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Voices of Dissent

Ann Wright – Online Articles and Videos


Interview with Ann Wright and others on panel at the 2024 Kateri Peace Conference
September 19, 2024.
The 26th Kateri Peace Conference held in Fonda, NY in mid-September, 2024 was entitled “What’s Love Got to do with it?” The outcome of peace activism is the end of always-war. If, indeed, we are all connected on this minuscule green spot in a vast universe " if we are sisters and brothers who care for each other " why do we choose to kill each other in horrific and massive ways? Bar Crawl Radio hosts -- Rebecca McKean and Alan Winson -- moderated the Friday evening panel with Ann Wright, Brian Terrell, Brad Wolf, and Vera Anderson. The panel focused on three basic questions: Why do we consistently choose war? How do wars start? Are the causes really that complex? Are the causes of war knowable? If we know the root causes of war -- Can we come up with policies that would end war-making?.

Radio Interview with Ann Wright. 26th annual Kateri Peace conference speaker
September 4, 2024.
The 26th annual Kateri Peace conference in Fonda will take place on Sept. 13 and 14. The theme this year is “ What’s Love Got to Do With It? Our Survival Depends on It!” Retired Colonel Ann Wright, a former US Diplomat, is one of the keynote speakers and talks with Mark Dunlea for Hudson Mohawk Magazine. kateripeaceconference.org/.

Wonderful Photos from the Free Gaza boats reaching Gaza in August 2008, the first boats to reach Gaza from international waters in 40 years!
August 29, 2024.

Video of the First Boats to Reach Gaza-2008-Free Gaza Movement
August 28, 2024.
16 years ago, to the day, On August 28, 2008, two small boats from the Free Gaza Movement left Gaza after spending six days there, the first boats reaching Gaza in over 40 years. This is the narrative from Greta Berlin, one of the co-founders of the Free Gaza Movement. "In all the planning we’d done before leaving for Gaza, we never thought to plan what we’d do if we actually arrived. We never had to worry, for Palestinian hospitality overwhelmed us. Our 6 days were filled with opportunities to visit hospitals, Rachel Corrie’s memorial site, speak at Universities, visit a brand-new museum… and eat. Oh, how we ate. And we watched theatre productions, talked to children and danced, and danced. We were filled with relief that we’d it. Palestinians were filled with joy when we arrived. This 13-minute video is raw footage of some of the events during the days we were there. There is no narration, just a wash of images set to music. We never thought the scenes would become a archive of what Gaza looked like before Israel destroyed everything. And, we have no idea what’s happened to the children, who are now in their 20s and 30s. Their faces are forever frozen in time. In the museum segment in the film, we were invited to view a private collection belonging to Jawdat Khoudary. After we left, he opened the "National Museum of Archaeology" for the people of Gaza. And a bit of good news in all the horror and destruction, he had loaned his most precious pieces to Switzerland just before the blockade, so they are in storage there. We carried 8 Palestinians back to Cyprus that day. And we arrived four more times. But this day, August 28, 2008, will never be forgotten by those of us on the boats and those Palestinians who welcomed us. Videographers: Kathleen Elliott Sheetz, Courtney Sheez.

Ann Wright in 1 hour webinar. Nonviolence International (NVI) meets with Freedom Flotilla members
August 20, 2024.
This webinar features Freedom Flotilla activists who have set sail from Malta to Gaza in a courageous effort to break the ongoing siege. Hosted by Sami Awad, with insights from Freedom Flotilla Steering Committee member Ann Wright, the discussion explores the mission's significance and the risks involved. The activists, Yesamin Acar (Germany), Tania Safi (Australian), and Thiago Avila (Brazil) share their motivations and the challenges of this critical humanitarian mission. Their journey highlights the power of nonviolent action in confronting immense obstacles..

US Air Force Senior Airman Larry Hebert talks about Ann Wright helping him on his 10 day hunger strike for Gaza, WBAI Law and Disorder
Minute 31.
August 19, 2024.

Ann Wright quoted in this article. Activists prepare for risky humanitarian trip to Gaza
August 14, 2024.
Other articles about the Gaza Flotilla in Malta: https://timesofmalta.com/article/activists-prepare-risky-humanitarian-trip-gaza.1096735 https://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/national/130733/gaza_freedom_flotilla_boat_docks_in_malta_the_genocide_must_stop https://www.instagram.com/reel/C-pkuW-N-Ds/?igsh=MXE4ZmxzcnFubWpvdw== https://newsbook.com.mt/en/for-the-children-of-gaza-activists-welcome-freedom-flotilla-in-malta/.

Press Conference for Gaza Flotilla in Malta, Ann Wright was MC
August 14, 2024.

Ann Wright's article . https://popularresistance.org/israels-useful-idiots-are-the-us-congress-and-the-biden-administration/
July 27, 2024.
The remark by Netanyahu in his address to the Congress on July 24 that those who challenge the genocide and protest U.S. complicity in the murder of 39,000 Palestinians in the past nine months and tens of thousands still buried underneath the rubble of destroyed homes and apartment buildings, in schools, hospitals and tents are “useful idiots” of Iran was particularly ironic. Who are the “Useful Idiots?” Not the Protesters, but the U.S. Congress and the Biden Administration The “useful idiots” are not those who protest the murder of innocent civilians but those who give impunity for Israel to conduct the genocide of Gaza"the U.S. Congress that invited Netanyahu to speak and gave him standing ovations during his talk and the Biden administration that continues to send aircraft, missile systems and ammunition to Israel to kill Palestinians. Also in CODEPINK: https://www.codepink.org/usefulidiots.

Ann Wright's RANT on "Who Are the Useful Idiots for Israel", Answer: The US Congress & the Biden administration
Netanyahu called us, the people protesting a genocide, Iran's useful idiots. To the Biden administration and all the members of Congress who have applauded this war criminal: We call them Netanyahu's useful idiots. Shame on them..
July 25, 2024.
Also on: https://www.instagram.com/p/C92YH4txhkZ/?hl=en https://www.tiktok.com/@codepinkalert/video/7395585843215355182?lang=en.

Ann's article. More Security for Genocide Netanyahu’s Trip to Washington, DC than for 32 Heads of State for NATO Meeting
July 24, 2024.
World Beyond War: https://worldbeyondwar.org/more-security-for-genocide-netanyahus-trip-to-washington-dc-than-for-32-heads-of-state-for-nato-meeting/ CODEPINK: https://www.codepink.org/securityforgenocide Popular Resistance: https://popularresistance.org/more-security-for-netanyahus-trip-to-dc-than-for-32-heads-of-state-for-nato/.

NATO’s Obscure Relations With Israel
Ann's article in Consortium News.
July 20, 2024.

Ann Wright's article . Mother Nature Says Adios to the Rube Goldberg U.S. Military Pier in Gaza
July 20, 2024.
World Beyond War: Mother Nature Says Adios to the Rube Goldberg U.S. Military Pier in Gaza LA Progressive: https://www.laprogressive.com/foreign-policy/us-military-pier-in-gaza Popular Resistance: https://popularresistance.org/mother-nature-says-adios-to-rube-goldberg-us-military-pier-in-gaza/ .

NATO/US COMPLICITY IN RELENTLESS ISRAELI GENOCIDE OF GAZA, Biden Says “U.S. Politics Should Never Be A Killing Field,” While He is complicit in the Israeli “Killing Fields” in Gaza
July 17, 2024.
LA Progressive - https://www.laprogressive.com/foreign-policy/relentless-genocide Peace and Planet News- https://peaceandplanetnews.org/nato-us-complicity-in-the-relentless-israeli-genocide-of-gaza/ Popular Resistance: https://popularresistance.org/nato-us-complicity-in-relentless-israeli-genocide-of-gaza/ .

"I believe that the US government's policies are making the world a more dangerous place.", Interview with Ann Wright with German media outlet Peace and Diplomacy.
July 12, 2024.

Round-up of NO to NATO: YES to PEACE videos, photos
July 12, 2024.

Ann Wright calling NATO a war mongering organization, Channel 4 News, Washington, DC
July 9, 2024.
Ann in Minute 5:08-5:21 and 5:22-5:37 (Al from Chicago Anti-war coalition..

Ann Wright following National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan back to White House after US Chamber of Commerce Weapons Merchants of Death NATO event, Jack Sullivan you have blood on your hands from the US complicity in the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in Gaza
July 9, 2024.

Is Biden too old? This is how ordinary Americans respond, Interview with Ann Wright in Finnish newspaper
July 8, 2024.

Ann Wright at co-MC at NO to NATO rally at White House
July 7, 2024.

Ann Wright quoted by ABC-local DC TV station. DC law enforcement prepares for protests as NATO Summit returns to DC after 25 years
July 5, 2024.
In conjunction with the NO to NATO: YES to PEACE Symposium on July 6 and rally on July 7. www.nonatoyespeace.org.

Radio Interview on Sputnik Critical Hour. NO to NATO
July 3, 2024.

Is NATO Taking Over the Pacific?, Covert Action magazine with lots of photos
June 27, 2024.

Ann Wright speaking in Honolulu on the Dangers of RIMPAC
World Can't Wait program.
June 26, 2024.

Ann co-moderator . Hawaii & Guam segment of the 24 Hour Peace Wave
June 22, 2024.
sponsored by the International Peace Bureau and World Beyond War Links to the 12 segments each 2hr for regions going around the world are on the side of the You-Tube..

Ann Wright's article. NATO's Pacific War Games, Consortium News
June 5, 2024.

Article by Ann Wright . Is NATO Taking Over the Pacific?
June 4, 2024.
Also posted in: https://popularresistance.org/mother-nature-makes-mockery-of-us-militarys-320-million-pier-in-gaza/ https://www.codepink.org/natopacific https://nonatoyespeace.org/about-nato/ https://worldbeyondwar.org/is-nato-taking-over-the-pacific/.

Article by Ann Wright. Is NATO Taking Over the Pacific?, 30% of Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) Naval Forces are from NATO Europe
June 4, 2024.

June 2, 2024.
Also in World Beyond War: https://worldbeyondwar.org/mother-nature-makes-a-mockery-of-the-us-militarys-320-million-pier-in-gaza/ LA PROGRESSIVE: https://www.laprogressive.com/foreign-policy/mother-nature-mocks-us-military.

Instagram. Ann Wright's Prediction of Stupid US Military Pier in Gaza Being a Disaster
May 25, 2024.

Covert Action:. Why Did the U.S. Spend $320 million on a Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza?
May 22, 2024.
Alsoon CODEPINK: https://www.codepink.org/piergaza.

Democracy Now. Protesters Disrupt Blinken Testimony, Calling Him “The Butcher of Gaza”, Colonel Ann Wright Arrested and Injured
May 21, 2024.

Senators, protesters assail Blinken over Biden administration's Israel policy, Senate Foreign Affairs Committee hearing-6 of us arrested
30 second video of Mohammed of American Muslims for Palestine and Olivia DiNucci of Codepine getting arrested. I was arrested right after Mohammed. .
May 21, 2024.

Attempting a Military Solution for a Political/Diplomatic Problem", WHY DID THE US SPEND $320 MILLION ON A RUBE GOLDBERG PIER FOR GAZA?
May 17, 2024.
LA Progressive: https://www.laprogressive.com/foreign-policy/rube-goldberg-pier Popular Resistance: https://popularresistance.org/why-did-the-us-spend-320-million-on-a-rube-goldberg-pier-for-gaza/; World Beyond War: https://worldbeyondwar.org/why-did-the-u-s-spend-320-million-on-a-rube-goldberg-pier-for-gaza/;.

Ann Wright's article . Why Did the US Spend $320 Million on a Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza?
Instead of U.S. President Joe Biden marking a red line in the sand demanding that Israel allow aid into Gaza via ground transportation, his inept diplomatic team sent out a plea for help to the U.S. military..
May 16, 2024.

Ann Wright on Veterans For Peace radio show "Friendly Fire", on WMPG.org, University of Southern Maine
May 15, 2024.
Tune into Friendly Fire on Wednesday, May 15 at 11:30am EDT on WMPG.org to hear world-renowned Peace Activist Col. Ann Wright speak about her latest efforts towards a ceasefire in Gaza which included a recent unsuccessful effort to sail to Gaza on the Freedom Flotilla. Don’t miss this interview with Wright a retired US Army officer, and also a decorated US State Department diplomat who resigned over the Iraq war and Bush 43’s Shock and Awe slaughter..

Ann Quoted in . ‘We are more complicit:’ Biden’s Israel policies spur feds to protest at the White House, A group of federal employees say their knowledge and access force them to speak out against the administration's position in the Israel-Gaza war.
May 15, 2024.
Ann Wright has stayed active with the movement despite resigning as a Foreign Service officer at the State Department in 2003 as a protest against the Iraq war. She has remained an activist since that time and sees it as the duty for federal employees to do the same. “I think government employees and their resignation, or when they're challenging, is really, really important because they're the ones that are in the know,” Wright said. “You the public need to think more about what's happening and we as government employees that are in the know are saying, ‘Think, think and act right.’” Wright encouraged more employees to follow her path and resign from government service, but to one current employee who works in human rights and national security within the Homeland Security Department, there is more that can be done from the inside. .

CODEPINK Members to Speak at Press Conference Outside White House, at Feds United for Peace Press Conference
May 14, 2024.

Media Advisory. Ann Wright Slated to Speak at Feds United for Peace Press Conference Outside White House
May 14, 2024.

Radio interview on "Clearing the Fog" show with Dr. Margaret Flowers. ANN WRIGHT ON THE GAZA FREEDOM FLOTILLA AND UPCOMING NATO PROTESTS
May 13, 2024.
This week, Clearing the FOG speaks with Ann Wright, a retired Colonel, former State Department official and prominent peace activist. Wright, who resigned in protest of the Iraq War from the State Department in 2003, speaks about recent resignations over the genocide in Gaza and the Biden administration’s new report on Palestine. She also discusses the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which is ready to sail but is being prevented from doing so, and the protests and activities being planned for this July when the NATO leaders meet in Washington, DC around the 75th anniversary of its founding..

Ann Wright On The Gaza Freedom Flotilla And Upcoming NATO Protests " Clearing the FOG with host Margaret Flowers
May 13, 2024.
Clearing the FOG speaks with Ann Wright, a retired Colonel, former State Department official and prominent peace activist. Wright, who resigned in protest of the Iraq War from the State Department in 2003, speaks about recent resignations over the genocide in Gaza and the Biden administration's new report on Palestine. She also discusses the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which is ready to sail but is being prevented from doing so, and the protests and activities being planned for this July when the NATO leaders meet in Washington, DC around the 75th anniversary of its founding. For more information, visit PopularResistance.org. .

Ann Wright Quoted . Why Did Elon Musk Just Kick Nelson Mandela’s Grandson Off X?, Mandla Mandela had just set off with a flotilla of aid for Gaza.
April 27, 2024.

Indonesian VOA 3 minute video. Gaza Flotilla with video from Nonviolence training and demonstrations in Istanbul for the flotilla, Interviews with Ann Wright
April 27, 2024.

Israel will not stop Freedom Flotilla 2024, Press conference on Guinea Bissau taking flag of flotilla ship
Huwaida Arraf reading statement on Cancellation of Flag for 2 ships.
April 27, 2024.
Report by Dimitri Lascaris with speakers Ann Wright, Huwaida Arraf and Ismail Behesti.

Ann Wright speaking at press conference: Press Conference: Under Israeli Pressure, Guinea Bissau Moves to Withdraw Flotilla Flags
April 27, 2024.

Ann Wright about the Gaza Flotilla, 20 second You-tube from Veterans For Peace
April 25, 2024.

Excellent report on the 2024 Break the Siege Gaza Flotilla preparations, By Hassan Ghani
April 24, 2024.

Excellent overview report on the preparations for the Gaza Flotilla, By journalist Hassan Ghani
April 24, 2024.

Freedom Flotilla to set sail for Gaza, Ann Wright quoted
Defying the potential of another deadly Israeli attack on aid workers, activist ships are once more sailing to Gaza to break the siege and deliver relief to starving Palestinians.
April 22, 2024.
Retired US army colonel Ann Wright, a member of the steering committee of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition and who led a pre-launch press conference in Istanbul last Friday, said: “These ships are not part of the hostilities. They are from unarmed civilians representing the world. As the International Court of Justice has said, the responsibility of citizens and governments is to stop a genocide, so that’s what we are doing.”.

Gaza Flotilla Press Conference in Istanbul April 19, 2024, Ann Wright was moderator
April 19, 2024.

The Freedom Flotilla Is Sailing Into Its Most Dangerous Waters Yet, The Nation article quoting Ann Wright and Huwaida Arraf
The humanitarian convoy is trying to deliver vital aid to Gaza at a time when the stakes"and the risks"could not be higher..
April 19, 2024.

Ann Wright quoted in this article. Freedom Flotilla activists determined to set sail to Gaza despite Israeli threats
Civil groups prepare four ships to break Gaza siege, but are conscious Israel might target them as it did the Mavi Marmara in 2010.
April 19, 2024.
Ann Wright, a former US Army colonel who resigned in 2003 due to her opposition to the invasion of Iraq, told MEE that they are determined to accomplish their mission. “We know that the Turkish government is working hard diplomatically and in the humanitarian field. Yet, we expect their support and that of other governments for our mission,” she said. 'According to international law, Israel has no right to raid a ship filled with civilians and humanitarian aid' - Ann Wright, a former US Army colonel “There is no way that we can't sail. There is no way that we can't reach Gaza,” she added. Referring to the Mavi Marmara raid by the Israeli army, Wright said, “In case of such an attack, we’ll expect all governments to uphold international law. According to international law, Israel has no right to raid a ship filled with civilians and humanitarian aid.” .

Ann Wright Introduces the Gaza Freedom Flotilla
Retired U.S. Army Colonel & former U.S. diplomat Ann Wright introduces our upcoming Freedom Flotilla Coalition emergency mission to #BreakTheSiege and #EndTheBlockade of Gaza. Read more: https://freedomflotilla.org/2024-miss....
April 16, 2024.

Statement by Ann Wright. Introducing Break The Siege Gaza Flotilla in Istanbul
April 14, 2024.

Debunking the Wikileaks Smear Campaign, Panelists Ann Wright, Matt Hoh & Hamit Darganan
April 13, 2024.

Two Hawaii Activists in Europe on Humanitarian Mission for Gaza, Ann Wright and Jason Mizula -Hawaii Activists
April 12, 2024.

Ann Wright & Jayson Mizula on KITV Honolulu, Hawaii Residents Participate in Gaza Flotilla
April 12, 2024.

Ann Wright talks mission to sail aid to Gaza, Hawaii Public Radio -8 minute interview
April 12, 2024.

Ann Wright Interviewed on the Freedom Flotilla to sail to Gaza, The Conversation on Hawaii Public Radio
April 11, 2024.

Former State Department diplomat Ann Wright on challenging Israel's settler colonialism in Gaza with an emergency flotilla to break the siege on Gaza. , Codepink Radio Episode 243
April 10, 2024.

Talk World Radio: Ann Wright on Sailing Ships of Food to Gaza
April 8, 2024.

Gaza-Bound Flotilla Aims to End Inhumane Israeli Blockade
Ann Wright and Medea Benjamin quoted in the article.
April 5, 2024.

2 Foreign Service Officers FSOs Recognized for Service in Sierra Leone, Foreign Service Journal
Foreign Service Journal pages 9-10.
April, 2024.

Pro-Palestine activists defy Israel with Gaza-bound aid flotilla, Ann Wright quoted
April, 2024.
Former US diplomat and retired US Army Colonel Ann Wright is one of the primary organisers of the FFC. In 2003 she resigned from the US Government in protest against the Iraq War. Speaking to TNA, Wright said the mission of the flotilla was to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza's starved population. "When you witness genocide, you can't stand back. I'm 77, but even if I were a hundred, I'd still be on this boat," said Wright. Wright and her fellow activists are also determined to shine a spotlight on the dire humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza, bringing international human rights observers to the territory to witness the unfolding genocide. “Our message to the people of Gaza is that we love you and are trying desperately to stop this genocide...To the Israeli people, I say you have a responsibility to stop your government's genocide of Palestinians. I know the propaganda that comes from governments at war, having been a former US diplomat. But what's happening in Gaza is genocide, and when you see what your government has done, you'll be horrified.” Wright added. .

Israeli pressure delayed Freedom Flotilla’s departure for Gaza: Organisers, Organisers say the initiative aims to challenge Israel’s 17-year-old blockade and put an end to the ongoing ‘genocide’.
Ann Wright, Huwaida Arraf & Wynd Kaufmyn quoted.
April, 2024.

March 28, 2024.
Also in Peace and Planet: https://peaceandplanetnews.org/the-ghosts-of-gaza-are-whispering-every-night/ World Beyond War: https://worldbeyondwar.org/the-ghosts-of-gaza-are-whispering-every-night/ .

Veterans in the USA react to Israel's attacks in Gaza after Bushnell's action, Turkish newspaper Anadolu Agency
Interview of Veterans For Peace Executive Director Mike Ferner and VFP Advisory Board member Colonel (Ret) Ann Wright.
March 3, 2024.

Ann Wright interviewed on Democracy Now. Air Force Aaron Bushnell's Self Immolation for Palestine
February 28, 2024.
Also on Democracy Now You-tube channel: https://youtu.be/6f8MYAF1L9M.

Ann Wright's article . Why Would Anyone Kill One’s Self In an Attempt to Stop A War?
February 26, 2024.
The article is also posted on many websites: Commondreams.org. https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/kill-selves-to-stop-war Popular Resistance https://popularresistance.org/why-would-anyone-kill-ones-self-in-an-attempt-to-stop-a-war/ Antiwar.com https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2024/02/26/why-would-anyone-kill-themselves-to-stop-a-war/ CODEPINK Women For Peace https://www.codepink.org/tostopawar LA Progressive https://www.laprogressive.com/war-and-peace/kill-themselves-to-stop-a-war.

Interview with Ann Wright. Former American diplomat: My country is complicit with Israel in genocide, and US Politicians Are Bought Off
Al Araby newspaper-UK edition-- For English version look to upper right for English tabe.
February 21, 2024.

February 19, 2024.

President Biden and Administration: The World Will Hold You Accountable, President Biden, in case your advisors have not mentioned this, both you and they are up to your eyeballs in genocide and the world will hold you accountable.
February 7, 2024.
Also in Peace and Planet: https://peaceandplanetnews.org/for-gods-sake-joe-what-the-hell-are-you-doing/.

How Ann Wright, Former US Army Colonel and Diplomat, Became a Peace Activist, with much of the interview being about the Gaza flotilla
February 5, 2024.
Published in February 2024 by The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth from an interview done in 2018 with Canadian journalist DIMITRI LASCARIS in Naples, Italy during the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. Dimitri was a participant on one of the four boats in that flotilla and developed appendicitis on the voyage and was taken into Algiers, Algeria for an appendictomy which was well done and he rejoined us in Naples, Italy..

February 4, 2024.
Other posts of the article: https://popularresistance.org/for-gods-sake-joe-what-the-hell-are-you-doing/ https://worldbeyondwar.org/for-gods-sake-joe-what-the-hell-are-you-doing/.

As Face of Biden’s Israel Policy, Blinken Draws Wrath of Gaza War Protesters
For Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, the Israeli GENOCIDAL conflict in Gaza has come home..
February 3, 2024.
Ann has participated many days at the encampment...but she has NOT spent the night in the tents in the freezing cold--getting too old at 77 for that!!.

