Mobilization State Capitol, Honolulu, Hawaii https://www.codepink.org/honolulu-02052022?fbclid=IwAR0d-1k6yHQeFvPYzmTNwSWm1OKzWYV7cY1hDgP55ZcYiwL2U0DL50lWXnc
Saturday, Feb 5, 20227 a.m. - Speak at the national online rally "No War With Russia Contact Margaret Flowers 180 attendees online from all over the U.S. ORDER OF SPEAKERS:
A national rally convened by major antiwar organizations in the United States to show our opposition to war with Russia and share actions we are taking to stop it.
Visit www.PopularResistance.org/nowarwithrussia/ to read the call to action and for more information.
12 noon " Welcome, intro and instructions " Margaret
Speaker 1 " Alice Loazia, TFA
Speaker2 " David Swanson, WBW
Speaker 3- Ann Wright, CODEPINK
Speaker 4 " Rafiki Morris, BAP
Speaker 5 " Leela Anand, ANSWER
Speaker 6 " Joe Jamison, USPC
MUSIC/PHOTOS " Ben Grosscup
Speaker 7 " Bruce Gagnon, GNAWNPS
Speaker 8 " Susan Schnall, VFP
Speaker 9- Joe Lombardo, UNAC
Speaker 10 - Cherrill Spencer, WILPF
Speaker 11 " Jerry Condon, VFP
Speaker 12 " Lisa Savage
Speaker 13 " Sara Flounders, IAC
Monday, Feb 7, 20223:30 p.m. - Speak on Navy contamination of water on Oahu & No War on Russia Flashpoint with Dennis Bernstein, KPFA radio, Berkeley, California Contact Dennis Bernstein
Wednesday, Feb 9, 20222 p.m. - Speak at the Junior Seminar in Leadership in the Honors Program University of Hawai'i, Manoa Contact Dawn Webster
Monday, Feb 21, 20224 p.m. - Interview with Sara Blanco KPFA Flashpoints Sara Blanco
Sunday, Feb 27, 20224 p.m. - Ann as Panelist Militarism in the Pacific on webinar "Shanghai Communique" Sponsored by CODEPINK: Women for Peace & Pivot For Peace Contact Jodie Evans Pivot to Peace and the China Is Not Our Enemy campaign for a conversation with Xiangyu, K.J. Noh, Col. Ann Wright and Lauren from CODEPINK to better understand the Taiwan issue and how the U.S. can avoid war with China over Taiwan.
Friday, Apr 22, 20227 p.m. - Speak on Veterans For Peace Earth Day National Event Contact Steve Morse Veterans For Peace Climate Crisis & Militarism Project’s (CCMP) Earth Day Webinar - Averting Climate Catastrophe: No New Arms Race!
Register for the event: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eW0V-NWXS0id2Y11qia4fQ
The webinar, which is moderated by Marcy Winograd of CODEPINK, features panelists:
Dr. David Vine, Professor, Department of Anthropology, American University. Dr. Vine is a widely sought-after speaker, authoritative source on militarism and Empire, and the author of The United States of War and Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World.
Col. Ann Wright, retired U. S. Army Colonel, and former high ranking U.S. State Department official, who resigned her position in protest of the U.S. illegal invasion of Iraq and has continued to be a powerful voice for peace and the environment. She is the co-author of Dissent: Voices of Conscience.
Erik Edstrom, A West Point graduate and infantry platoon leader in Afghanistan and Presidential Escort Platoon Leader during the Obama administration. He studied climate change at Oxford University earning a Master of Science degree. Author of UN-AMERICAN: A Soldier’s Reckoning of Our Longest War.
Saturday, Jun 18, 202212 p.m. - Poor People's Campaign Washington, DC https://www.codepink.org/06182022?utm_campaign=dc_ppc_june_12&utm_medium=email&utm_source=codepink
Monday, Jun 20, 20227 p.m. - "The US and NATO's 'Pivot to Asia' and Other Threats to Peace" an evening with Col. Ann Wright (retired) Live stream https://www.pjw.info/ann_wright_livestream062022.pdf live stream at youtube.com/peaceandjusticeworks
Col. Ann Wright, a former Army officer and state department official who quit her job in protest of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, will speak on a livestream hosted by Portland area peace groups on Monday, June 20 at 7:00 PM Pacific Time. Col. Wright's talk is titled "The US and NATO's 'Pivot to Asia' and Other Threats to Peace" and will be followed by a question and answer period hosted by local media personality Jenka Soderberg.
In addition to addressing the United States' military shift from the "Middle East" to the western Pacific (particularly China and Korea), and the ongoing neglect of Hawai'i (the 50th state) and the US military bases there, Col. Wright will address other issues related to US foreign and domestic policy. These include Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, the environmental impact of militarism, and of course, the US invasion and occupation of Iraq. Instructions for participating in the Q&A period following Col. Wright's presentation will be posted at the time of the event, which will be livestreamed on YouTube at youtube.com/peaceandjusticeworks. The presentation is coordinated by Peace and Justice Works Iraq Affinity Group.
