Dissent: Voices of Conscience
Resources for Education and ActionOrganizations Supporting Government Oversight and Individual RightsAmerican Civil Liberties Union : Defends and preserves individual rights and liberties. Coalition for Civil Rights and Democratic Liberties: Registers ordinary Americans’ discontent about sacrificing freedom in the name of freedom. Fund for Constitutional Government: Funds organizations and journalists working for open, accountable government. Government Accountability Project: Defends whistleblowers and empowers citizen activists. National Security Whistleblowers Coalition: Provides fellowship for national security whistleblowers, advocates reform, and educates the public. National Whistleblower Center:Works to ensure that disclosures are fully heard and whistleblowers defended. Project on Government Oversight: Investigates, exposes, and seeks to remedy systematic abuses of power, mismanagement, and subservience by the government to special interests. Truth-Telling Project: Encourages whistle-blowing in the national interest.
Groups Working for Peace and JusticeAfter Downing Street: Coalition of 200 groups pressuring Congress and media to investigate whether the President has committed impeachable offenses in connection with Iraq. CODEPINK: Women for Peace:Works for positive social change through creative protest and nonviolent direct action. Friends Committee on National Legislation: Lobbies for social and economic justice, peace, and good government. Institute for Public Accuracy: Helps progressive perspectives receive media exposure. Not In Our Name: Works to resist the U.S. government’s course of war and repression waged in the name of fighting terrorism. United for Peace and Justice: 1,300 groups joined together to oppose the Iraq War. Voices for Creative Nonviolence: Draws on the experiences of those who challenged U.S. and UN-imposed economic sanctions against the Iraqi people from 1990–2003 and confronts U.S. warmaking though nonviolent action. War Resisters League: Strives nonviolently to remove all causes of war. www.warresisters.org World Can’t Wait: Organizes to stop the disastrous course of the Bush administration.
Groups Supporting Active-Duty Military,Veterans, Recruits, and their FamiliesCenter on Conscience and War: Works to defend and extend the rights of conscientious objectors. Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors: Supports and promotes individual and collective resistance to war. Citizen Soldier:Works for GI rights. Courage to Resist: Supports resistance to illegal war and occupation. GI Rights Hotline: Provides information to servicemembers about military discharges, grievance and complaint procedures, and other civil rights. 800-394-9544. Gold Star Families for Peace: Family members of those killed in war working to end the occupation of Iraq. Iraq Veterans Against the War: Veterans and active-duty servicemen and women of the Global War on Terror working to bring their brothers and sisters home. Military Families Speak Out: Relatives and loved ones of those in the military working to end the war in Iraq. National Lawyers Guild Military Law Task Force: Assists those working on military law issues. Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities: Provides young people with alternative viewpoints about enlistment. Thank You, Lieutenant: News and updates about Lieutenant Ehren Watada’s refusal to deploy to Iraq. Veterans for Peace: Veterans raising public awareness of the true costs and consequences of militarism and war, seeking effective, peaceful alternatives. War Resisters Support Campaign: Supports U.S. soldiers seeking asylum in Canada.
News and InformationIn an era when commercial values overwhelm democratic values and corporate media prevails over public interest, these networks and programs encourage independent, diverse viewpoints. Broadcast Media Air America Radio: Informative, opinionated, progressive talk radio. Bill Moyers Journal (PBS):Weekly analysis of vital issues in politics, arts and letters, science, religion, and media. C-SPAN TV: Public access to the political process. Democracy Now! (Pacifica): Daily news offering access to people and perspectives rarely heard on corporate-sponsored media. Free Speech TV: Programs that reflect diversity, provide underrepresented perspectives, and shine the spotlight on citizens working for progressive social change. Frontline (PBS): Engaging documentaries that explore and illuminate critical issues of our times. Independent Media Center: Network of collectively run independent media organizations and journalists. Link TV: In-depth programs offering a global perspective, giving voice to the voiceless, and encouraging action. NOW (PBS): Documentary segments and interviews with original thinkers, offering viewers the context to explore their relationship with the world. Public Access TV: Community-run cable stations that provide opportunities for locally based programming.
Print Media Mother Jones: Bimonthly magazine committed to social justice through investigative reporting. www.motherjones.com The Nation: Weekly magazine that brings a critical spirit to political and social issues (Founded 1865). Ode: Monthly magazine of people and ideas changing our world for the better. The Progressive: Monthly magazine of social, intellectual, and institutional progress (Founded 1909). Project Censored: Annual list of stories that were overlooked, underreported, or self-censored by major U.S. media. Utne Reader: Bimonthly magazine bringing the best of alternative media. Yes! : Quarterly magazine supporting
active engagement in creating a just, sustainable, compassionate
world. Internet News Sources In addition to the above-listed broadcast and print media, the following sources are exclusively online. Follow links on these sites for even more alternatives to mainstream media.