800 government employees. Transatlantic Civil Servants’ Statement on Gaza: It Is Our Duty To Speak Out When Our Governments’ Policies Are Wrong
February 2, 2024.
Transatlantic Civil Servants’ Statement on Gaza: It Is Our Duty To Speak Out When Our Governments’ Policies Are Wrong Released February 2, 2024 Declaration of civil servants regarding Gaza: Recalling that: We have the duty to respect, protect and uphold our constitutions and international and national legal obligations which our democratically elected executives have committed us to; We are expected as civil servants to respect, serve and uphold the law while implementing policies, regardless of the political parties in power; that we have done so for our entire careers; We have been hired to serve, inform and advise our governments/institutions and we have demonstrated professionalism, expertise, and experience that our governments have relied on over the past decades of our service; We have internally expressed our concerns that the policies of our governments/institutions do not serve our interests and called for alternatives that would better serve national and international security, democracy and freedom; reflect the core principles of western foreign policy; and incorporate lessons learned; Our professional concerns were overruled by political and ideological considerations; We are obliged to do everything in our power on behalf of our countries and ourselves to not be complicit in one of the worst human catastrophes of this century; and We are obliged to warn the publics of our countries, whom we serve, and to act in concert with transnational colleagues. We publicly reiterate our concerns that: Israel has shown no boundaries in its military operations in Gaza which has resulted in tens of thousands of preventable civilian deaths; and that the deliberate blocking of aid by Israel has led to a humanitarian catastrophe, putting thousands of civilians at risk of starvation and slow death; Israel's military operations have not contributed to its goal of releasing all hostages and is putting their well-being, lives and release at risk; Israel's military operations have disregarded all important counterterrorism expertise gained since 9/11; and that the operation has not contributed to Israel’s goal of defeating Hamas and instead has strengthened the appeal of Hamas, Hezbollah and other negative actors; The ongoing military operation will be detrimental not just for Israel’s own security but also regional stability; the risk of wider wars is also negatively impacting stated security objectives of our governments; Our governments have provided the Israeli military operation with public, diplomatic and military support; that this support has been given without real conditions or accountability; and that when faced with humanitarian catastrophe, our governments have failed to call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to blockages of necessary food/water/medicine in Gaza; Our governments’ current policies weaken their moral standing and undermine their ability to stand up for freedom, justice, and human rights globally and weaken our efforts to rally international support for Ukraine and to counter malign actions by Russia, China and Iran; and There is a plausible risk that our governments’ policies are contributing to grave violations of international humanitarian law, war crimes and even ethnic cleansing or genocide. We therefore call on our governments/institutions to: Stop asserting to the public that there is a strategic and defensible rationale behind the Israeli operation and that supporting it is in our countries’ interests; Hold Israel, like all actors, accountable to international humanitarian and human rights standards applied elsewhere and to forcefully respond to attacks against civilians, as we are doing in our support to the Ukrainian people; this includes demanding immediate and full implementation of the recent order of the International Court of Justice; Use all leverage available - including a halt to military support - to secure a lasting ceasefire and full humanitarian access in Gaza and a safe release of all hostages; and Develop a strategy for lasting peace that includes a secure Palestinian state and guarantees for Israel’s security, so that an attack like 7 October and an offensive on Gaza never happen again. Coordinated by civil servants in: European Union institutions and bodies The Netherlands United States Also endorsed by civil servants in: Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Italy Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom .

Over 800 Officials in U.S. and Europe Sign Letter Protesting Israel Policies, The document was signed by government employees in 12 nations and E.U. institutions. Signers say their leaders’ policies could be contributing to war crimes in Gaza.
February 2, 2024.

Ann's photo with sign UNRWA Save Lives at beginning of article . War on Gaza: Why is the West falling for Israel’s plan to destroy Unrwa?
February 1, 2024.

Ann Wright, one of five arrested at the Congressional hearing on Stopping funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in Gaza
January 30, 2024.

Ann Wright quoted in this article. Activists Disrupt Hearing on UNRWA 'Failures'
January 30, 2024.
Ann Wright, a retired army colonel State Department official, is one of the protesters seen being detained in the footage. She says: “The Biden administration is complicit in genocide. It is killing people just as the Israelis are. It’s our weapons. It’s our money, it’s our money that’s doing this.” ANN WRIGHT: It's starving-- starving people. It's people that have childbirth without anesthesia, kids that are having to have their limbs amputated because of Israeli attacks, horrible attacks that have killed 26,000 people, that have killed 10,000. OK. Don't hurt my arms. Don't hurt my arms. Don't hurt my arms. I'm 77 years old. I'm an army colonel. I'm a retired diplomat. And what the US is doing-- the Biden administration is part of the genocide. It's a genocide that the Biden administration is complicit in. The Biden administration is complicit in genocide. It is killing people just as the Israelis are. It's our weapons. It's our money. It's our money that's doing this. And the money for UNRWA is very important to keep people from starving to death after we're trying to kill them all. Two million people that are there, crammed into a tiny part of Gaza, and we're trying to kill them, starve them to death, and all of the people that need medical care, that need help, and they're not getting it. We're killing them. I interrupted this program that they're having, that the Congress has on UNRWA, an organization that is critical for Palestinian survival in Gaza, critical for that-- the health, the education, the medical care. Easy, easy, I really bruise. I bruise. Yeah. I've been to Gaza 10 different times. I've been there to see the destruction of earlier times when the Israelis were killing people. It's just terrible what's going on right now. 26,000 people that have been killed. 10,000 kids that have been killed. All of these people that are undergoing, you know, amputations with no medicine, anesthesia, nothing. And then the starving-- these kids that are starving to death, that there's no food, that they're not letting the food in. And then the Biden administration, I mean, we're giving them weapons. We're killing them with weapons. We're killing them with no food. .

Istagram of . Ann Wright Arrested in US Cutting off funding to UNWRA hearing
January 30, 2024.

CHINA, IRAN AND AND NORTH KOREA HAVE WARNED THE US ON THEIR RED LINES, Russia Warned Before The Attack On Ukraine. Will the Biden Administration Listen or Will We Have More Wars"Maybe Nuclear?
January 6, 2024.
Also in: LA Progressive https://www.laprogressive.com/war-and-peace/will-we-have-more-wars; World Beyond War: https://worldbeyondwar.org/russia-warned-before-attacking-ukraine-now-china-iran-and-north-korea-have-warned-the-u-s-on-their-red-lines/ Peace and Planet: https://peaceandplanetnews.org/russia-china-iran-and-north-korea-warned-the-u-s-on-their-red-lines/.

Cease-Fire Now! What I Said to the UN Security Council
December 28, 2023.

BIDEN IS TRUMP’S POODLE on Case of Journalist Julian Assange and Bogus Espionage Charges, with Covert Action graphics
December 22, 2023.

Ann Wright's article . BIDEN IS TRUMP’S POODLE On Case Of Journalist Julian Assange And Bogus Espionage Charges
Posted by Popular Resistance.
December 20, 2023.
See also: https://www.codepink.org/assangebiden23.

With Hearing Set, Time For Biden to Drop Assange Charges, Ann's article in Consortium News
December 19, 2023.
See also: https://www.codepink.org/assangebiden23.

Ann Wright is panelist on Japan Peace Council's webinar on crashes of the U.S. Marine aircraft Osprey, The Osprey is known as the Widow maker due to the number of crashes the aircraft has had
The webinar was translated into Japanese, but the slides of the first presenter has an English translation--a very good history of the dangerous Osprey aircraft..
December 19, 2023.

Col. Ann Wright Briefs U.S. Security Council on Threatsto Peace and Security, with video of presentation
December 12, 2023.

Ret. Col. Ann Wright Unmasks the Truth in Arms Transfer Debate, Codepink article
December 12, 2023.
CODEPINK Member and Ret. Col. Ann Wright Brings Call for Diplomacy to Security Council Debate Over Arms Transfers.

Ann Wright's 1 hour interview on Gaza with Independent Filmmaker Regis Tremblay, Genocide in Gaza, Freedom Flotillas, & The International Campaign to Save Gaza
December 3, 2023.
US Army and former State Department diplomat, returns with an update on the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Ann presents a different take on the outcome from other analysists. She insists Palestine must tell the world what its solution is and not America, the EU or others. She's a member of the International Campaign to save Gaza, https://savegazza.com/ the US Boats to Gaza https://usboatstogaza.org/ and the Freedom Flotilla Coaliltion https://freedomflotilla.org/2023/11/2... To get involved, you can donate here https://www.nonviolenceinternational.... To follow the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal https://www.nonviolenceinternational.... https://rumble.com/v3vhyka-merchants-....

30 minute Al Jazeera Arabic coverage of Palestine solidarity groups go to US Senate on December 1 when Israel resumes bombing of Gaza with US bombs
Ann Wright's interview begins at minute 21:00.
December 1, 2023.

Ann's acticle: Ships to Bring Medical, Food, Water and Other Relief Assistance to Gaza
November 26, 2023.

From soldier and diplomat to peace activist
November 21, 2023.
The Swarthmore College Peace Collection is now home to Colonel Ann Wright's papers, documenting her resignation from the State Department and years of peace activism..

Gaza, the Ghetto, Is this enough for “Genocide Joe,” the willing enabler of the Israeli criminal genocide on Palestinians in the Gaza “Ghetto”?
November 18, 2023.
Also posted at Popular Resistance -Gaza: The Ghetto https://popularresistance.org/gaza-the-ghetto/ and Progressive Hub: https://progressivehub.net/gaza-the-ghetto-has-genocide-joe-had-enough-yet/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=gaza-the-ghetto-has-genocide-joe-had-enough-yet.

US must stop giving Israel weapons to kill Palestinians: Ex-American colonel and diplomat , In Istanbul, Turkey newspaper
November 7, 2023.

US must stop giving Israel weapons to kill Palestinians: Ex-American colonel and diplomat, 'It's up to the US to really talk strongly to Israel and stop giving them weapons that are killing Palestinians,' says Mary Annette Wright
Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak.
November 7, 2023.

Turkish article quoting Ann Wright.
November 2, 2023.
Retired US colonel and diplomat Mary Ann Wright, who protested Blinken with bloody hands, spoke to Yeni Şafak: - "All criminal acts against Palestinians are the national policy of the United States" - "We plan to sail to Gaza to challenge the blockade".

Ann Wright arrested for saying "Ceasefire Now" in US Congressional Hearing with Blinken and Austin
Minute 3:15 - 4:10.
November 1, 2023.

14 Minutes of Disruption of Secretary of State Tony Blinken by 12 who were arrested, David Barrows, Medea Benjamin & Ann Wright were the first three arrested
October 31, 2023.

Ann Wright Arrested in the US Congress -Secretary of State Blinken was speaking
October 31, 2023.
Also on Democracy Now: https://www.democracynow.org/2023/11/1/headlines/antiwar_protesters_disrupt_blinken_and_austin_senate_hearings_to_call_for_ceasefire?utm_source=Democracy+Now%21&utm_campaign=4668e6d90f-Daily_Digest_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_fa2346a853-4668e6d90f-191645553.

Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Blinken’s US Senate testimony
October 31, 2023.
David Barrows, Medea Benjamin and Ann Wright (Minute :1:50) disrupt Secretary of State Antony Blinken at U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Gaza.

Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Blinken’s US Senate testimony
October 31, 2023.
4 minute video of 4 persons interrupting Biden: David Barrows, Ann Wright, Medea Benjamin.

Ann Wright's article . The US Government Is Complicit in the Genocide Taking Place Inside the Gaza Ghetto, In Commondreams.org
October 30, 2023.

Ann Wright Arrested in the US Congress -Secretary of State Blinken was speaking, Democracy Now coverage
October 30, 2023.

October 29, 2023.
Also posted in: https://progressivehub.net/costs-of-occupation-and-blockade-destruction-of-the-gaza-ghetto/ .

None of the 14 Navy Officers Named in Red Hill Toxic Fuel Spill Disaster Were Fired, Suspended, Had Pay Docked or Reduced in Rank
October 16, 2023.
Also posted in: Popular Resistance: https://popularresistance.org/none-of-the-officers-named-in-red-hill-toxic-fuel-spill-were-disciplined/ CODEPINK: https://www.codepink.org/redhillofficers.

Short Interview of Ann about her work to get a plaque for those killed on the USS Bowfin submarine's torpedoing of the Japanese cargo ship Tsushima maru
October 2, 2023.
Tsushima maru carried 1484 civilians who were leaving Okinawa ahead of the US invasion of the island. 800 were school children and only 60 survived. I thought the US should acknowledge the terrible costs of war and the deaths of innocent civilians, so I suggested to the museum that they put up a plaque as they eventually did!! My brief interview is at minute 5. .

Give Ala Wai Bridge Money to Maui, Hawai'i Disconnect: While Lahina Is Destroyed, Honolulu To Construct an Unnecessary $60 million Pedestrian Bridge
September 17, 2023.
Honolulu Star Advertiser posted on September 19- https://www.staradvertiser.com/2023/09/17/editorial/island-voices/column-give-ala-wai-bridge-money-to-maui/?HSA=7542a1edbb24ab533b5879a5016ea1ecd814e771 Popular Resistance posting - https://popularresistance.org/while-lahaina-is-destroyed-honolulu-to-construct-unnecessary-60-million-pedestrian-bridge/ CODEPINK posting:Hawaii Disconnect: While Lahaina Is Destroyed, Honolulu To Construct an Unnecessary $60 million Pedestrian Bridge.

“Repacking” of 3.5 miles of U.S. Military Red Hill Fuel Pipes in Hawaii Begins
September 5, 2023.

US Military Now Has Capacity in Hawaii and Australia To Store Red Hill Fuel , “Repacking” of 3.5 miles of U.S. Military Red Hill Fuel Pipes in Hawaii Begins with October 16, 2023 as the Target Date to Begin “Defueling” the Dangerous Underground Tanks
September 3, 2023.
Also posted on AntiWar.com- https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2023/09/03/us-military-must-remove-fuel-from-massive-red-hill-underground-fuel-tanks/.

Interview "The US war on Iraq Made Me a Peace Activist", 30 minute interview with Belgium activist Lode Vanoost
August 30, 2023.
Former US Colonel Ann Wright: “The 2003 Iraq War Made Me a Peace Activist” Former US colonel and diplomat Ann Wright explains why she resigned from her government position in protest against the illegal murderous invasion of Iraq based on falsehoods widely spread by the media. She has strong views on US policy towards Russia, China, Taiwan, North Korea and Iran. She comments on disaster capitalism after the deadly wildfires in her home state of Hawaii. Klik op de tijdcodes voor onderdelen van het gesprek: 00:00 " Intro 01:03 " Wie is voormalig kolonel en diplomaat Ann Wright? 03:58 " Waarom Ann ontslag nam: Irak, Patriot Act, Palestina, Noord-Korea, Iran… 05:28 " Neen aan Russische invasie, neen aan NAVO-uitbreiding naar het oosten 09:39 " China is de gekozen vijand, niet omwille van een veronderstelde ‘dreiging’ 17:01 " Mainstream media zijn actieve uitdragers VS-oorlogsargumenten 23:13 " Commentaar bij oorzaken dodelijke bosbranden op Hawaii waar Ann woont 28:43 " Beste volgers, dank voor uw steun! Also on You-Tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJHZF3R4Pms.

Interview of Ann Wright on Dialogue Works with Interviewer Nima Rostami Alkhorshid
August 28, 2023.
55 minute interview on Russia, Ukraine and China.

Ann Wright speaking on KPFA Pacifica on Women's Magazine with Margo Okazawa-Rey , Resisting US Bases and Domination
Ann Wright Speaks at Minute 21:00.
August 28, 2023.
Thanks to programming by Women Rising Radio, titled Resisting US Bases and Domination, in this first segment, you will hear long-time anti-US military activists Corazon Valdez Fabros, Victoire Ingabire, Margaret Kimberley, Berta Oliva Nativi, and Ann Wright discuss the specific ways people in Honduras, Philippines, Hawaii, Rwanda are affected. You will also learn about the newest US military command center in Africa called AfriCom. In the second segment you will get a chance to hear about Black Barbie from Fran Beal, longtime Oakland feminist activist struggling for liberation of oppresses folks everywhere and founding member of Third World Women's Alliance. Yes, folks, you heard it right. Our own Fran Beal talking about Black Barbie. .

Ann Wright as Moderator on RISING DANGER OF WAR IN ASIA-PACIFIC: US V. CHINA AND NORTH KOREA?, Workshop webinar at the 2023 Veterans For Peace 2023 national convention
August 26, 2023.
WORKSHOP: RISING DANGER OF WAR IN ASIA-PACIFIC: US V. CHINA AND NORTH KOREA? ​Presenters: Ann Wright · K.J. Noh · Simone Chun · Peter Kuznick This is a webinar that was presented on August 26, 2023, at the Veterans For Peace (VFP) National Convention. The webinar was jointly sponsored by the VFP Nuclear Abolition Working Group, the VFP China Working Group. and the VFP Korea Peace Campaign. Moderator: Col. Ann Wright (US Army, retired). Panelists: K.J. Noh, Simone Chun, & Peter Kuznick. ABOUT THE WEBINAR: Numerous US intelligence analysts, diplomats, officials, and military generals have described China as an existential threat, and the 2022 National Defense Strategy, or NDS, places a primary focus on the need to “sustain and strengthen U.S. deterrence against China." Sixty percent of US naval power is now stationed around China, while US and allied military bases surrounding China prepare for a war to "contain" China's peaceful economic rise. In the meantime, tensions on the Korean Peninsula are escalating. The "Washington Declaration" from the Biden-Yoon summit in April openly threatened that the US "will further enhance the regular visibility of strategic assets to the Korean Peninsula," including an "upcoming visit of a US nuclear ballistic missile submarine to the ROK." What are the risks of war, even nuclear war, as US elites push our world towards a global war in Asia? Four experts will discuss the situation and the dangers involved..

Ukraine is entrapped in Biden's foreign policy w/ Medea Benjamin & Ann Wright, 24 minute interview on The Barricade with interviewer Boyan Stanislavski
August 24, 2023.
This is the second part of Boyan Stanislavski's interview with Medea Benjamin and Ann Wright, two American peace activists and authors who oppose Ukraine's ongoing war. While they strongly condemn the Western imperialist approach, they also disapprove of Russia for invading their neighboring country. This section of the discussion focuses on how the war plays out in domestic American politics, how dangerously close nuclear doom is, and who is opposing it in the US..

Ann Wright interviewed on CODEPINK radio with Medea Benjamin, Jodie Evans, Peter Kuznick and Marcy Winograd, Ukraine, AUKUS, China & Nukes
August 23, 2023.
CODEPINK Radio producer Marcy Winograd hosts a round table with CODEPINK Co-founders Medea Benjamin and Jodie Evans, as well as former diplomat and CODEPINK activist Ann Wright to challenge US war plans vis a vis Ukraine and China. During the second half of the program, American University professor Peter Kuznick reviews the movie Oppenheimer to pull back the curtain on the lies the Pentagon told us. .

Ann is panelist for the documentary "Truth Lost At Sea" about the 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla in which Israeli commandos killed 9 unarmed passengers on the Mavi Marmara ship, Voices of the Holy Land Video Salon
August 20, 2023.
August 20, 2023 - Q&A discussion on The Truth: LOST at SEA with panelists Rifat Audeh - director, producer, activist, survivor of 2010 Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Ann Wright - US Army Colonel (ret.); US diplomat; 2010, ‘15, ’16, ‘23 Gaza Freedom Flotillas; 2018, ‘23 ground crew, Awni Farhat - Gaza activist; 2018, ‘23 Gaza Freedom Flotilla participant, and Alex McDonald (moderator) - author, educator, activist; 2018, ‘23 Gaza Freedom Flotilla participant. This event was Co-Sponsored by the Freedom Flotilla Coalition..

Resisting US Military Bases and US Domination
Women Rising Radio's Lynn Feinerman interviews Ann Wright, This entry was posted in Ann Wright, Berta Oliva Nativi, Corazon Valdez Fabros, Margaret Kimberley, Victoire Ingabire.
August 18, 2023.
Across the world, the United States has over 800 military bases, lily pads, installations, whatever you want to call them. And resistance to US military presence is growing. We speak with leaders spearheading movements to rein in and stop US military expansion..

Korea Peace Conference Urges End to Longest War in U.S. History, Covert Action coverage of the George Washington University July 28, 2023 conference
August 15, 2023.
I was honored to be a speaker at this conference. Extensive, comprehensive and excellent article about the Korean Peace Conference held at George Washington University as a part of the National Mobilization for Peace on Korean Peninsula July 26-28. Lots of information about speakers and what they said at the conference with photos of the history of the Korean peninsula: Women Cross DMZ Executive Director Christine Ahn , Harvard Surgeon Dr. Koo Kim, Korean War Historican Dr. Bruce Cumings, Nuclear Scientist & former director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Dr. Siegfried, DPRK Program Director at the American Friends Service Committee Jennifer Deibert Coalition of Families of Korean & Cold War POW/MIAs Rick Downes Divided family member Joy Gebhard Former Deputy Commander of the Pacific Command Retired Lieutenant General Dan Leaf Retired US Army Colonel and US Diplomat Ann Wright Northwestern Professor of Asia American History Ji-Yeon Yuh Director of policy and organizing for Women Cross DMZ Cathi Choi.

Col (Ret) Ann Wright speaks at “The Intersection of Climate and Nuclear Weapons.” , "Anti-nuke training takes place in Poulsbo"
August 10, 2023.
On Aug. 5, Ground Zero held a daylong schedule of events, including speakers, such as retired U.S. Army Col. Ann Wright and discussion panels such as “The Intersection of Climate and Nuclear Weapons.” The group also planned another protest at the Bangor Trident Submarine Base Gate, which it does a few times every year. .

Interview of Ann Wright by Chris Bricker of KPTZ, Port Townsend, Washington Radio, Port Townsend, Washington
August 6, 2023.

Ann Wright's 1 hour video presentation for Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action annual event to prevent nuclear war, Commemoration of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
Ground Zero is near the US Nuclear Submarine Base at Bangor, Washington with 8 nuclear weapons submarines and over 1100 nuclear weapons stored there.
August 5, 2023.
Review of peace actions and events: VFP Golden Rule historic, anti-nuclear sailboat voyage; International Summit on Peace For Ukraine, Vienna, Austria; Global Women For Peace Against NATO, NO to NATO, Brussels, Belgium; Conference on Irish Neutrality, Dublin, Ireland; Gaza Freedom Flotilla, Liverpool, UK; Commemoration of Anti-Nuke campaigner Daniel Ellsberg, Washington, DC; National Mobilization for Peace on Korean Peninsula, Washington, DC .

Ann Wright quoted in Why Swedish Love for the US Turned Deadly by Eleanor Goldfield
August 4, 2023.
Among the future aims of NATO with regards to Sweden, there are many reasons why Swedes would want to run as fast as they could from a NATO membership. As of 2022, Sweden spends roughly 1.3 percent of its GDP on military expenditure, some $7.7 billion. NATO demands that member states spend 2 percent of GDP on so-called defense. That’s a massive boost to military spending for our little country. And as peace activist and former US Army Colonel Ann Wright pointed out in a recent interview on the Project Censored Show:Global Women for Peace United Against NATO Conference. https://www.projectcensored.org/police-accountability-global-women-for-peace-united-against-nato-conference/.

Australians Oppose Massive War Maneuvers, Talisman Sabre, AUKUS, and NATO Involvement in the Pacific
August 3, 2023.
With links to 2 webinars on Talisman Sabre. .