For more information, or if your group would like to cosponsor or endorse this event, contact Peace and Justice Works at 503-236-3065 or iraq@pjw.info.
7 p.m. - The US and NATO's "Pivot to Asia" and Other Threats to Peace-An Evening with Colonel (Ret) Ann Wright Live stream https://www.pjw.info/ann_wright_livestream062022.pdf
Tuesday, Jun 21, 20228 p.m. - Ann Wright Speaking on "NATO: What's wrong with it?" CODEPINK Congress weekly program On Tuesday, June 21, join CODEPINK Congress and Massachusetts Peace Action for a Capitol Calling Party where we will take a hard look at NATO. Our guests will be Ajamu Baraka, national organizer for the Black Alliance for Peace; Col. Ann Wright, former ambassador and diplomat; Alice Slater, board member, World Beyond War.
As the conflict in Ukraine rages and heads of states of NATO member countries get ready to meet in Madrid June 28-30, we invite you to join us in discussing and deconstructing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization with three expert guests.
While the NATO members meet to discuss war plans, peace activists in Europe are gearing up for anti-NATO summit protests and our guests will put NATO "on trial" for its past crimes in Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Ann Wright will also talk about her attendance at NO to NATO summits in Poland, Belgium and Germany.
Join us as we look back at NATO expansion into Eastern Europe that preceded the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and challenge NATO's war plans targeting nuclear-armed Russia and China. This discussion is more important now than ever. One of the consequences of Russia’s disastrous invasion of Ukraine is that it has actually strengthened NATO, including the new bids to join from Finland and Sweden. And NATO --the world's largest military organization, led by the U.S.--is not only on the edge of a direct war with Russia, but is also setting its sights on China. Don’t miss this timely event as we talk about how to step back from the brink of war with nuclear-armed states and how to move towards a NATO-free world.
Saturday, Jun 25, 202212 p.m. - Ann Wright speaking on the panel "Ukraine War, NATO & Global Consequences" NO to NATO conference, Madrid, Spain Contact Kristine Karch Peace Summit Panel 6
Speakers are Reiner Braun, Germany | Asya Maruket, Russia | Cosmas Musumali, Zambia | Ulla Klötzer, Finland | Yuri Sheliazhenko, Ukraine | Ann Wright, Hawaii | Moderation: Isabelle Vanbabrant, Belgium
CCOO. Auditorio Marcelino Camacho (Madrid)
The Ukraine war has shifted the international context towards major confrontations and has global consequences for the people: Food and energy insecurity, military spending, inflation, and further international tensions. In this panel we will speak about the global south perspective, the role of NATO and the European Union, the importance of neutrality, the struggle in the US against imperialism and the need for a unitary peace strategy to build an alternative for all.”
Thursday, Aug 4, 20227 p.m. - Interview with Okinawa Journalist Misuzu Nakamura from RBC Ryukyu Broadcasting Company About the US submarine Bowfin sinking the TSUSHIMA MARU with 1600 including 800 school kids in WWII Contact Misuzu Nakamura
Thursday, Aug 11, 20227 p.m. - Speak on the US & NATO militarism in Asia and the Pacific The Sequoias1400 Geary St., San Francisco, CA Contact Barbara Briggs-Letson
Saturday, Aug 13, 2022Sat Aug 13 - Sat Aug 20: Trip to Zurich, Switzerland with Barbara Briggs-Letson & her family
Thursday, Aug 25, 202211 a.m. - Ann Wright as moderator of " PEACE WARRIORS FROM THE KOREAN WAR" Workshop at the national Veterans For Peace online convention Outstanding American peace warriors who emerged from the horrific Korean War. This workshop will explore the life and peace work of a few of these veteran peacemakers. What did they do in the forgotten U.S. war in Korea, 1950-1953? Why did they become peace warriors? What did they accomplish as peacemakers? These are some of the questions to be explored in this workshop, sponsored by VFP's Korea Peace Campaign.
Moderator: Ann Wright
Panelists: Lee Jae-Bong · Paul ("Pete") McCloskey · Solveig Overby · John ("Jack") Doxey
Part of the VFP 2022 Online Convention
You-Tube of 90 minute program
2 p.m. - Ann Wright moderator of workshop "NATO TROUBLE MAKING - FROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC" Veterans For Peace national online convention NATO TROUBLE MAKING - FROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC
NATO is expanding its militarism from the Atlantic into the Pacific despite efforts of indigenous groups in the Pacific to de-militarize the region. The largest naval war maneuvers in the world -Rim of the Pacific(RIMPAC)-is taking place from June 29-August 4, 2022, with 26 countries sending38 warships in the Hawaiian waters, 4 submarines, 170 aircraft and 25,000personnel. 8 of the countries are NATO members coming from the Atlantic into the Pacific and 4 countries are NATO “partners” from Asia and the Pacific, making up 45 percent of the RIMPAC exercises. Presenters from Hawai’i, Guam,South Korea and Australia will speak of their governments’ increasing the militarization of their countries and pollution from their militaries while grassroots organizations directly challenge militarization with encampments, kayak blockades and community education.