Ann Speaking at A Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg's Legacy , National Press Club, Washington, DC
July 30, 2023.
Tribute · Patricia Ellsberg, Dan’s comments on Whistleblowers as his tribe · Caity Johnstone Video, Thank You for Your Service Speakers: Diane Pearlman, John Henry, Peter Kuznick, John Kiriakou, Medea Benjamin, Ann Wright .

Ann Wright a speaker at Dan Ellsberg Legacy Tribute at Whistleblowers Summit, Dan Ellsberg Honored at Whistleblowers Summit, article by Jeremy Kuzmarov in Covert Action
July 30, 2023.
WOW! GREAT ARTICLE WITH SUPER PHOTOS by Jeremy Kuzmarov in Covert Action about the Legacy Tribute to Daniel Ellsberg at the Whistleblowers conference at the National Press Club on July 30, 2023. Speakers included John Kiriakou, Medea Benjamin Ann Wright, Peter Kuznik, Diane Pearlman, John Henry and video presentations by Dan's wife Patricia, Richard Falk, Caitlin Johnstone, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Christian Appy..and lots of historical materials and links! An excellent article!!! .

Knives Back Out for Peace Activists in Korea
Posted by Consortium News.
July 26, 2023.

Ann Wright interviewed on Ending the Korea War, This week marks 70 years of the Korean War Armistice--the War Has Never Ended
CODEPINK Radio Interview of Ann begins at Minute 9.
July 26, 2023.

Global Women for Peace United Against NATO Challenge NATO’s War Policies
July 24, 2023.

Ann's interview begina at Minute 34:30.
July 24, 2023.
In the second segment of the program, activist and retired US Army Colonel and former US diplomat Ann Wright discusses the recent Global Women for Peace United Against NATO conference in Brussels and all forms and iterations of Western imperialism. She outlines the stealthy manner in which war is promoted and the myriad ways that even military exercises cause irreversible damage to people and places. n the first half of the program, host Eleanor Goldfield speaks with investigative reporters Taya Graham and Stephen Janis. They talk about police accountability " or the lack thereof. From widespread corruption and theft to oppression and murder, police exist to sustain and protect inequality. Taya and Stephen share insights and stories from their investigations as well as tips on how to respond during an encounter with police. .

Ann Wright speaking on a Pacific Peace Network webinar on Talisman Sabre, AUKUS and NATO !!!
July 22, 2023.
Speakers were: Liz Remmerswaal (Moderator.) (New Zealand) US Army Colonel (Ret) Ann Wright (US) Moneaka Flores (Guam) Dr Michelle Maloney (Australia) Hon. Matt Robson (New Zealand) .

Peace & Planet. Women Cross DMZ and Ann Wright Shoot Back at Newsweek HIT Job
July 17, 2023.

1 hour interview with Ann Wright on her military and State Dept work and turning to peace actions after her resignation, Pippa Bartolotti is the excellent interviewer
July 17, 2023.

July 16, 2023.
The weekend before the NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, Global Women for Peace United against NATO representing women in 35 countries met July 6-9, 2023 for three days of peace discussions in Brussels, Belgium..

Women and Feminism have been Co-opted by NATO & the Military Industrial Complex with "Girl-washing"
July 14, 2023.

Impressions from a Visit to Western Ukraine
July 4, 2023.
After leaving the very successful International Summit for Peace in Ukraine that took place on June 10-11 in Vienna, with representatives from 32 countries participating, Medea Benjamin and I decided to travel to Ukraine. The article has our impressions in the short 3 day visit to Lviv, Ukraine in Western Ukraine..

July, 2023.
Also posted in: https://www.codepink.org/korea23 https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2023/07/23/knives-are-out-again-for-those-advocating-for-peace-on-the-korean-peninsula/.

Ann Wright Speaking on the Importance of Irish Neutrality in Dublin, Ireland, At the Invitation of Irish Members of the European Parliament Clare Daly & Mick Wallace
June 30, 2023.

Ann Wright quoted in Honolulu Star Advertiser article:, Marine Corps transition continues with new drones at Kaneohe base
June 26, 2023.
The Reapers’ arrival in Hawaii hasn’t been without controversy. During the 2021 drone exercise, local activists demonstrated outside the Marines’ Kaneohe base with signs that read, “No Reapers!” and “Drones Kill Kids.” One of them was Ann Wright, a retired Army officer and diplomat who became an outspoken critic of the U.S. military. Wright told the Honolulu Star-Advertiser that “now Hawaii-based young men and women who operate killer drones will have the same long-term traumatic stress as operators from other U.S. drone bases who killed innocent civilians, as has been the history of drone operators who have killed wedding parties, funeral processions and kids meeting their parents in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Mali, Syria.” .

CEASEFIRE IN THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR WILL TAKE MUCH LONGER THAN WE WANT, Covert Action posting of the article-with lots of historic photos!
June 14, 2023.
Posting of article in other media: POPULAR RESISTANCE: https://popularresistance.org/ceasefire-in-the-russia-ukraine-war-will-take-much-longer-than-we-want/; CODEPINK: https://www.codepink.org/ceasefireholdup.

CEASEFIRE IN THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR WILL TAKE MUCH LONGER THAN WE WANT, Covert Action posting of the article-with lots of historic photos!
June 14, 2023.
Posting of article in other media: POPULAR RESISTANCE: https://popularresistance.org/ceasefire-in-the-russia-ukraine-war-will-take-much-longer-than-we-want/; CODEPINK: https://www.codepink.org/ceasefireholdup.

Ann Wright with Medea Benjamin speaking on CODEPINK radio on the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine
June 13, 2023.
Episode 200: Debrief: International Summit for Peace in Ukraine & a Journalist's Visit to Crimea: In this episode, CODEPINK's Marcy Winograd debriefs the International Summit for Peace in Ukraine with CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin and former State Department diplomat Ann Wright. Both women participated in the peace summit, held in Vienna, Austria, June 10-11th, to mobilize peace activists from 32 countries to echo the call of the Global South for a ceasefire in Ukraine. During the second half of the program, journalist and human rights lawyer Dan Kovalik shares his insights after a recent visit to Moscow-- and Crimea, a peninsula on the Black Sea, home to ethnic Russians and Russia's naval fleet..

Ann Wright's speech on Necessity of Ceasefires & Negotiations and Stopping the Killing, At the International Summit on Peace in Ukraine
June 10, 2023.

CODEPINK's posting with photo from NYC drone protest. Why There Should Be A Treaty Against the Use of Weaponized Drones
June 5, 2023.
Also posted on: CODEPINK: https://medium.com/@codepink/why-there-should-be-a-treaty-against-the-use-of-weaponized-drones-422de38aeb05 ; Plymouth Institute for Peace Research: http://www.pipr.co.uk/why-there-should-be-a-treaty-against-the-use-of-weaponized-drones/ ; .

June 1, 2023.
Also published in: Commondreams: https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/support-treaty-against-weaponized-drones Z-Net: https://znetwork.org/znetarticle/why-there-should-be-a-treaty-against-the-use-of-weaponized-drones/ Anti-war.com: https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2023/06/03/why-there-should-be-a-treaty-against-the-use-of-weaponized-drones/ World Beyond War: https://worldbeyondwar.org/why-there-should-be-a-treaty-against-the-use-of-weaponized-drones/ Dissent Voice: https://dissidentvoice.org/2023/06/why-there-should-be-a-treaty-against-the-use-of-weaponized-drones/ Pax Christi: https://paxchristiusa.org/2023/06/05/time-for-a-treaty-against-the-use-of-weaponized-drones/.

Webinar with Ann Wright: US Militarism & War Games in the Pacific
May 4, 2023.

Ann Wright & Rick Sterling speaking on their 2016 trip to Crimea, as a part of the Peace in Ukraine webinar series
March 29, 2023.
Ann wanted to share her 2016 article, "Russians Ask, "Why do You Demonize Us When We are So Much Like You?" https://ccisf.org/russians-ask-demonize-us-much-like/ Rick Sterling also wrote about their visit, sponsored by the Center for Citizens' Initiatives. Here's his 2016 article, "Is it True that "Russia is Aggressive?" https://www.counterpunch.org/2016/07/15/is-it-true-that-russia-is-aggressive/.

Ann Wright interviewed by China Media Group on the 20th Anniversary of Her Resignation from the State Dept in opposition to the US War on Iraq
5 minute interview.
March 20, 2023.
China Media Group wrote "We published a video on at least 5 platforms and received more than 13 million views.In the comments section, some people are worried about your safety: "be safe, beware of being killed", "In fact, in the United States, there are still many officials who have a conscience, at least in their heart. It's just that they were in their place and had to govern, and they didn't speak openly until they were old and retired. This is not easy enough. We understand that many problems are at the national level, and it is not just a few individuals who can make a difference." Some people also shared their thoughts on the war because of your sharing: "The United States is always hungry, always trying to drain the blood of the world. When the entire class of countries from top to bottom seriously consider the harm caused by the leadership of the United States, it is the collapse of the foundation of the American order"..

Ann, Medea, Samantha, Maya & Greg arrested at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as Secretary of State Blinken gave warmongering testimony
March 20, 2023.

We Are Out of Jail-Ann, Medea, Samantha, Maya & Greg
March 20, 2023.

Ann Wright's letter of resignation from the US government 20 years ago is featured in this article , The Beginning Of The Iraq War: March 19, 2003
March 19, 2023.

Don’t Let the Media Cheerlead Us into More Wars Like It Did in Iraq, No one wins when diplomacy is shot dead by military actions. Keep talking instead of shooting
March 18, 2023.
Also posted at: https://peaceandplanetnews.org/dont-let-the-media-cheerlead/ ; https://popularresistance.org/dont-let-the-media-cheerlead-us-into-more-wars-like-it-did-in-iraq/.

Ann Wright Speaking at the March 18 Stop the Wars National Rally in Washington, DC
March 18, 2023.
March 18 Stop the Wars Rally in Washington, DC Voices from the Pacific: Moneaka Flores-Guam 2:54:00; Ann Wright-Hawaii-No More Wars 3:16:00 Mikey Inouye -Shut Down Red Hill Water Contamination in Hawaii 3:17:00 .

Military remains too quiet about plans for Red Hill future , OPED by Ann Wright n the Honolulu Star Advertiser
March 14, 2023.

March 10, 2023.
Also with title The U.S. Military Seems to Think Poisoning Hawaiians Is Worth It (The “It” Is, Of Course, War With China): https://worldbeyondwar.org/the-u-s-military-seems-to-think-poisoning-hawaiians-is-worth-it-the-it-is-of-course-war-with-china/.

Antiwar protests, US provocations on Russia & China, Danger of Nuclear War
March 1, 2023.
Col. Ann Wright (ret), former US diplomat and peace activist, in a discussion about the peace rallies in the US; US provocations of both Russia and China; the danger of a nuclear Armageddon..

Ann Wright speaking on panel: NATO's Geostrategic Interests Towards China
Ann gives overview of US & NATO in the Western Pacific and NE Asia.
March, 2023.
Sponsored by No to NATO Network and the Asia Europe People’s Forum.

Ann speaking at the "Rage Against the War Machine" rally, Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC
February 19, 2023.
Links to all the speakers, including Chris Hedges, David Swanson and 4 previous presidential candidates. https://rageagainstwar.com/speeches/.

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Podcast with Ann Wright & Medea Benjamin
February 15, 2023.
THINK TANK - HAWAII Aloha SustAINAbility in Hawai'i host Joshua Cooper who interviews Ann Wright and Medea Benjamin about peace efforts as a part of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide 17 Global Goals to accomplish and actualize the 2030 Agenda. UN SDG 16 promotes peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development through guaranteeing dignity on the ground for good. Peace and justice build effective engagement and innovative institutions. Global Goal 16 creates conditions for a people-centered governance on the ground building and pleading for global peace. SDG 16 promotes the rule of law at the national and international level ensuring equal access to justice for all. .

Colonel Ann Wright speaking at Pearl Harbor with Katie Halper on On Ukraine, NATO and Pearl Harbor
36 minute video interview.
February 10, 2023.

, Retired Colonel Ann Wright On Ukraine, NATO and Pearl Harbor on the Katie Halper show
February 1, 2023.

, PODCAST: On Ukraine: Ann Wright & Medea Benjamin
February, 2023.
PODCAST: UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE--Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK co-founder and co-author of War In Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, and Ann Wright, a CODEPINK member, retired Army colonel, and former State Department diplomat, join "Unauthorized Disclosure" hosts Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola to discuss the high stakes of a protracted conflict in Ukraine. Initially, President Joe Biden said the United States would not ship tank to Ukraine. That line was crossed, and now Ukraine would like fighter jets. Both Medea and Ann address the issue of escalating with more and more weapons and military equipment and crossing red lines that are drawn by officials. Medea draws from her experience in antiwar organizing to share how difficult it has been to advocate for a diplomatic settlement and mobilize Americans to oppose fueling this war. Later in the conversation, Ann, who lives in Hawaii, responds to the prevalent idea that the conflict in Ukraine against Russia has been a test run for a war over Taiwan against China. Hawaii is a US military launchpad for Asia-Pacific exercises and actions intended to curtail China's influence in the region. .

Time for the Navy to Come Clean on Red Hill AFFF/PFAS spill
December 23, 2022.
Republished from the Star Advertiser OPED.

Ann Wright's OPED in the Honolulu Star Advertiser . Amid community outrage, Navy must release toxic-foam video
December 22, 2022.

HEY NAVY, WHAT'S UNDER THE BLUE TARP??, Amid community outrage, Navy must release toxic-foam video
December 22, 2022.

Ann Wright speaking on webinar "US AFRICOM & NATO OUT OF AFRICA", WEBINAR sponsored by WILFP & CODEPINK: Women for Peace
December 20, 2022.
Ann Wright's powerpoint for the webinar is here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v9TUFM0omFDe52wP3MHjWZU9kDaYByxL/edit#slide=id.p1.

CONTROVERSY OVER ACTIVIST’S AWARD REFLECTS THE CHALLENGES OF BRINGING PEACE TO KOREA, Being A Peace Activist Is Difficult In The Best Of Circumstances But Advocating For Peace In One Of The Hot Spots Of International Crisis Comes With Allegations Of Being An Apologist " And Worse.
Also posted by CODEPINK: https://www.codepink.org/peacetokorea.
December 17, 2022.

December 17, 2022.
Also posted by CODEPINK: https://www.codepink.org/peacetokorea And on Hawaii Public Radio: https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/the-conversation/2022-12-27/activist-hopes-for-peaceful-end-to-70-year-conflict-between-north-and-south-korea.

One Year After 19,000 Gallons of Navy Jet Fuel Spewed into Honolulu’s Aquifer, 13,000 Gallons of the Navy’s Dangerous PFAS Fire Fighting Foam Leaked into the Ground at Red Hill
December 13, 2022.

December 10, 2022.
One Year After 19,000 Gallons Of Navy Jet Fuel Spewed Into Honolulu’s Aquifer, 1,300 Gallons Of The Navy’s Dangerous PFAS Fire Fighting Foam Leaked Into The Ground At Red Hill. On the First Anniversary of the Massive Jet Fuel Leak from Red Hill, 103 million gallons of Jet fuel Remain in the Underground Tanks Only 100 Feet Above Honolulu’s Aquifer, Sickened Military and Civilian Families Poisoned by the Navy’s Jet Fuel Still have Difficulties Obtaining Medical Help..

November 22, 2022.
Margaret Flowers of Popular Resistance and Clearing the Fog interviewed Ann Wright on the plans for the 2023 Gaza Freedom Flotilla to challenge the illegal Israeli naval blockade of Gaza.

November 16, 2022.
Also posted in Anti-war.com. https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2022/11/14/gaza-freedom-flotilla-to-sail-in-2023-to-challenge-the-illegal-immoral-and-inhuman-israeli-blockade-of-gaza/.

Military Families Felt Ill Before November 2021 Red Hill Leak..and Here's Why, Alarm Bells Should Have Been Ringing At The Navy And The Hawai’i Department Of Health Six Months Prior To The 19,000 Gallon Spew Of Jet Fuel
October 15, 2022.
Article also featured at: https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2022/10/17/many-military-and-civilian-families-in-hawaii-felt-ill-prior-to-the-november-2021-red-hill-leak-and-heres-why/.

October 3, 2022.
Also posted in AntiWar.com. https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2022/10/03/us-military-massive-public-relations-machine-unable-to-dig-navy-out-of-the-red-hill-jet-fuel-contamination-hole/.

Ann Wright moderating panel "Peace Warriors from the Korean War", National online 2022 Veterans For Peace national convention
September 25, 2022.
2 Korean War Veterans members of VFP spoke while family/friends of two VFP members who have passed..

Ann Wright speaking about Costa Rica and film A Bold Peace, Sponsored by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
Resources relating to the event and film : https://www.foreignpolicy.ca/boldpeace.
September 25, 2022.

Col. Ann Wright quoted:. Congress quietly debates new sea-based nuclear weapons amid China tensions
September 6, 2022.
Ann Wright, a former (retired) Army officer and diplomat turned-activist based in Hawaii, said “U.S. nuclear submarines have so many nuclear weapons on their ballistic missiles that any more nuclear weapons is unnecessary.” She added, “The probability of accidental or mistaken discharge of nuclear weapons increases with each delivery system. As the world already could be destroyed with nuclear weapons from submarines, there is no reasonable rationale for nuclear weapons onboard surface ships.” In the interview, I said there was no rationale for ANY nuclear weapons but they left that out..

Ann Wright discusses documentary "Crossings" with director Deann Liem, at national Veterans For Peace convention
"Crossings" documents the 2015 trip of 30 international women to North Korea, crossing the DMZ to South Korea with Women Cross DMZ .
August 28, 2022.

Link to video of Ann Wright discussing documentary "Crossings" with director Deann Liem
August 28, 2022.
Link to video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TePMXmOxgwk Ann Wright discusses documentary "Crossings" with director Deann Liem, at national Veterans For Peace convention "Crossings" documents the 2015 trip of 30 international women to North Korea, crossing the DMZ to South Korea with Women Cross DMZ . August 28, 2022. https://www.mufilms.org/films/crossings/..

USS Bowfin Submarine Museum Acknowledges Sinking of Ship Causing Deaths of 780 children in World War II
August 21, 2022.
An article in the Okinawa newspaper about my efforts to get a plaque in the USS Bowfin museum at Pearl Harbor about the deaths 1,661 passengers and crew died including 780 of the schoolchildren when the USS Bowfin torpedoed the Tsushima Maru, the ship that was taking them away from the impending Battle of Okinawa during World War II. Just 59 young boys and girls survived. The crew of the Bowfin did not know there were civilians onboard the ship..

Ann Wright quoted in San Francisco Chronicle article. Nancy Pelosi’s Planned Trip to Taiwan Enrages SF Anti-War Activists
August 2, 2022.

Ann Wright speaking in San Francisco Rally for Nancy Pelosi NOT to go to Taiwan, Ann speaks on RIMPAC at minute 1:55
August, 2022.

Ann's OPED in Honolulu Star Advertiser . Military chooses slow, most expensive solution for Red Hill
July 28, 2022.

Ann Wright's article. NO to NATO in Madrid, NATO’S Summit in Madrid and Lessons of War at the City’s Museums
Peace & Planet newspaper, Spring 2022.
July 15, 2022.

Video Hidden by US Navy for 6 Months Shows 34 Hours of Spewing Jet Fuel
July 9, 2022.
An estimated 20,000 gallons were leaked in the Red Hill tunnel in Hawaii. This whole catastrophe has put the community's trust of the Navy in the toilet. Other postings at : https://popularresistance.org/red-hill-navy-hid-video-of-20000-gallons-of-jet-fuel-spewing/; https://consortiumnews.com/2022/07/11/hidden-video-shows-us-navy-jet-fuel-spewing-in-hawaii/.

Ann Wright's article. Amid War in Ukraine: Intl Peace Coalition’s ‘NO to NATO’
July 8, 2022.
Including video clips from the NO to NATO conference and the March through Madrid.

Ann Wright's article:. NO TO NATO IN MADRID, NATO’S Summit In Madrid And Lessons Of War At The City’s Museums
July 6, 2022.

Article about Peace Activist Ann Wright, Matsunaga Peace Institute July Peace Journal
July 1, 2022.

Civil society opposition to U.S. militarization of the Pacific is growing..
June 29, 2022.

Webinar-RIMPAC, NATO versus a Peaceful Asia Pacific
Ann Wright speaks from Madrid, Spain at the NO to NATO conference.
June 29, 2022.
RIMPAC, NATO versus a Peaceful Asia Pacific Sponsored by Asia Europe People's Forum AEPF Given the rising possibility of global war, the panelists will analyse and oppose the largest military exercises on the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC), as well as lay out the implications of participation in NATO. Speakers: Ann Wright, Hawaii Peace & Justice Katerina Anastaciou, Transform Europe Anu Chenoy, AEPF Walter Baier, Vienna Walden Bello, Focus on the Global.

Ann Wright speaks on NATO in the Pacific, her segment begins at minute 29
June 21, 2022.

Largest Ever US & NATO Naval War Drills in Pacific a Threat to Both Peace and Marine Life
June 20, 2022.
Military posturing in the Asia-Pacific also risks nuclear war and the potential extinction of the human species. Military responses to perceived national security issues by any of the countries in the region whether it be North Korea, China, Russia or the United States will be disastrous for peoples over the entire planet.We citizens must not let our governments continue confrontation instead of dialogue to resolve national security issues. The lives of people around the world are at stake. We must not let those who make money and political status out of war win...AGAIN...and start another horrific war for "peace." .

Ann Wright speaking on "The US and NATO's "Pivot to Asia" and Other Threats to Peace
June 20, 2022.
Portland's peace and justice works Col. Ann Wright, a former Army officer and state department official who quit her job in protest of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, spoke on a livestream on Monday, June 20 2022. In addition to addressing the United States' military shift from the "Middle East" to the western Pacific (particularly China and Korea), and the ongoing neglect of Hawai'i (the 50th state) and the US military bases there, Col. Wright addressed other issues related to US foreign and domestic policy. These include Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, the environmental impact of militarism, and of course, the US invasion and occupation of Iraq..

June 18, 2022.

June 6, 2022.
Commondreams also posted the article Emptying the Navy's Red Hill Jet Fuel Tanks in Honolulu Should Take 27 Days"Not Two Years https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/06/06/emptying-navys-red-hill-jet-fuel-tanks-honolulu-should-take-27-days-not-two-years.

Ann Wright's article. Pledging Allegiance to the Gun-Loving Insanity of the United States
May 31, 2022.
It is time to end the allegiance of too many in our country to guns and violence and to begin to walk a path towards common sense solutions..

Does America stand for sanity, or allegiance to guns?
May 31, 2022.
Ann Wright's OPED in the Honolulu Star Advertiser.

Does America Stand for Guns or Sanity?
Popular Resistance post with graphics and photos.
May 31, 2022.

Ann Wright's Keynote Speech on 2022 Alternative Memorial Day, For the Orange County North Carolina Peace Coalition
May 30, 2022.
Ann's talk begins at 17:28 with an introduction by Veterans For Peace member Doug Ryder.

Ann Wright's Presentation on the US Military in the Pacific at the VII SYMPOSIUM ON THE ABOLITION OF FOREIGN MILITARY BASES, Held in Guantanamo, Cuba
May 23, 2022.

Declaration of the VII Symposium on the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases, May 4-6, 2022. Guantanamo, Cuba
May 23, 2022.

Ann Wright quoted extensively in . Is It Time For Hawaii To Renegotiate Its Relationship With The Military?
The Red Hill water contamination crisis has prompted outrage, even among those who have traditionally supported the military..
May 23, 2022.
Excellent article in Civil Beat by Christina Jedra.

April 29, 2022.

April 15, 2022.

March 25, 2022.
Also posted in: https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2022/03/24/1-1-billion-and-counting-for-us-navys-obstinance-in-shutting-down-dangerous-leaking-red-hill-jet-fuel-tanks-in-honolulu/ https://www.opednews.com/articles/1-1-BILLION-and-Counting-by-Ann-Wright-Military_Military-Pollution_Navy-220324-237.html.

Navy Decisions on Red Hill Jet Fuel Tanks Very Costly to Military Families, Taxpayers, and Hawaii's Environment
March 25, 2022.

Four Hawai’i State Legislators Declare ‘Over-Militarization’ To Be a Threat to the Security of Hawai’i and the International Community
March 23, 2022.

Video and Transcript .
March 17, 2022.
Ann Wright was a speaker in the Global Day of Action for Peace in Ukraine on March 6, 2022, othe Speakers Sevim Dağdelen, member of Germany’s federal parliament, where she serves on the Foreign Affairs Committee and as the spokesperson for International Policy and Disarmament for the Left Party (Die Linke); Bill Fletcher Jr., former president of TransAfrica Forum and a senior scholar with the Institute for Policy Studies; Katrina vanden Heuvel, editorial director and publisher of The Nation magazine, columnist for The Washington Post, and president of the American Committee for US-Russia Accord. .

Colonel Ann Wright and Author David Cortright speaking at War Remnents Museum in Ho Chi MInh City
March 16, 2022.
Col Ann Wright conversing with David Cortright in March 2018 during the Veterans For Peace trip to Viet Nam for the 50th commemoration of My Lai. Conversation was at the War Remnents museum in Ho Chi Minh City at the opening of photo exhibition of "Soldiers Against War." David Cortright is an American scholar, peace activist and author of Soldiers in Revolt. He is Director of Policy Studies at the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame .

I Resigned My Diplomatic Post Over the US Invasion of Iraq. Will Any Russian Diplomats Do the Same?
March 14, 2022.

March 14, 2022.
And also in OPED NEWS https://bit.ly/3CGbMYe and Peace & Planet https://peaceandplanetnews.org/resigned-diplomatic-post/.

The Russian People Are Not the Russian Government, Activists Remind Us
March 12, 2022.
Ann Wright quoted extensively and her article "Russians Say, Don't Hate Us for What Our Government Does".

March 9, 2022.
Also in Anti-War.com https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2022/03/09/hawaii-citizen-groups-wary-of-us-militarys-sudden-decision-to-drain-and-permanently-close-leaking-red-hill-jet-fuel-tanks/?fbclid=IwAR0et0bjasF4iBQO9YUq2mA98n6VlhOawUTtrHIrLUxN7_9zf7yohSZUbFE.

March 8, 2022.
As a U.S. diplomat who resigned from the U.S. government in 2003 in opposition to Bush’s war on Iraq, I hoped at the time that all Americans would not be vilified by the world for the actions of the Bush administration. As hard as it might be for some, I plead that we not vilify Russians for the actions of their political leaders. I hope that we can be as generous to peace-seeking Russians as the world was to anti-war Americans. I have visited Russia twice in the past six years and I know the Russians I spoke with, and I would guess that most Russians, do not want war and object to Putin’s war on Ukraine..

Women Appeal for a Ceasefire, Ending the Threat of Nuclear War and for Peace, Wtonl_banner_with_text_cutout Women Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy
March 8, 2022.
We are women who are heartbroken over the war in Ukraine and deeply concerned about the risk of catastrophic nuclear war. We are mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and we are sisters, one to another. Today our hearts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine and with everyone suffering and traumatized by this war. We appeal to world leaders for the sake of humanity to implement an immediate ceasefire. We appeal to you to stop the killing, stop the bloodshed, and to resolve this conflict through dialogue and diplomacy to put an end to this war. We need more diplomacy, not more weapons and war. We are in the most dangerous moment of the nuclear age since the Cuban Missile Crisis, with extreme tensions between the United States and Russia who together possess over 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons. A nuclear war would mean the end of life as we know it, of all we love and cherish on this planet. We worry that events could spiral out of control and lead to an escalation to nuclear war due to accident, blunder, miscalculation or mistake. For the sake of our children, for the sake of future generations, we women appeal for peace. #WomenCall4PeaceUkraine Please join us..

Ann's interview comments in Star Advertiser newspaper Article. Hawaii residents offer support to Ukrainians
March 5, 2022.
“I was really shocked by what Putin has done,” said Anne Wright, a former U.S. diplomat who served in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and elsewhere and resigned as deputy ambassador to Mongolia when the U.S. invaded Iraq. The article did NOT put in that I also said "As a U.S. diplomat who resigned from the U.S. government in 2003 in opposition to Bush's war on Iraq, I hoped at the time that all Americans would not be vilified by the world for the actions of the Bush administration. As hard as it might be for some now, I plead that we not vilify the Russian people for the actions of their political leaders. I hope that we can be as generous to peace-seeking Russians as the world was to anti-war Americans. ".

Ann Wright as a Panelist on webinar "Shanghai Communique", Sponsored by CODEPINK: Women for Peace and Pivot to Peace
Ann's presentation begins at 1hr:08min.
February 27, 2022.
Pivot to Peace and the China Is Not Our Enemy campaign for a conversation with Xiangyu, K.J. Noh, Col. Ann Wright and Lauren from CODEPINK to better understand the Taiwan issue and how the U.S. can avoid war with China over Taiwan. Speakers Xiangyu is a student and educator of anti-imperialism, and a Golden Indie Music Award-nominated Taiwan-based rapper. He co-hosted a Taiwan History Series on Carl Zha's "Silk & Steel" podcast, and has also guest starred on other podcasts such as "Escape From Plan A." K.J. Noh is a journalist, political analyst, writer and educator specializing in the geopolitics and political economy of the Asia-Pacific region. He is a member of Veterans for Peace and Pivot to Peace. Ann Wright served 29 years in the U.S. Army/Army Reserves and retired as a Colonel. She was also a U.S. diplomat and served in U.S. embassies in Nicaragua, Grenada, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Micronesia, Afghanistan and Mongolia. She resigned from the U.S. government in 2003 in opposition to President Bush’s war on Iraq. Lauren Gonitzke is the assistant for CODEPINK's China is Not Our Enemy Campaign. She has worked in various capacities including communications, community building, and education. .

From Putin in Ukraine to Bush in Iraq, Illegal Invasions Must Be Condemned, Do not accept war as the answer to any dispute
February 24, 2022.
also posted: Invasion is Wrong: Bush in Iraq and Putin in Ukraine https://www.opednews.com/articles/Invasion-is-Wrong-Bush-in-by-Ann-Wright-Antiwar_Invasion_War-In-Ukraine-220224-485.html https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2022/02/24/col-ann-wright-invasion-is-wrong-bush-in-iraq-and-putin-in-ukraine/.

Invasion is Wrong: Bush in Iraq and Putin in Ukraine
February 23, 2022.
https://www.opednews.com/articles/Invasion-is-Wrong-Bush-in-by-Ann-Wright-Antiwar_Invasion_War-In-Ukraine-220224-485.html .

Independent American and Russian Women Call for Peace
Ann Wright is one of the signatories of the letter..
February 15, 2022.
This letter came about through the work of American and Russian women participating in a dialogue and peacebuilding initiative found in 2021 by Women Transforming Our Nuclear Legacy and the American Committee for US-Russia Accord. We are women from the United States and Russia who are deeply concerned about the risk of possible war between our two countries, who together possess over 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons. We are mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and we are sisters, one to another. Today we stand with our sisters in Ukraine, East and West, whose families and country have been torn apart, have already suffered more than 14,000 deaths. We stand together and we call for peace and diplomacy, with respect for all.We stand together and we call for peace and diplomacy, with respect for all. We are united in the belief that diplomacy, dialogue, engagement and exchange are urgently needed to end the current crisis and avert a catastrophic military conflict that could spiral out of control " even push the world to the precipice of nuclear war. For the U.S. and Russia, the only sane and humane course of action now is a principled commitment to clear, creative and persistent diplomacy" not military action. At this perilous juncture, rather than allocate blame, we should be seeking 21st century alternatives to senseless military conflicts and wasteful spending on war. It is a time to redefine security so that women, families, and our children, can live in peace. At a time when we find ourselves in perhaps the most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis, we call on the media in both our countries to stop fueling the flames of war. We call on the media to fulfill their ethical responsibility as journalists to remind us of the price of war, the bloodshed and loss of human lives, to demand evidence when claims are made that can escalate tensions, and to have the courage to sound the alarm on the risk of escalation to a nuclear war that would mean the end of life as we know it. These are times of fear but also of hope and possibility.At a time when poverty is increasing in the U.S., Ukraine and Russia, when the world collectively faces the existential threat of climate change, a pandemic that has taken 5.8 million lives and caused rising “deaths of despair,” declining life expectancy and extreme inequality, isn’t it time to think anew? How might we seize the day and lay out a 21st century vision " that not only advances peace and security, but can unite the world " essentially a new realism? What could creative, humane diplomacy look like? If done thoughtfully, it could do more than resolve the standoff in Ukraine " it could pave the way for broader cooperation between the U.S., Russia, and Europe and beyond on climate, disarmament and more. It could lay the seeds for a new, demilitarized and shared security architecture. We independent women, seekers of peace and security, understand the vital importance of engaging minds and hearts. We call on you to share this call for peace and urge our governments to keep talking, to pursue clear, creative and persistent diplomacy. These are times of fear but also of hope and possibility. The world is in motion, the future is not written. As Americans and Russians, we have a compelling stake in deescalating tensions between our countries. The approach we suggest surely is more realistic, more wise, than preparing for a military conflict that could lead to unthinkable nuclear war. We stand together and we call for peace. Stand with us..

Ann Wright speaking on Russia/Ukraine/US hostilities with Chris Nelson on KZFR radio, Chico, California
Ann's interview is at 30 minutes into the show. Dr. Stephen Zunes speaks on Western Sahara in the first part of the broadcast..
February 11, 2022.

Ann Wright discusses Russia-Ukraine, China & Afghanistan with Cindy Sheeha, On Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox Radio
February 10, 2022.
Cindy and Ann chat about Ann's current projects; Afghanistan (while employed by the US State Department, Ann reopened the US embassy in Kabul); and the concerning prospect of war with Russian and/or China..

Ann Speaking on National Online Rally "No War With Russia"
February 5, 2022.
Ann was one of ten speakers from national peace organizations..

Tone-Deaf Navy Lawsuit Calls State of Hawai’i Shut Down of Leaking Jet Fuel Tanks as “Erroneous; Arbitrary, Capricious, and an Abuse of Discretion; Clearly Unwarranted” as no “Imminent Peril”
February 4, 2022.
https://www.opednews.com/articles/Tone-Deaf-Navy-Lawsuit-Att-by-Ann-Wright-Hawaii_Lawsuits_Leaking-Fuel_Military-220204-143.html https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2022/02/04/navy-sues-to-keep-fuel-tanks-in-operation-after-a-massive-leak-positioned-hawaiians/.

Ann Speaking on Ukraine Crisis webinar, with Katrina Van Huevel, Norman Soloman, V Kozin and David Swanson
January 31, 2022.
Roots Action webinar Ukraine Crisis Webinar: Peace Activists and Experts Gather https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PwwdU3oaLY Speakers include: Katrina vanden Heuvel, editorial director of The Nation magazine, columnist for the Washington Post. Ann Wright, retired U.S. Army colonel, retired diplomat, author, activist. Vladimir Kozin, member of Russian Academy of Military Sciences, speaking from Moscow. Norman Solomon, co-founder and national director of RootsAction.org, author, activist. Moderator: David Swanson, campaign coordinator of RootsAction.org, executive director of World BEYOND War. Everyone sign this petition https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/no-war-in-ukraine?clear_id=true USians email Congress and White House here https://act.rootsaction.org/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=14504 .

Honolulu Star advertiser Sunday edition lead article in "Insights". BRINK OF WAR? U.S.’ RUSSIA-UKRAINE DILEMMA
January 30, 2022.
My article came out in the Sunday edition of the Honolulu Star Advertiser, which is the local newspaper in the city with the Headquarters of the US military's Indo-Pacific Command--I hope the senior leadership of the US military for Asia and the Pacific will read this!!! file:///Users/Owner/Downloads/HonoluluStarAdvertiser_20220130_E01_0%20(1)%20(1).pdf.

Honolulu Star Advertiser. EDITORIAL | INSISLAND VOICES Column: For the sake of innocent civilians, stop the next war now by deploying true dialogue and diplomacy
January 30, 2022.
We’ve seen this before. The U.S. creates a situation, digs in its heels and makes ultimatums " and tens of thousands die. We’ve seen it in Afghanistan and Iraq, and now it may be over Ukraine or Taiwan. U.S. politicians, think-tank pundits and government war makers have created a war atmosphere on many fronts. From the U.S. military policy makers in Washington, to the boots on the ground in Europe and the Middle East, to those in ships and aircraft in the Pacific, the U.S. military is under great stress from multiple crises that did not have to happen. Instead of slowing down and backing off, the Biden administration is led by a very aggressive Secretary of State Antony Blinken and a go-along Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. President Joe Biden seems to have given a dangerous green light to escalation on all fronts at the same time. In response to U.S. war-mongering on steroids, both Russia and China are calling the diplomatic and military hands of the United States at the same time. Russian President Vladimir Putin deployed about 125,000 troops to the border of Ukraine, bringing to a head the Russian Federation’s demand that the U.S. and NATO formally declare that Ukraine would not be recruited into NATO military forces. This, after 30 years of the U.S. poaching former Warsaw Pact countries into NATO despite President George H.W. Bush’s promise that the U.S. would not do so. On the other side of the world, in the Asia-Pacific region, President Xi Jinping of China is responding to the U.S. “pivot to Asia” that has withered the 50-year U.S. policy of diplomatic recognition of the People’s Republic of China " while continuing economic and military support of Taiwan. The “One China” policy was begun decades ago in the 1970s under the Nixon administration. The innocuous sounding “Freedom of Navigation” naval missions to stake out U.S. domination of the South China Sea have morphed into a NATO naval mission with ships from the United Kingdom and France joining the U.S. armada in China’s seaside front yard. Today, two U.S. Navy carrier groups, each with an aircraft carrier and five to eight accompanying ships, are in the South China Sea. U.S. diplomatic missions to Taiwan that had not happened in 50 years began under the Trump administration and now have the highest-ranking U.S. government officials in five decades making highly publicized trips to Taiwan as a stick to poke in the eye of the Chinese government. Today, two U.S. Navy carrier groups, each with an aircraft carrier and five to eight accompanying ships, are in the South China Sea. U.S. diplomatic missions to Taiwan that had not happened in 50 years began under the Trump administration and now have the highest-ranking U.S. government officials in five decades making highly publicized trips to Taiwan as a stick to poke in the eye of the Chinese government. To save the lives of innocent civilians around the world, we U.S. citizens must demand from our government true discussion, dialogue and diplomacy, instead of war-mongering. Honolulu resident Ann Wright served 29 years in the U.S. Army/Army Reserves and retired as a colonel; she is a member of Veterans For Peace and Hawai’i Peace and Justice..

January 29, 2022.

Speak about Red Hill fuel Tanks & Ukraine, with Kauai Council Member Felicia Cowden on
January 25, 2022.
Kaua’i Soap Box on www.kkcr.org .

Ann's article on US warmogering with Russia and China "For God's Sake Boys-Stop This War S**T"
January 25, 2022.
For God’s Sake Boys, STOP THIS WAR S**T!!! https://www.codepink.org/for_gods_sake_boys_stop_this_war https://popularresistance.org/for-gods-sake-boys-stop-this-war-st/ https://original.antiwar.com/Ann_Wright/2022/01/25/for-gods-sake-boys-stop-this-war-st/ https://worldbeyondwar.org/for-gods-sake-boys-stop-this-war-st/ (with the best cartoon/photo) https://www.opednews.com/articles/For-God-s-Sake-Boys-STOP-by-Ann-Wright-Activism-Anti-War_Peace_War-220126-614.html .

Another Cost of War: The Military’s Impact On The Climate Crisis forum, Kauai Climate Forum
January 12, 2022.
See this blog for more information on details of webinar: https://went2thebridge.wordpress.com/2022/01/14/andrea-brower-kauai-climate-forum-on-military-climate-this-is-a-radically-underdiscussed-topic/.

Ann Wright on Codepink Radio on US Navy's contamination of drinking water in Hawaii
January 5, 2022.
Episode 125: Our CODEPINK Wish List for 2022: CODEPINK Congress co-hosts Medea Benjamin and Marcy Winograd discuss what President Biden could do with a stroke of his pen to alleviate much of the world's suffering. From Yemen to Afghanistan to Cuba to the U.S., we discuss the impact of U.S. militarism poisoning water in Hawaii, arming right-wing police forces around the world and imposing war-like sanctions that hurt vulnerable populations and weaken civil society. Demand executive action now! Featured guests: Colonel Ann Wright, who resigned from the State Department to protest the 2003 US invasion of Iraq; Pat Elder, author of "Military Recruiting in the United States;" Danaka Katovich, CODEPINK organizer of the Youth Peace Collective; John Lindsay-Poland, coordinator of Global Exchange's "Stop U.S. Arms to Mexico" project..

Hawaii’s water protectors lead a growing movement to close Navy fuel site after poisonous leak
January 3, 2022.
Ann Wright quoted extensively: Antiwar veteran and O’ahu resident Ann Wright, who has been active in the Shut Down Red Hill movement, says that the economic role of the military has kept the state government complacent with the Navy’s presence. “Besides tourism, it’s Department of Defense money that runs the state, so all of our Congress people are the big pork barrel people getting military projects here,” Wright said. “So the state has gone along with it and has not really kept good investigations going and made sure permits are issued.” “If it had been over at the part of town where I live, the Navy wouldn’t have given a rat’s ass about it,” Wright said. “But because it’s military families, and those military families have wives, there’s nothing worse than an angry military spouse. Having been in the military 29 years I know, when things go wrong on a military base and the wives get mad, all hell breaks loose.” Both Muneoka and Wright explained that, while much of the ongoing activism is challenging the Navy’s desire to leave the fuel tanks in place, the military will likely only shut down Red Hill if they are ordered to do so from President Biden. “When the Secretary of the Navy says to the governor’s order that the tanks should be shut down and drained, ‘I consider it a request,’ that gives you the idea of what’s happening,” Wright said..

Ann Wright on CODEPINK Radio-WBAI and Apple Podcass
December 23, 2021.
No War On China: Casualties and Environmental Cost of U.S. Militarism in the Asia-Pacific: On this episode, join CODEPINK and the China Is Not Our Enemy campaign for No War On China: Casualties and Environmental Cost of U.S. Militarism in the Asia-Pacific. In the first half of the show, listen to CODEPINK co-founder Jodie Evans interview CODEPINK national team member Ann Wright about the fallout of militarism in Hawai'i and the current crisis of U.S. military jet tanks leaking and contaminating the island's drinking water. Then the 2nd half of the show will feature an excerpt from the CODEPINK China Is Not Our Enemy webinar, U.S. Militarization of Guam & the Marianas: Lived Impacts of the U.S. War On China, featuring CHamoru activists Moneaka “Naek” Flores and Julian Aguon speaking on the U.S. military's environmental devastation and violation of Indigenous sovereignty & rights in Guam and the Northern Marianas (CNMI). Please sign this petition: https://www.codepink.org/shutdownredhill.

Ann Wright on CODEPINK Radio -Episode 123: No War On China: Casualties and Environmental Cost of U.S. Militarism in the Asia-Pacific
December 22, 2021.
On this episode, join CODEPINK and the China Is Not Our Enemy campaign for No War On China: Casualties and Environmental Cost of U.S. Militarism in the Asia-Pacific. In the first half of the show, listen to CODEPINK co-founder Jodie Evans interview CODEPINK national team member Ann Wright about the fallout of militarism in Hawai'i and the current crisis of U.S. military jet tanks leaking and contaminating the island's drinking water. Then the 2nd half of the show will feature an excerpt from the CODEPINK China Is Not Our Enemy webinar, U.S. Militarization of Guam & the Marianas: Lived Impacts of the U.S. War On China, featuring CHamoru activists Moneaka “Naek” Flores and Julian Aguon speaking on the U.S. military's environmental devestation and violation of Indigenous sovereignty & rights in Guam and the Northern Marianas (CNMI)..

, Governor of Hawai’i Orders Operations of US Navy’s Massive Jet Fuel Tanks Suspended and Fuel Removed from Tanks within 30 Days
December 7, 2021.
Another version of the article posted on Anti-War.com https://www.antiwar.com/blog/2021/12/07/governor-of-hawaii-orders-operations-of-us-navys-massive-jet-fuel-tanks-suspended-and-fuel-removed-from-tanks-within-30-days/ .

US Navy Jet Fuel Tanks Contaminating Pearl Harbor
Different graphics and photos in this version of the article through Consortium News.
December 6, 2021.

Honolulu Citizens Demand the Closing of the US Navy’s 225 million gallon, 80-Year-Old, Leaking Underground Jet Fuel Tanks
December 2, 2021.
Also in Peace and Planet newspaper: https://peaceandplanetnews.org/hawaii-fuel-tap-water/.

Thanksgiving at Camp Casey: Sheehan, Ellsberg, Miller & Wright Arrested
November 24, 2021.

Ann's presentation at the 2021 Japan Peace Conference, NATO in the Pacific
Ann's presentation begins at minute 6:07; Lee Junkyu-South Korea-min 23:00;; Walden Bello-Philippines -minute 38:16; Tadaaki Kawata-Japan-56:48 .
November 19, 2021.
Lee Junkyu, senior researcher of Hanshin University, South Korea Walden Bellow, national chairman of Laban ng Masa (Struggle of the Masses) and founding chairman of the Focus on the Global South. Tadaaki Kawata, national board member of the Japan Peace Committee.

Participate in Symposium on the documentary "Crossings" about the 2015 mission of Women Cross DMZ to North Korea, through the DMZ to South Korea for Peace on the Korean Peninsula, Hawaii International Film Festival
November 15, 2021.
Other participants were Deann Borshay Liem director of CROSSINGS. Moderated by Vernadette Gonzalez Professor of American Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Christine Ahn, founder of Women Cross DMZ, Mimi Han of YWCA South Korea and Ann Wright, member of Women Cross DMZ delegation to North Korea.

“The common thing is that no one wants war” " Col. Ann Wright (ret.)
Podcast with This Courage to Resist Podcast with Matthew Breems &Executive Producer: Jeff Paterson..
November 1, 2021.

October 29, 2021.
While the U.S. Navy continues to argue that U.S. national security requires that its 80-year-old leaking 20 story underground jet fuel tanks remain open, I argue the opposite"that for U.S. national security reasons the 200-million-gallon facility be closed down before a catastrophic leak destroys the potable water supply for 400,00 residents of Oahu, including 100,000 US military and their families..

Ann was Keynote Speaker for the 40th Anniversary & Peace Awards Program for Peace Action North Carolina, Ann's presentation begins at minute 37:18
October 26, 2021.

Ann as a Panelist on the UK's long-standing Campaign on Nuclear Disarmament (CND) annual conference, Topic of the Panel was No New Nuclear Arms Race
October 24, 2021.
Professor Paul Rogers from the UK; Vijay Prashad from the Tricontinental Institute in India and across the Global South; and Ruth Rohde from the Arms Information Centre in Freiburg, Germany. CND’s Tom Unterrainer chaired the session. Another link for the You-Tube version of the panel is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9piCuoyOCao&t=2s.