Moderator: Ann Wright
Kyle Kajihiro
Moneaka Flores
Annette Brownlie
Sung-Hee Choi
Sunday, Aug 28, 202212 p.m. - Ann Wright discusses documentary "Crossings" with director Deann Liem National Veterans For Peace convention You-tube
Ann Wright discusses documentary "Crossings" with director Deann Liem, at national Veterans For Peace convention
"Crossings" documents the 2015 trip of 30 international women to North Korea, crossing the DMZ to South Korea with Women Cross DMZ
August 28, 2022.
Friday, Sep 9, 20226 p.m. - Ann speaking at Rally for Climate Reparations for Pakistan US Capitol, Washington, DC Contact Olivia DiNucci https://www.codepink.org/organizers_rally_at_us_capitol_to_demand_climate_reparations_for_pakistan
Sunday, Sep 25, 202212 p.m. - Ann is panelist on webinar "What can Canada learn from Costa Rica's path to demilitarization?
12 p.m. - Ann is panelist on webinar "What can Canada learn from Costa Rica's path to demilitarization? (Director, Canadian Foreign Policy Institute Bianca Mugyenyi A BOLD PEACE- film screening "What can Canada learn from Costa Rica's path to demilitarization?"
Thursday, Oct 6, 202210 p.m. - Ann Wright speaks on Leadership By zoom for Dr. Cynthia McKinney's class at North South University
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Friday, Oct 7, 20225pm p.m. - Ann Wright Speaks by zoom on Gender Issues in US Military & Diplomatic Corps North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Contact Dr. Ishrat Zakia Sultana Ishrat Zakia Sultana, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and Sociology,
Member, Center for Peace Studies (CPS), and
Faculty, South Asian Institute of Policy and Governance (SIPG)
North South University
Office: NAC 908, Plot 15, Block B, Bashundhara
Dhaka -1229, Bangladesh
Saturday, Oct 8, 202210 a.m. - Women's March & Rally "Rise Up for Womens' Right to CHOOSE--My Body, My Choice State Capitol, Honolulu, Hawaii Contact Carolyn Hadfield
Thursday, Oct 13, 20222:40 p.m. - Ann Speak at "Building Peace on the Korean Peninsula:Diplomacy, Humanitarianism, Grassroots Primacy & Critique of Militarism Center for Korean Studies at the University of Hawaii Manoa Contact Dr. Harrison Kim Ann will be speaking with Christine Ahn and director Deann Liem after the showing of the documentary "Crossings" of the 2015 trip to North and South Korea with Women Cross DMZ.
Wednesday, Oct 19, 2022Wed Oct 19 - Fri Oct 21: Participate in Shut Down Creech semi-annual assassin drone protests Creech Drone Base, Nevada (50 miles north of Las Vegas) Contact Toby Blome Learn more about Shut Down Creech: https://shutdowncreech.blogspot.com/p/mass-mobilization-to-stop-drone-wars.html
Thursday, Oct 20, 20227 p.m. - Ann Speaks at showing of documentary on assassin drones "Battles Beyond the Horizon" University of Nevada -Las Vegas Contact Kari Barber About the Filmmakers:
Kari Barber and Nico Colombant are on the faculty of the Reynolds School of Journalism at the University of Nevada, Reno.
While teaching and raising three boys in Reno, they are also outstanding documentary filmmakers. Their recent work includes Struggle and Hope, about all-Black towns in Oklahoma and an animated short film about grief after losing another son Zinedine.
They have filmed our anti-drone protests at Creech Air Force Base numerous times over the years in preparation for this upcoming drone documentary, Battles Beyond the Horizon.
Friday, Nov 4, 2022Fri Nov 4 - Sun Nov 6: Meeting of Gaza Freedom Flotilla Coalition London, England For discussion of the summer 2023 flotilla to break the illegal Israeli naval blockade of Gaza.
Thursday, Nov 10, 202210 a.m. - "Merchants of Death" tribunal of corporations selling war & weapons Washington, DC Contact Nick Mottern
Wednesday, Nov 16, 202212:30 p.m. - Speak to Asst Professor of History Dr. Kim Compoc's class on US Empire University of Hawai‘i - West O‘ahu Contact Kim Compoc