Women Activists to World Bank: 'Unfreeze' Funds to Pay Afghan Teachers, Health Workers
Ann Wright quoted: "After 20 years of military operations that killed tens of thousands of Afghans, the U.S. should not retaliate against the people of Afghanistan for its withdrawal by withholding funding for health, education, and other social services,.
October 13, 2021.

Podcast by Courage to Resist. PoThe common thing is that no one wants war " Col. Ann Wright (ret.)
October 12, 2021.
A brief history of Ann becoming a peace activist after a career in the US Army and 16 years as a US diplomat..

Reflections on Afghanistan with Ann Wright and Dr. Carlos Juarez, in Global Connections program on Think Tech, Honolulu, Hawai'i
October 7, 2021.

Air Force Drones Fly High in Hawaii, Star Advertiser article with comments by Ann Wright included in the article
September 28, 2021.

No Aloha for Assassin Drones That Have Arrived in Hawai’i
September 25, 2021.

Ann Wright speaking on Webinar on Afghanistan for Japanese Peace Boat , with two Japanese specialist on Japanese humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan and women's issues in Afghanistan
September 19, 2021.
Other speakers on the webinar: Hiroshi Taniyama, advisor to JVC (Japan International Volunteer Center / https://www.ngo-jvc.net/en/) and former head of JVC's Office in Afghanistan. Aisa Kiyosue, Professor of Muroran Institute of Technology, whose research focuses on constitutional law and family law from a gender perspective. She's published many books and articles on the situation in Afghanistan (https://rdsoran.muroran-it.ac.jp/html/100000090_en.html). She has closely worked with the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) (http://www.rawa.org/) and she will be speaking about women's rights and activities in Afghanistan..

September 19, 2021.
Also in Popular Resistance https://popularresistance.org/jail-killer-drone-operators-instead-of-drone-whistleblowers/.

Lessons for the Evacuation of Afghanistan
September 7, 2021.
The U.S. retaliatory drone strike in Kabul against ISIS-K reminds Ann Wright of her personal experience in helping to relocate large numbers of people in short order from Freetown, Sierra Leone, 25 years ago..

Part 1 of Powerpoint on 1997 Evacuation of the US Embassy in Sierra Leone
September 6, 2021.

Part 2 of Powerpoint on 1997 Evacuation of the US Embassy in Sierra Leone
September 6, 2021.

September 6, 2021.
Article in Popular Resistance with links to powerpoint with photos of the 1997 evacuation of 2500 persons from a coup in Sierra Leone..

September 6, 2021.
Many photos of the 1997 Evacuation of 2500 from Sierra Leone after the coup on the elected government by part of the Sierra Leonean military and the brutal Revolutionary United Front (RUF).

Part 2 of Powerpoint on 1997 Evacuation of the US Embassy in Sierra Leone
September 5, 2021.

Ann Wright's interview on Hawai'i KITV-TV Former U.S. diplomat: ISIS will try to disrupt ongoing evacuation efforts in Afghanistan
August 30, 2021.

Ann Wright speaking on US Feminists and Women's Movements Responsibilities in Afghanistan and US Foreign Policy, Women's Magazine on KPFA-Pacifica Radio-Berkeley
August 30, 2021.
With Margo Okazawa-Rey Host and Charlotte Bunch, Cindy Clark and Ann Wright as guests.

The High Cost of Blowing the Whistle, Links to all 4 sessions of the book club on "Dissent: Voices of Conscience"
August 29, 2021.
Article in Peace and Planet online newspaper peaceandplanetnews.org.

Ann Wright's presentation on Afghanistan & Military Dangers in West Pacific and Hawai'i, Presentation for the Honolulu Friends Meeting Peace and Social Justice group
August 29, 2021.

Ann Wright speaks about Afghanistan on Hudson Mohawk Radio Network, Interviewer is Mark Dunlea-10 minute interview
August 25, 2021.

Ann Wright Speaking on Hawaii Public Radio for the return of 30,000 acres of Hawaii state land from the US military
August 25, 2021.
Wright says the military should return the land to the state. "I'm very well aware of the national security concerns of our country. However, I'm also very well aware that the U.S. military generally wants as much as it can get on anything, whether it's weapons or land or whatever. "It's not like not leasing these 30,000 acres means that the U.S. military is being kicked out of Hawaiʻi, at all. The fact [is] that it got a free deal 65 years ago. And it's time that a rational look is made at what is really necessary for military exercises. The U.S. needs to be looking more on diplomatic ways to resolve situations rather than using our U.S. military,".

Session 4 of Dissent: Voices of Conscience book club
With CIA waterboarding whistleblower John Kiriakou, who spent 30 months in federal prison, US Army Muslim Chaplain at Guantanamo James Yee who was accused of being a spy, put in jail for 80 days, and finally exonerated , and Marine Captain and State Dept.
August 24, 2021.

Session 4 of Dissent: Voices of Conscience book club
With CIA waterboarding whistleblower John Kiriakou, US Army Muslim Chaplain at Guantanamo James Yes and Matt Hoh who resigned over Afghanistan policies.
August 24, 2021.
CIA waterboarding whistleblower John Kiriakou, who spent 30 months in federal prison, US Army Muslim Chaplain at Guantanamo James Yee who was accused of being a spy, put in jail for 80 days, and finally exonerated, and Marine Captain and State Dept official Matt Hoh who resigned in opposition to US policies on Afghanistan.

Session 4 of Dissent: Voices of Conscience book club
August 24, 2021.
CIA waterboarding whistleblower John Kiriakou, who spent 30 months in federal prison, US Army Muslim Chaplain at Guantanamo James Yee who was accused of being a spy, put in jail for 80 days, and finally exonerated, and Marine Captain with 2 tours in Iraq and State Dept official Matt Hoh who resigned in opposition to US policies on Afghanistan..

Ann Wright interviewed on WBAI Clearing The Fog with Margaret Flowers of Popular Resistance, THE PEACE MOVEMENT MUST PRESS FOR DIPLOMACY, NOT MORE WAR, IN AFGHANISTAN
August 23, 2021.

August 23, 2021.

, Ann Wright interviewed about Afghanistan on Honolulu's KITV Channel 4
August 22, 2021.

Ann Wright interviewed about Afghanistan by Honolulu's KITV-TV Channel 4
August 22, 2021.

Ann Wright's article Keep the US Embassy in Kabul Open, If we really care for the people of Afghanistan
August 21, 2021.

Ann Wright on Afghanistan with Dr. Fauziah Hassan of MY Care Malaysia
Dr. Fauziah was in Afghanistan on medical missions in 2001, 2002, 2003 and was on the Womens Boat to Gaza in 2016.
August 21, 2021.

Michael Moore podcast with Ann Wright and journalists VJ Prashad and Intercept Jon Schwartz
August 19, 2021.

Michael Moore podcast about Afghanistan with Ann Wright and journalists VJ Prashad and Intercept Jon Schwartz
August 19, 2021.

Ann Wright interviewed on Democracy Now. Ret. Col. Ann Wright on Reopening U.S. Embassy in Kabul in 2001 and Why She Supports Troop Withdrawal
August 17, 2021.

Session 3 of Dissent: Voices of Conscience Book Club
August 17, 2021.
With war resisters Jeff Paterson, Kevin Benderman and Ricky Clousing..

Afghanistan-Who Is to Blame and What is Next, CODEPINK Webinar
Matt Hoh, Ann Wright, Zaher Wahab, Phyllis Bennis and Medea Benjamin, moderator.
August 16, 2021.

Ann Wright's article Opening and Closing US Embassies From Afghanistan to Sierra Leone, with photos
August 16, 2021.

Interview with Ann Wright. You have to acknowledge the Taliban is the new ‘governing entity’ of Afghanistan, former US diplomat tells RT
August 16, 2021.
I called for the US Embassy to reopen--and for US politicians to think about the results of war on citizens of the countries as well as US veterans, before they get us into the wars.

Ann Wright moderator of Veterans For Peace Convention Plenary Webinar: Dangerous Military Actions in Asia and the Pacific
August 14, 2021.
Kyle Kajihiro-Hawai’i, Christine Ahn-Peace in Korea; KJ Hoh-China; Lisa Natividad-Guam; Vince Scappatura-Australia and Ann Wright, moderator .

Ann Wright moderator of workshop at national Veterans For Peace national convention on Middle East in Crisis- From Afghanistan to Gaza
August 13, 2021.
Documentary filmmaker Fida Qishta from Gaza; Arash Azizzada from Afghan diaspora in the US; Matt Hoh who was with the US military in both Afghanistan and Iraq & resigned from his position in Afghanistan; Danny Sjursen who also was in the US military in Iraq & Afghanistan-and updated us on Syria, Yemen and Somalia..

Ann Wright interviewed about Evacuations of US Embassies in Sierra Leone to Afghanistan
August 13, 2021.

Ann Wright-Short 5 minute interview on the advance of the Taliban and the collapse of Afghan military
August 13, 2021.

Ann Wright moderator of workshop at national Veterans For Peace national convention on Middle East in Crisis- From Afghanistan to Gaza
August 13, 2021.
Documentary filmmaker Fida Qishta from Gaza; Arash Azizzada from Afghan diaspora in the US; Matt Hoh who was with the US military in both Afghanistan and Iraq & resigned from his position in Afghanistan; Danny Sjursen who also was in the US military in Iraq & Afghanistan-and updated us on Syria, Yemen and Somalia...

Ann Wright moderator of workshop at national Veterans For Peace national convention on Middle East in Crisis- From Afghanistan to Gaza, 2nd attempt at posting video from VFP national conventions
August 13, 2021.
Documentary filmmaker Fida Qishta from Gaza; Arash Azizzada from Afghan diaspora in the US; Matt Hoh who was with the US military in both Afghanistan and Iraq & resigned from his position in Afghanistan; Danny Sjursen who also was in the US military in Iraq & Afghanistan-and updated us on Syria, Yemen and Somalia...

KPFA Dennis Berstein Interview of Ann Wright and Kathy Kelly on Taliban Advances in Afghanistan, 20 years of US war is not the answer
August 12, 2021.

Session 2 Dissent:Voices of Conscience Book Club
With FBI 9/11 whistleblower Coleen Rowley and Dept of Justice American Taliban whistleblower Jesselyn Radack.
August 11, 2021.

Military Should Return Hawaii Lands, Ann Wrights OPED in Sunday August 8 Honolulu Star Advertiser
August 8, 2021.

Ann Wright's OPED -Military Should Return Hawai'i Lands, OPED in Honolulu's Star Advertiser
August 8, 2021.

Ann Wright's OPED -Military Should Return Hawai'i Lands, Honolulu Star Advertiser
with correct link to OPED.
August 8, 2021.

Resisting Drone Terror: Behind the Scenes of Shut Down Creech!
Ann Wright's moderator of panel & presentation begins at 18:32.
August 3, 2021.
Excellent webinar with lots of photos of the creative non-violent actions to stop US assassin drones from killing civilians in Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Mali and Pakistan.

Session 1 Dissent: Voices of Conscience Book Club
With US diplomat Brady Kiesling who resigned in opposition to the US war on Iraq and US Army 1at Lt Ehren Watada who was court-martialed for refusing to deploy to the illegal war on Iraq. 4 participants from Japan including Hisae Ogawa and Dorothy Dufour.
August 3, 2021.

Session 3: Dissent-Voices of Conscience book club
Interviews with war resisters Jeff Paterson, Kevin Benderman and Ricky Clousing about their acts of conscience..
August, 2021.

Whistleblower Daniel Hale Sentenced To 45 Months In Prison For Drone Program Leaks, 1 hour radio KALW Bay Area interview with me and Chip Gibbins, Policy Director at Defending Rights & Dissent and host of the Primary Sources podcast with the great radio interviewer Rose Aguilar
July 29, 2021.

Ann Wright and Legendary Pentagon Papers Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg Salutes Ex-CIA Whistleblower Philip Agee As His Mentor"A Man of Moral Courage
July 26, 2021.
In a new CovertAction webinar famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg slams the author of new book alleging that Agee was a traitor when, ironically, everything in the book virtually screams out the opposite. U.S. Colonel Ann Wright"outspoken opponent of the Iraq War, and recipient of the State Department Award for Heroism in 1997 for helping to rescue thousands from death during the Sierra Leone civil war"notes that the CIA ‘Dirty Tricks’ exposed by Agee in Inside the Company (1975), are now being dusted off and reused to overthrow progressive governments in countries like Venezuela and Nicaragua..

Peaceful Pacific Network. Webinar on US-Australian military exercise Talisman Sabre and Militarism in the Western Pacific
Speakers from Australia, New Zealand, Guam, Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Hawaii.
July 23, 2021.
Ann Wright's presentation begins at 1 hour:37minute.

Ann Wright's article . Biden Promised Diplomacy, But He’s Overseeing Military Buildup Against China
July 21, 2021.

Ann Wright's Interview on Veterans radio show Friendly Fire on Afghanistan, With Interviewer Don Kimball
July 20, 2021.

Ann Wright & Kathy Kelly on US Withdrawal from Afghanistan, KPFA-Pacifica Radio Flashpoint
July 8, 2021.

Ann Wright's presentation on Military Bases in Asia & Pacific , 5th Congress Against Military Bases, Ramstein, Germany
Ann's presentation begins at 10:40 minute.
July 8, 2021.

Ann Wright's presentation on Military Bases in Asia & Pacific , 5th Congress Against Military Bases, Ramstein, Germany
Ann's presentation begins at 10:40 minute.
July 8, 2021.

5th International Congress against Military Bases " Documentation Military Bases in Asia and Africa " A Threat to World Peace, 10 Presentations from around the world
July 8, 2021.
Excellent website on Foreign Military Bases around the world: https://visualbases.org/.

Thousands march together against another cold war against China
Ann Wright quoted in article--with a few mistakes on my US Army vs US diplomatic service.
July 5, 2021.

Crowding the Pacific & Pressuring China
June 29, 2021.

INCREASING PRESSURE ON CHINA, Pacific Area Crowded With More Countries Sending Military Naval Vessels And Aircraft.
June 27, 2021.

Ann Wright & Dr. Stephen Zunes on Palestine & Israel
An educational forum on the latest horrific Israeli attack on Gaza, Israeli settler theft of Palestinian lands and brutal Israeli suppression of Palestinian dissent in the West Bank and East Jerusalem..
June 24, 2021.

, Ann Wright speaking on Panel About Largest US-Australian war maneuvers-Talisman Sabre 2021
June 16, 2021.
with Independent & Peaceful Australian Network (IPAN) & US Peace Movement Activists and VFP Chapter president Susan Schnall as moderator of the panel. Ann Wright, Annette Brownlie, Robin Taubenfeld, Dr. Margaret Beavis, and Dr Vince Scappatura.

, Ann Wright speaking on Panel About Largest US-Australian war maneuvers-Talisman Sabre 2021
with Independent & Peaceful Australian Network (IPAN) & US Peace Movement Activists and VFP Chapter president Susan Schnall as moderator of the panel. Ann Wright, Annette Brownlie, Robin Taubenfeld, Dr. Margaret Beavis, and Dr Vince Scappatura. NEW.
June 16, 2021.

Ann Wright's presentation on US & NATO in the Pacific, Global NATO: A Threat to the World
Ann's presentation begins at 2:21:12. The two panels have speakers from all over the world..
June 13, 2021.

Ann Wright's short presentation in the 2 hour symposium on construction of US runway in Henoko, Oura Bay, Okinawan
Ann's presentation begins at 1:59:23.
June 13, 2021.

Radio Interview about the Golden Rule on Flashpoints KPFA radio-Berkeley with Dennis Bernstein, With Helen Jaccard, Captain Kiko Johnston-Kitazawa and Captain Malinda Anderson
June 3, 2021.

Speakers are Ann Wright, Graca Machel, Former First Lady of South Africa & Deputy Chair of the Elders and Kang Kyung-wha, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Korea. South Korean Women's Leaders Conference for Peace, A conference of the South Korean National Unification Advisory Council
May 28, 2021.
Presentation by Ann Wright: prerecorded statement at 1:10:33-1:25:14 and live comments beginning 2:32:46.

Former US diplomat says ‘there’s no comparison’ between Israeli violence and Palestinian violence
May 17, 2021.

Former US diplomat slams Israel’s ‘illegal land thefts amid repression in Gaza and Jerusalem
May 11, 2021.

Ann Wright Speaks Out on Horrific Israeli attacks on Gaza
May 10, 2021.

Commondreams-Opinion-Golden Rule Heads from Hawai'i to San Francisco
May 5, 2021.

Golden Rule Peace Boat Sets Sail from Hawai’i for California, LA Progressive
May 3, 2021.

A Hunger Strike Against Big Oil, Diane Wilsons stand against channel dredging in mercury-laden Matagorda Bay, Texas.
May 3, 2021.

Golden Rule Sets Sail for San Francisco
May 2, 2021.

Radio Interview with Ann Wright by Vets For Peace Hector Black Chapter, Tour of the World Crisis' & US Imperialism
Interviewed by JIm Wohlgemuth and Harvey Bennett.
April 24, 2021.

U.S. Status of Forces Agreements (SOFA). The U.S. Military Protects Soldiers, Even Criminals, Interview with Ann Wright by Slow News reporter Hanayo Oya
April 2, 2021.

When They Speak Israel: A Guide to Clarity in Conversations about Israel
April 1, 2021.
Webinar moderated by Ann Wright with author Alex McDonald and his new book When They Speak Israel: A Guide to Clarity in Conversations about Israel.

NATO Expanding its Theater With China in its Sights
March 31, 2021.
Article originally posted in Truthout. This version has more and different photos..

In Alarmist Turn, NATO Is Increasingly Positioning Itself in Opposition to China
March 29, 2021.

NEXT INDO-PACIFIC US COMMANDER WARNS OF CHINA’S THREAT TO TAIWAN, Killer Reaper Drones Coming To The Pacific To Counter Threats From China
March 27, 2021.

Webinar for UN Commission on Status of Women. Military Women- At Risk from Fellow Soldiers
March 23, 2021.
Militaries have violent missions. Members are trained in state-sponsored and state-regulated violence toward persons in other countries. However, violence all too often is turned on fellow military members, their own families and their communities. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence and murder are tragic and criminal aspects of military life. Despite Congressional mandates for senior military leadership to implement programs to stop these criminal acts, they continue unabated. Citizen organizations such as Service Women’s Action Network and Protect our Defenders provide assistance to survivors. Veterans For Peace members speak in high schools about the dangers of military service. Panelists-all veterans: Ellen Barfield, Adrienne Kinne, Natasha Erskine and Ann Wright all from Veterans For Peace and Lory Manning of Service Womens Action Network. Link to webinar-https://ngocsw65forum.us2.pathable.com/meetings/virtual/GoGKZB4zDAqd6dBzz.

Putting the Cold War on Trial, Ann Spoke at about hour 8
9 hours of testimony by over 30 speakers.
March 21, 2021.
Scholars & Citizen Testimonials Will Help Us Learn The History of The Cold War & Its Relevance To U.S. Political Corruption & To Today’s Global Chaos. IN-PERSON or PRE-RECORDED TESTIMONY on: CIA-backed Global Interventions of The Cold War; McCarthyism and the crushing of labor and the left in the U.S.; the Cold War Nuclear Legacy; Hollywood and the Blacklist; the “Red Scare” of the 1930’s; and the red-baiting of social activists as far back as 1850! “I think it’s a great idea! Ideologically. It's right on”. " Oliver Stone on The Cold War Truth Commission Hosted by Rachel Bruhnke of Witness For Peace Southwest and Frank Dorrel of ADDICTED To WAR.

Putting the Cold War on Trial
Ann's presentation at 7:27:40..
March 21, 2021.

18 Years Ago the US War on Iraq Began & Why I Oppose Hawaii's Homeland Defense Radar as Continuation of War
March 19, 2021.

18 Years Ago Today the US War on Iraq Began
March 19, 2021.
Consortium News article has different photos of 2003 protests against the war on Iraq & of the X-Band Radar ship..

Webinar-NATO and the Patriarchy with Ray Acheson as main speaker, Ann Wright was one of the discussants
March 7, 2021.

When robots decide on life and death
Ann interviewed for the article with many quotes.
February 23, 2021.

When robots decide on life and death, Article about assassin drones written by a Swedish journalist with interview with Ann Wright
February 21, 2021.

Webinar on Peace Talks, Not War Drills in South Korea, Ann Wright is moderator of the webinar
February 18, 2021.
Speakers: Wooksik Cheong, Director of Peace Network (South Korea) Catherine Killough, Advocacy and Leadership Coordinator of Women Cross DMZ (US) Jovanni Reyes, Member Coordinator of About Face: Veterans Against War (US) Moderator: Ann Wright, Retired U.S. Army Colonel, Former US Diplomat, and Coordinator of the Korea Peace Campaign of Veterans For Peace Description: Webinar on the 60-plus year history of the costly and provocative annual US-ROK combined military exercises, and why it’s critical to end them to achieve peace on the Korean Peninsula..

Gaza Blockade webinar sponsored by European Palestinians Initiative for National Action
European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza.
January 30, 2021.
With Kerstin Thornberg of Boats to Gaza Sweden, Claude Leostic of French Platform of NGOs for Palestine, and from Gaza Ahmed Abu Ratima and Salah Adbel-Ati.

For Peace With North Korea, Biden Must End the US-South Korea Military Exercises
My article as a part of 8 US & South Korean organizations to have the military exercises suspended and then ended. These war drills are expensive, provocative, and consistently provoke North Korea to take military actions in response. If the United States.
January 27, 2021.

The History Of US Military Pollution In Hawaii Is Extensive
January 27, 2021.

Ann's Cameo Appearance on Video "No Honeymoon for Joe Biden"
January 26, 2021.
A 2-minute video features prominent progressives calling for no political honeymoon for President Biden and his administration. The #NoHoneymoon video includes appearances by such influential figures as scholar/activist Noam Chomsky; Carmen Yulin Cruz, former mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico; Texas populist Jim Hightower; ice cream entrepreneurs Ben & Jerry; and family medicine expert Dr. Victoria Dooley, who was a surrogate for the Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign... and a cameo appearance by anti-war Colonel Ann Wright..

Presentation at World Social Forum on NATO in the Pacific
January 24, 2021.

Presentation at World Social Forum on Universal Disarmament for Social & Ecological Transformation
January 24, 2021.

Webinar video of World Social Forum webinar Global NATO-All Countries Affected
Ann's presentation is at 19:28.
January 24, 2021.
Webinar participants: Ann Wright(Hawaii, USA), Code Pink and Veterans for Peace, No to NATO David Swanson(USA), World Beyond War Ingela Martensson(Sweden), Women for Peace Julieta Daza(Columbia/Venezuela), Juventud Rebelde, Campaign Stopp Air Base Ramstein Ludo De Brabander(Belgium), vrede vzw Pablo Dominguez (Montenegro), Save Sinjajevina Mountains Moderator: Kristine Karch(Germany), No to NATO Description: In this webinar, we will not only show that the largest military alliance in the world, NATO, is a war machine that affects each country in different ways. Not only NATO members push militarization in their countries, but also non-members support it, as they are involved in NATO policy through cooperation agreements such as Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue,and others. .

Webinar video of World Social Forum webinar Global NATO-All Countries Affected, You-Tube Link
January 24, 2021.

Webinar video of World Social Forum webinar Global NATO-All Countries Affected, You-Tube Link
January 24, 2021.

Treaty offers U.S. a way to push for ban on nuclear weapons
Published first in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser.
January 19, 2021.

A Brief History of U.S. Military Poisoning of Hawaii, Authored with Kyle Kajihiro and Jim Albertini
December 7, 2020.

Ann Wright -Speaker on War Crimes in Afghanistan, Webinar on Consortium News about war crimes in Afghanistan by U.S. and Australian soldiers
December 1, 2020.

Ann Wright speaking on Australian Sky News on the US troop reduction in Afghanistan
November 21, 2020.

Ann Wright moderated. Ending the War on Afghanistan
Panelists Kathy Kelly, Matt Hoh, Rory Fanning, Danny Sjursen and Arash Azizzada.
November 19, 2020.

Murdered Soldier's Family Accuses Army of Cover-up
Ann Wright's article in the first edition of The Peace Sentinel, a new newspaper of Veterans for Peace .
November 15, 2020.

The Dangers of Nuclear War with China and Russia
Panelists are K.J. Noh and Col. Ann Wright spoke on China, and Bruce Gagnon and Ray McGovern spoke on Russia. Michael Wong, vice president of Veterans for Peace, San Francisco chapter #69, and a co-chair of the Veterans for Peace China Working Group, as .
October 30, 2020.

Danger in the South China Sea, Article by Ann Wright
More photos in this version of the article..
October 16, 2020.

Dangers of Military Confrontation Around Taiwan and South China Sea
October 14, 2020.

State should terminate Army’s lease on land at Pohakuloa
Editorial Column in Honolulu Star Advertiser newspaper.
October 12, 2020.

Vanessa Guillén Family Wants Fort Hood Shut Down Over Its Rape Culture Cover-Up, Ann Wright quoted on the violence at Fort Hood over the decades
September 10, 2020.

War Is A Disaster, Not A Game, Defund militarism and invest in peacemakers if conflict resolution is truly the objective.
Article by Ann Wright and Pete Shimazaki Doktor.
September 3, 2020.

Ann Wright Speaking About the Book-Bending The Arc and the 2020 Kateri Peace Conference
August 12, 2020.

Ann Wright moderator for webinar for Veterans for Peace National Conference, Peace on the Korean Peninsula
August 5, 2020.
Presenters are journalist Tim Shorrock, Women Cross DMZ Christine Ahn, American Friends Service Committee with North Korea Agricultural projects Dan Jasper and Joy Yoon who lived with her physician husband and five kids in North Korea for ten years..

Ann Wright moderator for webinar for Veterans for Peace National Conference, U.S and Israeli Violence toward Palestine Continues
August 5, 2020.
Panelists are Asmaa Tayeh from Gaza and the writing organization We Are Not Numbers, Olivia Zemor of the activist group in France EuroPalestine and author and speaker Miko Peled with short comments from Mazin Qumsiyeh and Zohar Chamberlin from West Bank..

, Cancel RIMPAC on Hawaii Public Radio The Conversation
please go to minute 45 for the Cancel RIMPAC interview.
July 14, 2020.
A joint effort called the Cancel RIMPAC Coalition has come to oppose the military exercise. Co-organizers Tina Grandinetti and Kawena Kapahua, as well as Ann Wright, a retired Army colonel and former diplomat now with the coalition, tell us about their concerns. .

CANCEL RIMPAC Stop War Games in the Pacific, On the Conversation of Hawaii Public Radio
Tina Grandinetti, Kawena Phillips and Ann Wright interviewed on the radio show. Go to minute 45 for the interview..
July 14, 2020.

Fort Hood Is a Dangerous Place for Military Women
July 13, 2020.

Ann is a panelist on the webinar Pivot to Peace with China
July 11, 2020.
We are concerned Americans from all walks of life who have come together in opposition to the dramatically increasing drive toward confrontation between the United States and China. We have launched a new effort called Pivot to Peace to educate and mobilize public opinion about the benefits of a policy that facilitates cooperation and mutual respect between the United States and China. https://peacepivot.org/mission/ Webinar: Why there should be a Pivot to Peace not war with China Featured speakers: Julie M. Tang, retired San Francisco Superior Court Judge, Co-Chair of the Comfort Women Justice Coalition Ding Bong Lee, President of the San Francisco Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association and the Chinese Six Companies Jill Stein, MD, 2016 Green Party Presidential Nominee Peter Kuznick, Professor of History; Director Nuclear Studies Institute, American University Col. Ann Wright, retired US Army colonel, retired US State Department official Ken Hammond, Professor of East Asian and Global History at New Mexico State University K.J. Noh, Journalist, Scholar, Peace Activist Eugene Puryear, Show host of BreakThrough News Sheila Xiao, California Community College Research Analyst Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Constitutional Rights Lawyer Michael Wong, Veterans for Peace Brian Becker, National Director, ANSWER Coalition.

Family of Murdered Army Specialist Vanessa Guillen Accuses the Army of a Cover-up; Demand Congressional Investigation
Article posted in OPED News.
July 7, 2020.

Family of Murdered Army Specialist Vanessa Guillen Accuses the Army of a Cover-up; Demand Congressional Investigation
July 7, 2020.

Military families deserve better than what the Guillen family had to endure and a Congressional investigation into Fort Hood’s response to Guillen’s disappearance and murder is warranted..
July 6, 2020.

July 6, 2020.

Ann Wright, panelist. Webinar on Cancel RIMPAC and No to NATO, Sponsored by Canada’s Voices of Women for peace
June 19, 2020.

Ann Wright, Coordinator of the Vets for Peace Korean Peace Campaign Letter to the Korean People on the Opening of the Hyosoon-Miseon Peace Park
June 18, 2020.

Ann is Moderator of webinar with Iara Lee's documentary "Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara" , 10 year anniversary of Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara/Gaza Freedom Flotilla
May 30, 2020.

COVID-19: US Military Pursues War Games Amid Contagion
May 26, 2020.

Ann's article:. Despite the danger of COVID 19, the US Military Continues War Practice in Europe and Pacific and plans for more in 2021
May 19, 2020.

Ann Wright, panelist. CANCEL RIMPAC Stop War Games in the Pacific, Sponsored by CODEPINK: Women for Peace
May 13, 2020.

Ann Wright was webinar moderator of Program on First Boats to Gaza, With co-founders of the Free Gaza Movement
May 9, 2020.

Ann Wright was webinar moderator for the CANCEL RIMPAC webinar, Stop US Military Naval War Practice in the Pacific
May 9, 2020.

My Memories of our trip to North Korea Five Years Ago-Meeting a Women North Korean General, Korea Peace Now
Women Cross DMZ.
May, 2020.

Speaker online at the International Conference on the 75th anniversary of the Liberation of Italy and the End of World War II., My presentation on Julian Assange & Chelsea Manning begins at 2hours38 minutes into the conference
The conference was organized by the Italian organization GNCNN.
April 25, 2020.

Ann Wright was moderator on Wikileaks webinar on Collateral Murder 10 years on, Sponsored by Don't Extradite Assange
April 5, 2020.
April 05, 2020 marks the 10th anniversary of the infamous WikiLeaks publication Collateral Murder video. The video shows how two Apache helicopters murdered 11 Iraqi people including two Rueters journalists. This is one of the publications Julian Assange is being indicted for espionage. He faces 175 years in a US jail if extradited from the UK..

Radio interview with Ann Wright speaking about the 2020 Gaza Flotilla, CODEPINK Radio show
March 12, 2020.
March 12, 2020 - Teri Mattson and Paki Wieland speak with Mike Weisbrot, Carlos Ron, and Ann Wright. Mike Weisbrot speaks on the effects of sanctions on Venezuela from death to financial insecurity of the entire country as collective punishment. Carlos Ron is the Venezuelan Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs to elaborate on how sanctions, while not recognized as traditional warfare, accomplish the same violence. Ann Wright discusses how sanctions were imposed on Gaza when we were the ones to make the first acts of war against them. (last segment).

The Olympics and 40 Years of International Implications"Miracle On Ice
February 28, 2020.
Very few know that in a previous lifetime for 40 years ago, Ann Wright was the announcer for the Luge events in the 1980 Lake Placid NY Winter Olympic Games! The international events surrounding the Winter Olympic Games were quite remarkable--and she has chronicled them in this article-from the Canadians helping US diplomats to escape the Embassy hostage crisis in Iran to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan--all playing out at the Olympics!!.

Veterans for Peace Golden Rule Peace Boat Is a Big Hit in Hawaii:, Urgent Need for Funds for Pacific Voyage
February 28, 2020.

99.9 Percent of U.S. Citizens Unaware of Largest U.S. War Game in Europe in 25 Years
February 27, 2020.

Ann Wright Speaks About Elections in Afghanistan and Iran , Codepink Radio
February 20, 2020.

VFPs Historic Anti-Nuke Sailboat in Hawaii, Veterans for Peace Newsletter Winter 2020 edition
Co-authored with Golden Rule Project Manager Helen Jaccard.
February 20, 2020.

The Many Faces of Nonviolence - Ann Wright
February 18, 2020.

The Olympics and 40 Years of International Implications"Miracle On Ice
February 5, 2020.

Interview on KPFA Flashpoints about New Cold War on China, with retired Judge Julie Tang
January 30, 2020.

Interview on KPFA Flashpoints about New Cold War on China, with retired Judge Julie Tang
January 30, 2020.

Trump's Attack on Iran Based on More Lies, Letter to Editor of Star-Advertiser-Honolulu
January 7, 2020.

An American General Probably Thinks- Thanks Trump, for Putting a Target on My Back!
About the US assassination of Iranian General Soleimani.
January 5, 2020.

Loud and Clear Radio On General Soleimani's assassination
Ann's segment is around 1:30 https://www.spreaker.com/episode/21323214.
January 3, 2020.

Launching Christmas Campaign for Release of Julian Assange
Video statements by UK Musician Brian Enos, Ann Wright & Medea Benjamin.
December 6, 2019.

Trump Fires Navy Secretary: A Green Light for More War Crimes?, Interview on Loud and Clear radio show
November 25, 2019.

Ann Wright receives Blue Planet Award from the Environmental Group Ethecon
November 17, 2019.
Quote from the Award: Ann Wright acts with courage, steadfastness, incorruptibility, and integrity. She engages in civil disobedience, acts in opposition to the prevailing standards and laws, and is even prepared to accept judicial penalties and harm to herself. She demonstrates social responsibility and courage of her convictions. .

The Settler-Colonial Strategy: Militarization of Diplomacy, Domestic Law Enforcement, Jails, Prisons and the Border
This article is from a presentation for a panel at the American Studies Association national conference in Honolulu.
November 14, 2019.

Billion dollar military radar for Oahu draws critics
November 8, 2019.
"The union of atomic scientists says this system is a big waste of money. First, it's never been proven that it will even work. There have been no tests on the system itself," said Ann Wright. She's a retired colonel who spent 29 years in the military. She points out there are other radar facilities at the Pacific Missile Range on Kauai, in California, and the Marshall Islands. "I think we're doing a little overkill on this thing and that's coming from somebody that's been in the government virtually all my adult life," she said..

The Peace Boats Around the World Voyage, I was on the Peace Boat for 20 days and give six talks while onboard
October 10, 2019.

Challenging the U.S. Nuclear Tests:The Golden Rule Sails Again
This 12 page monograph was first published several years ago, but since the Golden Rule arrived in Hawaii in August 2019 I thought I would post it again.
October 8, 2019.

Our Planet Is So Small We Must Live in Peace, Article about visiting Yakutsk, Far East, Russia
September 23, 2019.

Nobody wants a confrontation: anti-war activist Ann Wright visits Yakutsk
September 11, 2019.

Former US Diplomat Ann Wright Visits Yakutsk, Russia, TV Interview at All Women's Party headquarters
September 10, 2019.

American Visitor Ann Wright comes to Yakutia
Lots of photos of visits to the internationally famous Music Academy, and a local village with crafts men and women.
September 9, 2019.

Sakha Day: American on citizen diplomacy mission-Ann Wright Visits Sakha & Yakutsk
September 9, 2019.

Molly Ivans--On War & Peace -2006
Moly was so kind to mention me in her 2006 article. I am posting the article because I am so proud to have been mentioned!!!! RIP Molly.
September 8, 2019.

Challenging Times for Citizen to Citizen Diplomacy in Russia
First of my articles about the September Center for Citizens Initiative trip to Russia in September 2019.
September 7, 2019.
This article covers dialogues with political, economic and security analysts in Moscow..

Citizen Diplomacy in Russia, Interview on Sputnik News
September 3, 2019.

Ann Wright on RT-TV on US Military Bases in Other Countries
August 30, 2019.

Retired US Colonel, peace fighter arrives in Yakutsk
August 28, 2019.
I love the quote from one of the organizer, the president of the local Rotary Club Kapitalina Kapitonovna: "A worthy welcome by a well-known activist in the struggle for peace will be the contribution of our local community to the cause of peace and good neighborliness between Russia and the USA." Part of an 18 peace mission to Russia sponsored by the Center for Citizen Initiatives. ccisf.org.

The Historic, Anti-Nuclear Sailboat Golden Rule Arrives in Hawaii on Pacific Voyage to Hiroshima, Japan
August 13, 2019.

The Golden Rule on Navigating the Journey, Think Tech Hawaii
With Interviewer Marsha Joyner.
August 7, 2019.

Peace Stock-Annual Peace gathering at Red Wing, Minnesota .
July 20, 2019.

Ann Wright, world peace activist, visiting Nicaragua
Nicaragua TV Channel 8 online.
July 14, 2019.

Generals, Ambassadors, National Security Experts, Church Leaders and Women Nobel Peace Laureates Say No War On Iran!
July 13, 2019.

Dogs of War Howl for Blood in Iran While Americans Cheer US Bombers on July 4th, Joint article by Medea Benjamin and Ann Wright
July 8, 2019.

Ann Wright on National Public Radio, Militarization of the Fourth of July
July 4, 2019.

Trump Celebrates Himself on July 4, Article by Ann Wright & Medea Benjamin
July 3, 2019.

Why Should We Believe the U.S. on Location of Drone Shot Down By Iran?
June 28, 2019.

Special issue of "Paz y Soberana" dedicated to the VI. International Seminar for Peace and the Abolition of Foreign Bases.
Ann Wrights presentation on US military bases in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia is at page 28-34.
June 25, 2019.

How to avert the impending war on Iran
My Interview with Eric Stoner of Waging Nonviolence.
June 18, 2019.

Warning to Noncitizen Soldiers and Vets: Complete Your Paperwork
Page 9 in online newspaper..
June 15, 2019.

Peace can flow like a river, Article about my talk on Kauai, Hawaii
June 10, 2019.

VFP members attend the 6th International Symposium on Abolition of Foreign Military Bases held in Guantanamo, Cuba, VFP members Ann Wright & Monisha Rios delivery presentations at the Symposium
June 1, 2019.

Trump Administration Hands Over Venezuelan Diplomatic Facilities to Unelected, Failed Coup Makers Guaido Faction
May 25, 2019.

Reverend Jesse Jackson Brings Food and Attention to the Trump Illegal Coup Attempt on Venezuela and Embassy
May 18, 2019.

Venezuela Embassy Protection Collective Defies Unlawful "No Trespass" Order
Co-authors Ann Wright and Medea Benjamin.
May 14, 2019.

Bolton Leading Trump on Reckless War Agenda
May 13, 2019.

The Golden Rule Sets Sail Again To Focus On Danger Of Nukes
Honolulu's Civil Beat online news.
May 13, 2019.

Bolton Playing Trump Like a Fiddle on Iran
May 11, 2019.

U.S. and NATO Buildup in Eastern Europe and Scandinavia And U.S. Military Bases and Exercises in Africa
May 5, 2019.
Presentation by Colonel Ann Wright for the VI Symposium on the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases held in Guantanamo, Cuba, May 4-6, 2019. The next symposium will be in 2021. https://cubaporlapaz.wordpress.com/.

Easter At the Border Fence with Mexico
May 4, 2019.

Historic Anti-Nuke 'Golden Rule' Resumes Mission, Bound for Hawaii, Hiroshima, Nagasaki
May 3, 2019.

Historic Anti-Nuke Golden Rule Peace Boat Sets Sail on 15-Month Voyage to Japan--Via Hawaii, Guam and Okinawa
May 2, 2019.

Warning to Non-Citizen Soldiers & Vets: Complete Your Paperwork, US Veterans Deported From the U.S.
April 30, 2019.

Ann Wright's Introduction in . From Warriors to Resisters
April 22, 2019.

From Warrior to Resister, Ann Wright's Introduction to the Third Edition of the book
April 22, 2019.

Warning: All Non-Citizen "Green Card" U.S. Military and U.S. Veterans MUST Get U.S. Citizenship -- For Protection
April 22, 2019.

Ann Wright's TV interview on NATO
April 2, 2019.

NATO summit to be held in Washington to commemorate 70 years of promoting war and chaos, Ann interviewed on Loud and Clear radio show on Sputnik Radio
April 2, 2019.

You Need to Have an Enemy- NATOs Endless Expansion Keeps Weapons-Makers Flush
April 2, 2019.

NATO and US Foreign Policy: Dangers Ahead, Ann Wright was one of three speakers at the National Press Club
April 2, 2019.

Warning: All Non-Citizen "Green Card" U.S. Military and U.S. Veterans MUST Get U.S. Citizenship -- For Protection Against Deportation
April, 2019.

Tribute to Peace Activist Allen Nelson, U.S. Marine
March 26, 2019.

Impatient for Peace on the Korean Peninsula, While U.S.-North Korean contact is stalled, relations between North Korea and South Korea continue to increase
March 22, 2019.

Korea Peace Now! Cooperation Continuing Despite Stalled Dialogue With US
March 21, 2019.

Ann Wright interviewed on Hawaii Think Tech TV show
March 18, 2019.

American and Iranian Hardliner Ideologies Continue to Cause Suffering of Iranian People
March 14, 2019.

US and Iranian Hardliners Continue the Suffering
Ann Wright reports on a citizen peace delegations recent trip to Iran, which included a meeting with the countrys foreign minister..
March 14, 2019.

US Women Activists Blast Trump for His Anti-Iran Policies
March 1, 2019.
Ann Wright quoted in the article: Ann Wright, another Code Pink member, condemned illegal American sanctions and vowed efforts towards changing the Trump administrations hostile approach on Iran. We do not want our government in the United States to be having the sanctions put on Iran. Its the United States who abrogated the framework agreement treaty. We are here to say to the Iranian people we are going to work hard in the United States to get our government to change its policies, she said..

US Women Activists Blast Trump for His Anti-Iran Policies
March 1, 2019.
Ann Wright quoted in the article: Ann Wright, another Code Pink member, condemned illegal American sanctions and vowed efforts towards changing the Trump administrations hostile approach on Iran. We do not want our government in the United States to be having the sanctions put on Iran. Its the United States who abrogated the framework agreement treaty. We are here to say to the Iranian people we are going to work hard in the United States to get our government to change its policies, she said..

Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif Resigns Hours After Meeting With US Peace Delegation
February 25, 2019.

Arriving in Tehran, Iran
February 23, 2019.

Trump Administration Appears to Agree to Denuclearization of the Entire Korean Peninsula
February 9, 2019.

North Korean Missiles are Not the Threat to Hawaii - Its U.S. Militarys Leaking Jet Fuel Storage Tanks
February 9, 2019.

US Military Fuel Tanks Threaten Aquifer in Hawaii
February 8, 2019.

Time To Retire Red Hill Jet Fuel Tanks
February 8, 2019.

North Korean Missiles are Not the Threat to Hawaii--Its Our Own U.S. Militarys Leaking Jet Fuel Storage Tanks
February 8, 2019.

Multilateral Coalitions as a Fig Leaf for U.S. Imperial Intervention, Loud and Clear radio show on Sputnik Radio
February 7, 2019.

Multilateral Coalitions as a Fig Leaf for U.S. Imperial Intervention, Loud and Clear radio show on Sputnik Radio
February 7, 2019.

Retired US Colonel Ann Wright at Mākua Valley, Oahu, Hawaii cultural access
February 5, 2019.
Retired US Colonel Ann Wright, who also spent years as a US diplomat internationally, retired from the military because she did not believe the Iraq war was a just war. She lives on Oahu, but now travels the world speaking about the dangers of militarization. She spoke to cultural access .

Did the U.S. Cover Up a Civilian Massacre Before Black Hawk Down?
January 5, 2019.
Ann Wright is quoted extensively in the article as she was the head of the United Nations Justice Division in Somalia at the time. She wrote an article about the US attack on Somali leaders six months prior to this article. How Military Operations in Somalia 25 Years Ago Influence Operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen Today https://worldbeyondwar.org/how-military-operations-in-somalia-25-years-ago-influence-operations-in-afghanistan-iraq-syria-and-yemen-today/.

US Opened Doors After Vietnam War and Can Do So Again
December 17, 2018.

Will Muslim Countries Malaysia or Indonesia help Palestinians in Thailand?
December 14, 2018.

Delegates Who Faced Israeli Violence Before the 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla -- Dr. Swee Ang and Navy Veteran Joe Meadors
December 13, 2018.

We Can Help Thousands of Persons Fleeing Violence in Central America. We Helped Over 131,000 Vietnamese in 1975
December 11, 2018.

Nominee for US Ambassador to Yemen is No Friend of the Yemeni People
December 7, 2018.

Pakistans Fight Against Extremism at Home Rebuffed by Trump
November 20, 2018.

Pakistans Fight Against Extremism at Home Rebuffed by Trump
November 20, 2018.

Challenges for Pakistan -- Relations with the U.S., Afghanistan, China, Iran and Religious Extremists
November 19, 2018.

Challenges for Pakistan -- Relations with the U.S., Afghanistan, China, Iran and Religious Extremists
November 19, 2018.

Ann Wright receives Blue Planet Award from the Environmental Group Ethecon
November 17, 2018.
Quote from the award: Ann Wright acts with courage, steadfastness, incorruptibility, and integrity. She engages in civil disobedience, acts in opposition to the prevailing standards and laws, and is even prepared to accept judicial penalties and harm to herself. She demonstrates what is usually called social responsibility and courage of her convictions. .

Ann Wright receives Blue Planet Award from the Environmental Group Ethecon
November 17, 2018.
Quote from the Award: Ann Wright acts with courage, steadfastness, incorruptibility, and integrity. She engages in civil disobedience, acts in opposition to the prevailing standards and laws, and is even prepared to accept judicial penalties and harm to herself. She demonstrates social responsibility and courage of her convictions. ..

Do We Not Bleed? Ask Pakistanis, Pakistan Is the Only Country In Which Families of Civilian Victims of U.S. Drones Have Not Been Compensated
November 16, 2018.

Ann on Free Speech TV program on Militarism on Armistice Day
November 11, 2018.

Trump refuses to take responsibility for Yemen airstrike that killed 40 children
Radio interview on Loud and Clear national radio program.
November 5, 2018.

How Perceived Exceptionalism, Racism, Hatred, Bigotry and Rejection of the Rule of Law Can/Will Dethrone An Empire
November 3, 2018.
Ann Wright's speech at the conference on Geopolitics of Knowledge and Emerging World Order, October 30-31, 2018 at the National Defense University in Islamabad, Pakistan. .

America's Bloody Ally
October 26, 2018.

The Murderous Saudi Regime
October 23, 2018.

Tears and pain left behind from the 17-year occupation, Turkish newspaper article about 17 years of US occupation of Afghanistan
Quotes from Ann Wright.
October 7, 2018.

Ann Wright giving the keynote address on Korea for Women Cross DMZ Christine Ahn at the Veterans for Peace Convention
August 25, 2018.

How Military Operations in Somalia 25 Years Ago Influence Operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen Today
August 21, 2018.

Breaking the brass ceiling: The U.S. military's top women
August 18, 2018.
Remarkably, Ann Wright is listed #7 in the CBS series of 20 US military women breaking the glass ceiling. She caption for her photo is:Ann Wright is a retired army colonel who resigned in 2003 in opposition to the Iraq War. She spent 29 years in the Army and Army Reserves combined. Wright was also in the State Department for 16 years. After resigning, she co-wrote Dissent, Voices of Conscience..

Geopolitical Imperatives-Gaza and Korea, Kateri Peace Conference Video
August 18, 2018.
Video of Ann Wright and Ray McGovern speaking at the 20th anniversary of the Kateri Peace Conference in Fonda, NY near Albany, NY.

From War, Vision for Peace, Albany Times Union
Decorated Army officer to speak at Kateri Peace event.
August 17, 2018.

U.N. REPORT CRITICIZES MILITARY TACTICS OF SOMALIA PEACE KEEPERS, 1993 Washington Post article that mentions a memorandum that Ann Wright wrote as the Chief of the Justice Division of the United Nations Mission in Somalia UNOSOM II following US Army helicopters firing TOW anti-tank missiles into a building that had Soma
Report was called Legal and human rights aspects of UNOSOM military operation.
August 15, 2018.

Citizens Along the Texas-Mexico Border Help Refugees
August 10, 2018.

Human rights crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border, Sputnik Radio Interview
August 10, 2018.

Flotilla Passengers Released by Israel; Many Battered and Bruised; USS Liberty Survivor Held Six Days
August 9, 2018.

Helping at the US-Mexico Border
August 8, 2018.

USS Liberty Survivor Joe Meadors Witnesses Israeli Violence Against Gaza Freedom Flotilla
August 5, 2018.

Freedom boat headed for Gaza is expected to be intercepted today
Ann Wright quoted in article.
August 4, 2018.

Ann Wright quoted in article.
July 31, 2018.

Israeli Seizure of Aid Ship Can not Contain Palestine Movement SaysActivist
July 31, 2018.

Letter from the Gaza Freedom Flotilla to Secretary of State Pompeo
July 28, 2018.
July 26, 2018 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo US Department of State Washington, DC The 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla after a 70-day trip from Scandinavia stopping in ports in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Italy, departed Sicily and is now heading across the Mediterranean to Gaza to challenge the illegal Israeli blockade of Gaza. The representative of the United States, U.S. Navy survivor of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty ship, Joe Meadors, is on board the ship Al Awda with a number of other prominent human rights advocates from around the world. The flotilla carries 116 boxes of urgently needed medical supplies, primarily sterile gauze and sutures, to be gifted to Gaza's over-stretched health services due to the execution of 140 Palestinians in Gaza and severe injury to over 16,000 Palestinians by the Israeli Occupation Forces in the past two months during the Friday Great Return Marches. The three boats of the flotilla will be gifted to Gaza's fishers who are now having to fish within three miles of the shore due to Israel's lethal enforcement of a Israeli declared fishing zone in Gaza waters. One boat is a fishing trawler and two are sailboats. Like previous similar humanitarian missions, this flotilla with unarmed, civilian human rights activists poses no threat to Israel. Israel's own actions toward Palestinians is what causes Israel to feel threatened. However, in light of Israel's unwarranted and illegal interception and seizure of previous Gaza-bound civilian boats in international waters, with this open letter, we call on the Government of the United States to urgently demand that Israeli authorities end their inhumane blockade of the Gaza Strip and allow the 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla safe and unhindered passage to their destination -- the port of Gaza City. .

USS Liberty Survivor Joe Meadors on 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla: American people should be concerned about Palestinian victims of Israeli terrorism
July 26, 2018.

Why Trump Is Threatening Iran, Interview on Sputnik radio with Jon Kiriakou
Written article about interview: https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201807241066626108-iranian-foreign-minister-fires-back-trump/.
July 23, 2018.

Unimpressed: Iranian Foreign Minister Dismisses Trumps All-Caps Twitter Threat
Ann Wright quoted in article.
July 23, 2018.

How Ann Wright, Former US Army Colonel and Diplomat, Became a Peace Activist
July 19, 2018.

ow Ann Wright, Former US Army Colonel and Diplomat, Became a Peace Activist, The Real News Interview
July 15, 2018.

Trump for working toward peace on Korean Peninsula, says former diplomat | Trump-Kim Summit, Ann Wright speaking on CNBC
June 13, 2018.

Hopes high for Korean peace talks, Letter to Editor of Honolulu Star Advertiser
June 12, 2018.

North Korea has taken big steps. Now it's Trump's turn to show goodwill, Article co-written by Ann Wright and Medea Benjamin
June 4, 2018.

Ann Wright on Sovereignty TV South Korea about Trump Cancellation of Summit with North Korea
May 30, 2018.

Confusion and Protests. How Seoul Reacted to President Trump Quitting the North Korea Summit
May 26, 2018.
Wright urged Trump to resist the hawkish influence of Bolton. ...The Korean train for peace is moving and if the U.S. wants to be a part of it, they better get moving. Because if they attempt to derail this, the world will again castigate the United States,.. she said..

US activists denied travel to North Korea
May 21, 2018.
A total of 10 women were denied permits by the US Department of State to visit North Korea, including Ann Wright, a former US Army Colonel and State Department official who was an original member of Women Cross DMZ..

Interview on WBAI New York Pacifica on Trump and Peace in Korea
Look in archives for podcast for May 17.
May 17, 2018.

Ann Wright Citizen Diplomat on Korean Peace Talks, WBAI Pacifica Radio-New York, New York
May 17, 2018.

Ann Wright quoted in Newsweek article.
May 16, 2018.

Video for Canadian Boats to Gaza for 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla, With Ann Wright giving presentations on current situation in Gaza, the history of the Gaza Freedom boats and the 2018 Boats to Gaza project
Program begins at Minute 15.
May 15, 2018.

Our Dreams Are Coming True- Peace Activists Celebrate as Korean Leaders Vow to Officially End War, Interview on Democracy Now
April 27, 2018.

Incredible Agreement Between Leaders of North Korea and South Korea-Peace on the Korean Peninsula
April 27, 2018.

Three Suicides in One Night -- Guantanamo Prison Commander Nominated as US Ambassador to South Korea
April 26, 2018.

Secretary of State nominee Mike Pompeo faces critical committee vote, 10 minute radio interview
April 23, 2018.

Beware of White Helmets Bearing News
April 21, 2018.

No Chemical Attack in Douma Two International Investigative Reporters in Douma Write
April 19, 2018.

Blowing up the Evidence on Douma Chemical Attack, Consortium News
April 17, 2018.

Blowing up the Lack of Evidence of Chemical Attack in Syria
April 14, 2018.

Radio interview on Syria, hours before US missile strikes, Sputnik radio, Washington, DC with Brian Becker and John Kiriakou
April 13, 2018.

Ann Wright speaking out in Congressional hearing against the confirmation of Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State, NPR radio
April 12, 2018.

Photos of Ann Wright Protesting Nomination of Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State
April 12, 2018.

Newsweek video of our protest of Pompeo as Secretary of State, No Pompeo, No More War chant
April 12, 2018.

Video of Ann, Hye-Jung Park and Hyun Lee speaking on Negotiation Not Escalation on Korean Peninsula
Philadelphia, PA.
April 8, 2018.

6,700 More U.S. Missiles for Saudi Arabia to Shoot at Yemeni Kids
March 23, 2018.

Why Would Anyone Kill Ones Self In an Attempt to Stop A War?
March 22, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
March 21, 2018.

Getting Away with Torture and Murder: The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
Many comments to this article.
March 21, 2018.

Opposition to Wars -- From Vietnam to Iraq: Imprisonment, Resignation and Resistance
March 20, 2018.

The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre of My Lai
March 18, 2018.

Wars from Viet Nam to Korea, Ann speaking by video at the Mt Diablo Peace and Justice Conference - Stop the War Machine
March 17, 2018.

My radio interview on Loud and Clear. It was a Rampage: My Lai Massacre 50 Years Later
March 16, 2018.

Remembering the My Lai massacre 50 years later
March 16, 2018.

KPFA Flashpoint-50 years after the My Lai Massacre, Dennis Bernstein interviews Ann on KPFA
March 16, 2018.

Ann speaking on the 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla,, San Jose Peace and Justice Center, San Jose, California
February 21, 2018.

Video of Ann s 1 hr talk at Chico State Universitys Veterans Speak
This is a link to previously recorded Peace Institute at Chico State presentations and where your presentation will be linked (https://rce.csuchico.edu/professional-development/connect-learn-engage/forums/peace-institute).
February 20, 2018.

Radio interview on North Korean delegation arrival at Pyongchang Olympics
February 9, 2018.

International Peace Conference in South Korea, Peace Conference Calls for Suspension of Military Exercises after the Olympics, Lifting of Sanctions and Talks with North Korea
February 4, 2018.

Duck and Cover Drills Exacerbate Fears of North Korea War
February 3, 2018.

Why Not Talk to North Korea Instead of Scaring Us with Nuclear Attack Warning Sirens
February 3, 2018.

Stop The Warmongering And Talk To North Korea
February 2, 2018.

Radio Interview on Trump Administration Reducing by 50% funds to United Nations Works and Relief Agency
Radio Sputnik with Brian Becker and Jon Kiriakou.
January 25, 2018.

Ann Wright speaks on Crisis on Korean Peninsula at the Moblization Against War and Occupation, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
January 19, 2018.

Interview with Ann Wright. “Our Dreams Are Coming True”: Peace Activists Celebrate as Korean Leaders Vow to Officially End War
January 17, 2018.

For the No Foreign Bases Conference. Ann Wright speaking at rally in Baltimore, Maryland, Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases​: noforeignbases.org
January 16, 2018.

Ann Wright interviewed on Hawaii Issues That Matter
On Olelo, Hawaii Public Access TV With Hawaii activists Lynette Cruz and Emilia Kandagawa .
January 4, 2018.
https://www.facebook.com/MalamaMakua http://malamamakua.org/.

Response Mixed to Hawaiis Second Nuclear AirRaid Siren Test
January 3, 2018.
Here is Ann Wright's quote: Retired Army Col. Ann Wright, who is with Veterans for Peace, said the sirens are a kind of warmongering. I think the probability of the North Koreans firing a missile to the United States is zero, Wright said. I mean, they know exactly what would happen if they would do that. Their country would be obliterated, and that is not what they want. Wright, a Honolulu resident who was in North Korea two years ago with a group of 30 women who met with 250 North Korean women on the issue of peace on the Korean Peninsula, said the North wants a peace treaty. The United States and international community have to negotiate with North Korea, she maintains. We (the United States) are so belligerent on so many things, Wright said, that we do have to swallow a little crow. How did the Vietnam War end? Crow-eating. All of these endless things will stop when we get ourselves out of the corner we have backed ourselves into..

U.S. Government Deports U.S. Military Veterans And Lowers Standards for Recruits
December 13, 2017.

450 Parliamentarians From 40 Countries Challenge Israeli Eradication of Muslim Cultural/Religious Jerusalem Landmarks
December 12, 2017.
Israel removes key sites from Jerusalem's Old City Map Israeli ministry's map of Jerusalem's Old City marks historically unimportant sites and omits key non-Jewish holy sites. http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/06/israel-removes-key-sites-jerusalem-city-map-160605110610513.html.

Taking Care of The Flood of Humanity in Bangladesh -- 622,000 Rohingya Arrive in Three Months
December 12, 2017.

Countering Islamic Extremism in the Muslim World
Observations from the World Conference on Islamic Thought and Civiilzation, Ipoh, Malaysia.
November 26, 2017.

Ann Wright's talk at the Inspirational Lecture Series, National Defense University, Putrajaya, Malaysia, Women's Boat to Gaza: Leadership and Diplomacy at Work
November 22, 2017.

Ann Wright Speaking at the Amnesty International's seminar on Inclusive Peace building Practices To Avert U.S. War on North Korea
Honolulu, Hawaii.
November 7, 2017.

Ann Wright Speaking at the Amnesty International's seminar on Inclusive Peace building Practices To Avert U.S. War on North Korea, Honolulu, Hawaii
November 7, 2017.
Patrick Malone, Soo Sun Choe and Pete Doktor are also speakers..

30 minute radio interview on Speaking Truth to Empire on FM 88.1 KFCF Fresno, California
October 18, 2017.

American Not Immune to Chaos
October 3, 2017.

Fire and Violence from the Skies -- the United States No Longer Immune from the Suffering the Rest of the World Endures
October 2, 2017.

Ann Wright's presentation on US Military Bases in the US and around the world, For the War and the Environment conference, American University, Washington, DC
September 24, 2017.
video of co-presenter Veterans for Peace Will Griffin on US bases in Okinawa and South Korea https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBqqcDqgmpY Video of comments of workshop participants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXOdQouGIjY&t=5s.

Demanding Diplomacy With North Korea, Women Leaders Condemn Trump Warmongering
September 23, 2017.
Ann Wright quoted in the article..

Ann Wright presentation during the Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) presentation about the Sam Adams award during the War and Environment conference, Katzen Art Center, American University, Washington, DC
September 22, 2017.

Ann Wright's You-Tube presentation to the International Congress on Foreign Military Bases, Kaiserslautern, Germany
September 8, 2017.

Ann Wright radio interview on Hurricane Harvey relief work in Houston, Radio show Loud and Clear with Brian Becker
September 5, 2017.

My presentation at the 5th Conference on the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases posted on the blog for the Cuban Movement for Peace. Go to pages halfway through the blog..
July 31, 2017.

Ann Wright's evaluation of the July 2017 educational trip to China with the Alliance for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia
July 30, 2017.
Don Tow's Website Home Political/Social Commentary Taiji Other Soccer Author Highlights of the 2017 Peace and Reconciliation Asia Study Tour September 2017 1 Comment On July 14-27, 2017, a group of 17 people participated in a two-week immersion program to study WWII history in Asia. Ten are from the U.S., six are from Canada, and one is a Canadian citizen currently living in Hong Kong. WWII history in Asia is seldom taught in American or Canadian high schools with the result that Americans and Canadians in general know very little about that part of WWII history. The purpose of the Peace and Reconciliation Asia Study Tour is to increase the knowledge of the participants of WWII history in Asia, especially with respect to the massive and inhumane atrocities committed by the Japanese military on China, Korea, and other countries in Asia. Hopefully upon their return, they would help with the movement to establish peace and reconciliation by seeking justice for these atrocities. The purpose then is to learn about that part of history to help prevent those happenings from occurring again in the future anywhere on earth. The Asia Study Tour is sponsored by the non-profit educational organization New Jersey Alliance for Learning and Preserving the History of WWII in Asia (NJ-ALPHA). This article describes the highlights of the 2017 Asia Study Tour. The participants come from a range of professions: teachers and educators, film makers, historians and researchers, lawyers, college students, community leaders, and activists. We visited five cities (Shanghai, Quzhou, Nanjing, Beijing, and Harbin) in China and one city (Seoul) in South Korea. We learned about the major atrocities of WWII in Asia: Sex slaves (or euphemistically called Comfort Women by Japan), Nanking Massacre, slave labor, and biological/chemical warfare (including human experimentation and vivisection). The highlights of the study tour were: Hearing testimonies from germ warfare victims, Nanking Massacre survivors, former slave laborers, and former sex slaves Visiting several heart-wrenching museums Inspirations gained from observing the life-long efforts of many activists who dedicated their lives to the peace and reconciliation movement. https://www.dontow.com/2017/09/highlights-of-the-2017-peace-and-reconciliation-asia-study-tour/.

The Logic in North Korean Madness
July 17, 2017.

US Experts Say North Korean Leadership May Be Ruthless and Reckless, But They Are Not Crazy
July 14, 2017.

In Guantanamo, Cuba, International Peacemakers Say No to Foreign Military Bases, this version has photos
June 21, 2017.

In Guantanamo, Cuba, International Peacemakers Say No to Foreign Military Bases
June 19, 2017.
Includes Text of Ann Wright's presentation at the conference "THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, THE MIDDLE EAST AND THE U.S. MILITARY BASE AT GUANTANAMO".

Ann Wright speaking by video on International Issues panel for the United National Anti-War conference, Ann's presentation begins at 58 minutes
June 17, 2017.

Ann Wright's video presentation on Gaza for the United National Anti-War Conference in Richmond, Virginia
June 16, 2017.

Killer Drones and the Militarization of U.S. Foreign Policy, Published in the Foreign Service Journal
June 7, 2017.
Published in the Foreign Service Journal issue on Diplomats and Soldiers--The Militarization of U.S. Foreign Policy.

Thousands March Saying NO to NATO and Make PEACE Great Again
May 28, 2017.

Peace Activists Focus on Reducing Military Spending at Counter-NATO Summit
May 25, 2017.
Ann Wright interviewed for this article and quoted in it..

American peace activist Colonel Mary Ann Wright strongly criticized Trump, Article in Dutch for No to NATO events in Brussels, Belgium
May 24, 2017.

Chelsea Manning's release: Life beyond whistle-blowing, With quotes from Ann Wright
May 17, 2017.

Americas Ready Supply of Enemies
May 6, 2017.

How the United States Ultimately Talks with Its "Enemies" --Now Its Time to Dialogue with North Korea
May 5, 2017.

Video panel discussion at Kirkwood University, Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Panel Discussion: Middle Eastern Conflicts and US Involvement
May 4, 2017.

Speak at Press Conference at Dept of Justice for no U.S. prosecution of Wikileaks Julian Assange
April 28, 2017.

Speech on The U.S., Trump and the Prospect of Peace in the Middle East, 1h live streaming of MyCARE and Rose2Rose speaking event at the Kompleks IKRAM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
April 23, 2017.

1 hr radio interview on Radio Sputnik with Brian Becker and Cindy Sheehan, Trump's New 'Military First' Policy Puts Generals in Charge LOUD & CLEAR
On the missiles into Syria and the huge 21,000 pound experimental bomb on Afghanistan.
April 14, 2017.

Ann Wright speaking for the Fast for Yemen in front of the United Nations
April 14, 2017.

Video of Ann Wright giving the keynote address at the Global Network against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space conference, Huntsville, Alabama
April 8, 2017.
http://www.space4peace.org/actions/gnconf_2017.htm https://www.facebook.com/space4peace.

Use Latest Tragedy in Syria to End the War, Not Escalate It, Co-authored with Medea Benjamin
April 6, 2017.

Trump Succumbs to Bush/Obama Perpetual War
March 30, 2017.
This article was written about my resignation from the US Diplomatic Corps 14 years ago and reflection on the issues besides the Iraq War I wrote about in my letter of resignation..

Its time for the U.S. to negotiate a peace treaty with North Korea, Recent calls by experts for a deal with the North are a long time coming
March 16, 2017.

Video Interview on Trying to Get Syrian Women in 2017 Syrian Peace Talks at the UN in Geneva, Switzerland
March 8, 2017.
Global Connections host Carlos Juarez interviews Peace Activist Ann Wright, who just returned the first week of the Syrian Peace Talks at the UN in Geneva, Switzerland. Ann was there in solidarity with Syrian women, trying to get them a place at the negotiating table. The interview will also explore lessons learned from Anns long and wide ranging career as a retired U.S. Army Colonel and American diplomat who resigned from the State Department in protest over the U.S. intervention in Iraq in 2003..

A Path Forward on North Korea
March 5, 2017.

Ann Wright's Keynote Address to the Annual Meeting of Women Against Military Madness, Minneapolis, Minnesota
March 4, 2017.

Ann Wright speaking at the Women Against Military Madness Annual Luncheon
March 4, 2017.
1 hour talk in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Israeli Anti-Semitism Smears Backfire, What happened when my speaking event in Rome about Gaza was cancelled due to complaints of the Israeli Embassy
March 1, 2017.

Tulsi Gabbard vs. Regime Change Wars
February 16, 2017.

Why I Support Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Going To Syria
February 15, 2017.

Resistance is Love, For Veterans for Peace
February 14, 2017.

Fifteen years in Afghanistan: Same Questions, Same Answers-And Now Four More Years of the Same
February 12, 2017.

Radio Interview on Escalating US Failed Foreign Policy in the Middle East and Asia, With Dr. Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese on Clearing the Fog on We Act Radio
Ann's interview begins about minute 30.
February 6, 2017.

Interview on WPFW Washington, DC Business Matter with Andy Shallal, Ann's interview begins at min 30
February 6, 2017.

Trump and the World radio interview with Medea Benjamin on RAG radio-Austin, Texas, With Thorne Dreyer, 50 year activist in Austin
February 3, 2017.

Millions Say No to Trump--Womens March on Washington and around the World, Shinfujin Shimbun, weekly paper published by the New Japan Women's Association (Shinfujin)
February 2, 2017.

Arrested in the US Senate for Speaking Against Jeff Sessions as Attorney General
February 1, 2017.

Retired Army Colonel arrested for protesting Jeff Sessions confirmation
January 31, 2017.

Ann Wright Challenges Trump Pre-Inaugural Concert
January 19, 2017.

Russia Today RT interview about Clemency for Chelsea Manning, With FBI whistleblower Coleen Rowley and State Dept whistleblower Peter Van Buren
January 18, 2017.

Japanese Prime Minister Abe GIves Condolences for U.S. War Casualties While Dumping the No War Japanese Constitution
January 11, 2017.

Nine Years of Staking Out Obama, A small group of protesters stood a mostly silent vigil to the vacationing presidents comings and goings
15 minute interview -Chad Blair of Civil Beat.
January 2, 2017.
PODCAST on Honolulu's Civil Beat.

Nine Years of Challenging Obama Policies at His Hawaii Vacation Home
January 1, 2017.

Interview with Ann Wright on KPFK Radio World Focus with Blase Bonpane, With written transcript of interview
January 1, 2017.

Video interview on Women's Boat to Gaza, Veterans for Peace Will Griffin's Peace Report
December 28, 2016.

No War-Save Article 9 Sign Waving For President Obama And Japanese Prime Minister Abe's Meeting at Pearl Harbor
December 26, 2016.

Retired Army Colonel Says Her Social Security Checks Were Garnished to 'Curtail Dissent'
December 23, 2016.

Attempting to Curtail Dissent of Seniors by Stopping Social Security Checks
December 20, 2016.

Hawaii Citizens Vigil at President Obama's Holiday Home for 9th Year
December 16, 2016.

December 12, 2016.

450 Parliamentarians From 40 Countries Challenge Israeli Eradication of Muslim Cultural/Religious Jerusalem Landmarks
December 12, 2016.

450 Parliamentarians From 40 Countries Challenge Israeli Eradication of Muslim Cultural/Religious Jerusalem Landmarks
December 11, 2016.

Ann Wright's powerpoint on Women's Boat to Gaza at AJ Muste, and discussion of Standing Rock
December 6, 2016.

Colonel Ann Wright's testimony at the People's Tribunal on Iraq
December 2, 2016.

450 Parliamentarians From 40 Countries Challenge Israeli Eradication of Muslim Cultural/Religious Jerusalem Landmarks
December 2, 2016.

Six weeks Left for President Obama to Approve Clemency for U.S. Army Whistleblower Chelsea Manning
December 1, 2016.

Ann Wright Keynote Speaker for New Jersey Peace Action Autumn Gathering
November 10, 2016.

At Standing Rock, A Native American Woman Elder Says This is What I Have Been Waiting for My Entire Life
November 8, 2016.

Public Servants or Corporate Security? An Open Letter to Law Enforcement and National Guard in North Dakota, Co-authored with native American leader and historian Winona La Duke and Evergreen College professor of geography and native studies Zoltn Grossman this appeal to law enforcement and national guard in North Dakota to protect unarmed citizens instead of t
November 2, 2016.

US Army Colonel: US aid to Israel is for killing Palestinians
October 30, 2016.

When Will It End? US Government Again Uses Militarized Response to Stand of Native Americans to Injustice
October 29, 2016.
More photos in this version of the article on Consortium News; Police Clash With Protesters https://consortiumnews.com/2016/10/29/police-clash-with-pipeline-protesters/.

When Will It End? Police Clash with Pipeline Protesters
October 29, 2016.
Another version of the story with even more photos..

Video of Ann Wright's 1 hour presentation with photos on Women's Boat to Gaza, Brunswick, Maine
October 28, 2016.

Ann Wright interviewed on The Michael Slate Show, KPFK, Pacifica, Los Angeles
October 26, 2016.

Nobel Women Call for Israel-Palestine Peace
October 25, 2016.

Women's Boat to Gaza interview with Ann Wright, on WBAI Law and Disorder
October 17, 2016.

TV Interview with Ann Wright. Women's Boat to Gaza: 13 Activists Detained by Israel, Weeks After U.S. OKs $38B in Military Aid
October 12, 2016.

Radio Interview on Arab Voices Pacifica KPFT Houston
October 12, 2016.
Ann's interview begins at 8:20pm. Link to the audio interview: http://www.arabvoices.net/archives/kpft_161012_190000av.mp3.

Democracy Now TV Interview with Ann Wright Women's Boat to Gaza: 13 Activists Detained by Israel, Weeks After U.S. OKs $38B in Military Aid
October 12, 2016.

Malaysian TV 1 hour show with many of members of the Women's Boat to Gaza, ASTRO AWANI NETWORK SDN BHD (535275-D)
October 12, 2016.
Ann Wright interview at end of program.

Talk Nation Radio: Ann Wright on the Women's Boat to Gaza and Being Kidnapped by Israel in International Waters
October 11, 2016.
Ann Wright is a retired U.S. State Department official and army colonel who resigned in 2003 in protest of the war on Iraq. She's just returned from another attempt to reach Gaza by sea. For more information, see http://WomensBoatToGaza.us Total run time: 29:00 Host: David Swanson. Producer: David Swanson. Music by Duke Ellington. Download from LetsTryDemocracy or Archive..

A First-Hand Account of Womens Boat to Gaza
October 10, 2016.

How Women's Boat to Gaza Participants Witnessed the Darkness Israel Imposes on Palestinians
October 10, 2016.

Women's Boat to Gaza Participants See the Israeli Imposed Perpetual Darkness on Gaza
October 9, 2016.

The Womens Boat to Gaza activists are free and undeterred
October 7, 2016.

Sailing thousands of miles to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza
October 5, 2016.

Womens boat set to break Gaza blockade today
Comment by Ann Wright: In 2010, a similar protest ended in tragedy when six ships carrying aid to Gaza were raided by Israeli troops. During that raid, commandos killed 10 Turkish activists aboard the Mavi Marmara. It was a horrific, unnecessarily brutal.
October 5, 2016.
This article contains many photos of Palestinians waiting for the Womens Boat to Gaza..

Support the Womens Boat to Gaza, UKs PEACE NEWS article
October 4, 2016.

All-female flotilla aims to break Israeli siege of Gaza
September 16, 2016.

Greenwashing Wars and the US Military
September 9, 2016.

Interview with Ann on Hawaii Public Radio's Town Square on what to expect from the next US President, 20 minute interview
Ann's interview begins at minute 2 and lasts until minute 22.
September 1, 2016.

When Boats Brought Hope to Gaza
August 25, 2016.

Ego Clashes Exposed in Leaked Emails From Democratic National Committee, Ann Wrights photo of Debbie Resign sign
July 25, 2016.

Ann's Interview on WBAI Law and Disorder, About trip to Russia and Womens Boat to Gaza
July 18, 2016.

The New Cold Wars Frontline in Crimea
July 16, 2016.

Ann Wright's TV interview on Remote-controlled killing of suspects: The future of policing?
July 14, 2016.

NATO To Nuclear War, Yet Russia Not Our Enemy
Ann Wright quoted.
July 14, 2016.

NATO Actions Destablizing Europe
July 13, 2016.

Next Step, Local Police Use Aerial Assassin Drones
July 11, 2016.

War on Terror Blowback Hits Dallas
July 11, 2016.

Anti-NATO crowds march through Warsaw amid alliance summit
July 9, 2016.
Ann Wright interviewed by RT TV during the march in Warsaw, Poland.

Two Years Ago Israel Attacked Gaza for 51 Days as Drone Warfare Becomes the Norm
July 7, 2016.

Misunderstanding Russia and Russians
July 5, 2016.
2nd version of the article about Russia-with more photos.

Russians Ask "Why Do You Demonize Us When We Are So Much Like You?"
July 4, 2016.

Ann Wright interview from Moscow on Russia Today International on use of US military force in Syria against the Assad government
July, 2016.
Retired U.S. army colonel and the State Department official, Ann Wright discusses the latest deveoplments regarding the situation in Syria on RT International in regards to statement of 51 US diplomats to encourage US military action for government change in Syria..

Retired US Colonel Admires Courage of Crimeans
June 21, 2016.

Retired US Colonel Admires Courage of Crimeans
June 21, 2016.
Links to Other Articles on Visit to the Crimea 2016.06.22 14:12 US delegation arrived in Crimea to visit 2016.06.21 17:01 The American delegation proposed to create a society of friendship and Crimea US 2016.06.21 16:00 The delegate from the United States said that the Americans know about World War II 2016.06.21 15:12 Delegates from the United States considers a violation of the rights of people "blockade" of the Crimea 2016.06.21 15:03 The human rights activist from the United States: we are not afraid of sanctions for visiting Crimea 2016.06.21 14:42 Colonel retired US: admire the courage of Crimean 2016.06.21 14:26 social activist from the United States: in the Crimea are seen positive changes 2016.06.21 10:28 CIA ex-analyst in the Crimea calls for dialogue between the Russian Federation and the United States 2016.06.19 18:07 Delegation of the United States will meet in the Crimea with the Belarusian authorities РИА Крым: .

US Human Rights Activists Offer to Create Crimea-America Friendship Society, Ann Wright quoted in article
June 21, 2016.
See also: https://sputniknews.com/russia/201606211041665321-crimea-us-delegation/ and https://sputniknews.com/politics/201606211041653454-crimea-us-delegation-visit/.

51 US Diplomats Are Wrong -- Assad Regime Change by Force Would Result in Uncontrollable Anti-American Anger
June 18, 2016.

51 US Diplomats Are Wrong -- Assad Regime Change by Force Would Result in Uncontrollable Anti-American Anger
June 18, 2016.

Diplomats Dissent Over Syria Widens Policy Split Between Obama and Clinton
US News and World Report article that quotes an interview from Ann Wright.
June 17, 2016.
Regardless of politics, the next president is likely to increase the use of force in Syria, and that could mean more difficult times ahead for the Syrian people, according to Ann Wright, a former State Department official. "Unfortunately, I think from the rhetoric of Donald Trump [who favors sending ground troops to fight the Islamic State group but not Assad] and Hillary Clinton and their known stances on the use of military power to resolve essentially political issues, I think both of them will be strong for military operations in Syria to affect the change and that would be the overthrow of the Assad government," Wright said in an interview with RT cable news network. "The U.S. government still has major policies to overthrow other people's governments," she said. "And we can certainly see that that does not result in peace and tranquility for the civilian population, whether it was in Iraq, whether it is in Syria, and it will not be that way for Syria." .

Building Bridges of Peace instead of Fear-Citizen Diplomacy with Russia
June 15, 2016.

Bridging Divides of a New Cold War
June 15, 2016.

US Military Bases on Okinawa are Dangerous Places
June 8, 2016.

Calling Out Drone War as a War Crime
June 8, 2016.
Transcript of a radio interview with KPFA reporter Dennis Bernstein.

After Eight Years of Protest of Construction of Naval Base, Gangjeong Villagers Sued by South Korean Navy
June 8, 2016.
Article contains many photos of Gangjeong Village protest against militarism.

30 Women's Organizations Sponsor Peace Symposium
Women's Peace Forum, Ewha Womans University, Asia Women's Studies Center, Women Making Peace, Korea Federation of the YWCA co-sponsored a symposiums about with 150 Korean women and speakers Retired US Army Colonel Ann Wright and WILPF International Pres.
May 26, 2016.

2016 Women's Peace Symposium in Seoul, Korea, Theme is UN Security Council Resolution 1325
May 25, 2016.
Ann Wright speaks at Seoul Women's Peace Symposium.

March 19, 2003 -- Thirteen Years Ago Resigning Due to President Bush's War on Iraq
March 19, 2016.
When I resigned from the U.S. government 13 years ago, I had no idea where my life would go. Thirteen years later, I want to thank those in the communities of peace and social justice in the United States and around the world for welcoming me and providing me a remarkable education in the role of citizens to challenge any government's dangerous and destructive policies..

Association for Diplomat Studies and Training . Moments in Diplomatic History: An Iraq War Dissent
March 16, 2016.
Remarkable article by the Association for Diplomat Studies and Training about my decision to resign from the U.S. Diplomatic Corps and my work as a peace activist! I never thought this type of article would appear in a diplomatic studies journal--complete with photos of various protest actions in the Congress and at the White House!! The article was taken from a transcript of an extensive interview I did in 2003 with ADST..

Association for Diplomat Studies and Training . Moments in U.S. Diplomatic History: From Nation-Building to Black Hawk Down: U.S. Peacekeeping in Somalia
March 16, 2016.
This article attempts to explain US involvement in Somalia in 1993-94, but some of the important aspects were left out, including my letter of protest to the head of the United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM) concerning a helicopter gunship attack in July 1993 on a building in which Somali elders were meeting to try to figure out how to stop the war between the UN and the warlord Aideed. UN/US intelligence got it wrong--on who was meeting-not militants, but elders! As the chief of the UN's Justice Division in Somalia, I wrote a letter to the head of UNOSOM stating that the military operation violated international law--among many other aspects of the UN's mission in Somalia..

CODEPINK's Germany Tour in April Will Go Forward as Planned Despite Objections by the Israeli Ambassador, Ann Wright on Speaking Tour in Germany
February 28, 2016.

Israeli pressure to rescind award to CODEPINK from German City, Ann Wright's Letter to Mayor of Bayreuth, Germany
February 19, 2016.

Australian Broadcast Corporation TV. Ann Wright's TV interview on Sexual assault in the US military on Australian TV
February 17, 2016.

Stop U S Militarization Around the World, 1 Hour Voices of Resistance Olelo Public Access TV show with Liz Rees as interviewer
January 22, 2016.

Col Ann Wright's letter to US Air Force Colonel & Base Commander's Order of Protection against peaceful, nonviolent protesters, At the press conference for Grandmother Mary Anne Grady Flores who was put in jail for "violating" the Order of Protection
January 19, 2016.

Video of Statement of Colonel Ann Wright at the press conference for drone protester Mary Anne Grady Flores, At the press conference for Grandmother Mary Anne Grady Flores who was put in jail for "violating" the Order of Protection
January 19, 2016.

Seeking Justice for Israeli High Seas Attack, Survivors Turn to US Court
January 12, 2016.
"The human rights violations committed against us were the illegal boarding of a U.S. flagged vessel in international waters, the assault of civilians on a U.S.-flagged vessel, physical injuries, and psychological and emotional injury," Wright, a retired U.S. army colonel and former diplomat who resigned in opposition to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, told Common Dreams. "Some of us were assaulted, thrown onto the deck, and our faces smeared into glass blown out by Israeli grenades," Wright continued. "One person had a concussion grenade go off close to his head and is suffering eye injuries six years later. Another woman was fired at by the Israeli army with a paint bullet between her eyes, giving her a concussion.".

Interview on Hawaii Public Radio on US military bases on Okinawa & North Korea nuclear test
January 7, 2016.
From Hawaii Public Radio: Earlier this week, we talked about the opposition to the building of a Marine base in Okinawa, where there are already dozens of military bases. Shortly afterward, Retired Col. Ann Wright contacted us that she was back home in Honolulu and that one of her recent stops had been Okinawa. The former Army veteran and career diplomat became an activist after her resignation from the government in opposition to the war in Iraq in 2003. We periodically check in with her about her activities and she joined the show with her thoughts on a potential military base in Okinawa..

US Vets Protest Jeju Naval base
Ann Wright inteviewed by KoreaFM.net 5 minute Podcast about Veterans for Peace solidarity with citizen activists on Jeju Island with interview with editor of Jeju Weekly newspaper.
January 3, 2016.

Challenging US Overseas Military Bases
December 19, 2015.

Abolition of United States Military Bases Around the World
December 18, 2015.
My presentation on December 15, 2015 at a symposium in Naha, Okinawa on the effects of US military bases on communities around the world..

Veterans for Peace delgation protests naval base at Gangjeong village
December 8, 2015.
Articles about our Veterans for Peace press conference today in front of the main gate of the Naval Base on Jeju Island. The translation in Korean is very poor. http://www.jejusori.net/?mod=news&act=articleView&idxno=170537 ( http://www.pressian.com/news/article.html?no=131671 ) http://www.headlinejeju.co.kr/?mod=news&act=articleView&idxno=259551 http://www.sisajeju.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=252710 http://www.newsjeju.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=228524 http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2015/12/08/0200000000AKR20151208138300056.HTML.

United States Military Bases in the Caribbean, Central and South America
December 4, 2015.

U.S. Delegations Attend International Conference in Guantanamo, Cuba on Abolition of Foreign Military Bases
November 20, 2015.

Okinawa delegation in Washington to Challenge Construction of U.S. Marine Air Base Runway
November 16, 2015.

Netanyahu Ups the US Ante
November 12, 2015.

Will Obama Give Israel even more American Weapons and Dollars to Kill Palestinians?
November 12, 2015.

Video-No More Military Aid to Israel
November 9, 2015.

Ann Wright on RT (Russia Today) at Netanyahu Protest in Washington, DC
November 9, 2015.

How a High Dollar Speech Sends a former Israeli Prime Minister to US Federal Court on Claims of War Crimes
October 24, 2015.

Lawsuit Filed in US Court Against Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak
October 21, 2015.
Also at http://warisacrime.org/content/lawsuit-2010-gaza-flotilla-deaths-filed-us-court-against-former-israeli-prime-minister-ehud-.

Veterans for Peace (VFP) in Chile Protesting U.S. Funded Military Base Fuerte Aguayo
October 10, 2015.

Women Cross the DMZ, By Janis Alton
October 1, 2015.
This article is about our trip to North Korea and crossing the DMZ. Janis Alton is co-president of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace..

Press Release. Women Cross the DMZ Call for Restraint and Dialogue
August 21, 2015.

Korean War Memorial-Colorful Mix of Performances and People Honor Veterans and Hope for Peace
Colonel Ann Wright, former US diplomat and peace activist as a speaker on the National Mall .
July 26, 2015.

video of Women Cross DMZ briefing at the United Nations
July 23, 2015.
audio begins immediately and video at minute 5. Ann Wright's presentation begins at minute 6..

Presentation by Women Cross DMZ at Busboys and Poets
July 21, 2015.

video of Women Cross DMZ briefing at the US Congress
Ann Wright was moderator of the briefing.
July 21, 2015.

Knives Are Out for Those Who Challenge Militarization of the Korean Peninsula
July 14, 2015.
http://www.opednews.com/articles/Knives-Are-Out-for-Those-W-by-Ann-Wright-Dmz_International_Issues_Korean-Unification-150714-442.html http://worldbeyondwar.org/knives-are-out-for-those-who-challenge-militarization-of-the-korean-peninsula/ http://warisacrime.org/content/knives-are-out-those-who-challenge-militarization-korean-peninsula .

20 radio interview the Gaza Flotilla on Radio Europe with Richie Allen, interview begins at minute 26:00
July 7, 2015.

30 minute interview with Peter B. Collins on Gaza Flotilla and trip to North Korea
July 6, 2015.

Interview about the Gaza Flotilla on "Sounds of Dissent," WZBC Radio-Boston with interviewer John Griebe
July 4, 2015.

Interview with Ann Wright about the Gaza Flotilla on "Sounds of Dissent," WZBC Radio-Boston with interviewer John Griebe
July 4, 2015.

Interview with Ann Wright on Gaza Freedom Flotilla 3 with KPOO-San Francisco & Don Lacy
July 4, 2015.

Veterans Call on Israel to Free International Flotilla, End Siege of Gaza
July 3, 2015.

Sailing -- Again -- to Break the Israeli Naval Blockade of Gaza
July 2, 2015.

Article by Medea Benjamin on the Gaza Flotilla 3 mentioning Ann Wright. While the Flotilla Did not Make it to Gaza, Israel Did not Win
July 1, 2015.

Why I Am On Gaza Freedom Flotilla 3-2015
June 27, 2015.

Video of Ann Wright before departure of Gaza Freedom Flotilla 3-2015
June 27, 2015.

Air Force Times. Group urges drone operators to refuse orders to fly
June 17, 2015.
Colonel Ann Wright quoted: The letter is signed by 45 veterans, the highest ranking of which is retired Army Col. Ann Wright, who also served as a diplomat in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and elsewhere. She reopened the U.S. Embassy in Kabul in December 2001 and later resigned from the U.S. government in 2003 to protest the Iraq war. Wright told Air Force Times that she signed the letter because she is concerned about civilian casualties from drone strikes. "I have travelled to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Gaza to do talk to victims of US and Israeli drones," she said in an email to Air Force Times. "Because of the number of civilian casualties, I firmly believe that this weapon system is jeopardizing US national security and creating large numbers of people who despise the United States (and Israel for the drone use in Gaza). "I have worked with our latest generation of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and know the suffering that many of them are enduring -and I know several drone operators who tell stories of their nightmares.".

Maui News. Retired U.S. Army colonel will share her adventure as a peace activist
June 14, 2015.

Women Cross DMZ delegates Visit Gangjeong, Jeju Island, South Korea
June 12, 2015.

Dangerous Military Buildup in Asia and Pacific
June 11, 2015.

Where Your Conscience Can Take You: North Kora
May 18, 2015.

Judith Millers Blame Shifting Memoir
April 7, 2015.

ANN WRIGHT leaves for El Salvador, END THE SCHOOL OF THE ASSASSINS, Video interview
March 28, 2015.

1 hr interview on Wisconsin Public Radio with Kathleen Dunn
March 18, 2015.
The Kathleen Dunn Show Can There Be Peace In The Middle East? - Kathleen is joined by retired Colonel and State Department diplomat, Ann Wright, to discuss her experiences as an international diplomat and advocate for human rights, peace, and justice in the Middle East. Guest(s): Col. (Ret) Ann Wright.

Marquette to host prominent activist diplomat Ann Wright
March 16, 2015.

The World Ignores the Crisis in Gaza-So Another Gaza Freedom Flotilla is Ready to Sail in First Half of 2015
March 15, 2015.

Why Was Cuba Ever on the U.S. List of State Sponsors of Terrorism?
March 1, 2015.

Cuba Joins One Billion Rising to End Violence Against Women
February 26, 2015.

Walking the UNSC1325 Talk: Women De-Militarize the Zone in Korea
Ann Wright on Panel discussing UNSC resolution 1325 and the Women's March for Peace in the Koreas.
February 4, 2015.

Ann Wright Participating in the 2015 WOMENS WALK FOR PEACE IN KOREA
February 3, 2015.
Ann is honored to join Nobel Peace Laureates Mairead Maguire and Leymah Gbowee, Journalist Gloria Steinem, and 20 other notable women for this walk for peace in the Koreas..

Interview with Ann Wright on Hawaii Public Radio about upcoming trip to Cuba
January 28, 2015.

Hundreds Sound Off on Army Downsizing
January 27, 2015.
Ann Wright quoted at minute 2 in audio.

Smaller Army in Hawaii Gives State a Chance to Blossom, Honolulu Star Advertiser OpEd
January 25, 2015.

Ann Wright, Medea Benjamin & Alka Pradham on RT TV Thom Hartmann Show on US Senate Report on Torture
December 9, 2014.

"Stop Killing Us" Say Strong Youth Leaders in Ferguson, Missouri's Weekend of Resistance to Police Brutality
October 21, 2014.

"Stop Killing Us" Say Strong Youth Leaders in Ferguson, Missouri's Weekend of Resistance to Police Brutality
October 20, 2014.

John Kerry Attempts to Bully CODEPINK into Silence
September 25, 2014.

Gains for Women are Going Backward Due to Failure of National and International Leadership: Nordic Women's Conference
September 17, 2014.

Statement from Ann Wright for the September 13, 2014 Conference in Washington, DC on the 16th Anniversary of the Imprisonment of the Cuban Five
September 15, 2014.

Television with RT on The Middle East crisis
September 8, 2014.

Renowned World Leaders and Activists Say "Don't Give Up!"
September 5, 2014.

Three World Leaders Speak on the Future of Israel and Palestine
August 31, 2014.
Also posted on: http://www.truth-out.org/speakout/item/25969-three-world-leaders-speak-on-the-future-of-israel-and-palestine http://warisacrime.org/content/three-world-leaders-speak-future-israel-and-palestine.

Moving Beyond Militarism:Women-Driven Solutions for a Nonviolent World
August 13, 2014.
These are proceedings of the May, 2013 conference hosted by the Nobel Peace Women's Initiative in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Ann Wright is quoted on pages 9 and 15. .

Interview on the situation in Iraq on The Big Picture show of Russia Today TV
August 11, 2014.
Thom Hartmann discusses on RT TV the crisis in Iraq with retired US Army Colonel Ann Wright, Middle East Professor Edmund Ghareeb and American Friends Service Committee Raed Jarrar. .

As drones take off, Oregon rules up in air
Ann Wright quoted in newspaper article.
August 7, 2014.

Ann Wright Speaks at the Community Forum on Drones at Portland, Oregon
August 7, 2014.
Ann's presentation begins at minute 35..

Ann Wright Speaks about nuclear testing protest boats-The Golden Rule and the Phoenix, At the Hiroshima Day Commemoration in Portland, Oregon
August 6, 2014.

The MOON magazine: Abjournal of personal and universal reflections. Our Leaders wouldn't Lie to Us????
July 1, 2014.
The conventional wisdom is that our leaders tell the truth and can be trusted. But the attack in the Gulf of Tonkin, which was used to justify the escalation of the war in Vietnam, was fabricated; we know that now. We were told we had to go to war in Iraq because of the imminent threat posed by weapons of mass destruction, which turned out not to exist. Our leaders continue to pursue illegal policies, such as rendition and torture, and then pass laws to protect themselves from prosecution. It's up to citizens to challenge our leaders..

An Iraq War Dissent, Moments in U.S. Diplomatic History
From an From an oral Interview with the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training.
July 1, 2014.

Ann Wright Speaks at Ribbon-Cutting at Ellsberg Billboard for Whistleblowing at State Department
June 6, 2014.
Ann's video statement begins at minute 4:00 and ends at &:30..

Ann Wright's statement Press Release for "Ellsberg Call for Whistleblowing Reaches State Department"
June 5, 2014.

Americans Must Push to Stop Sourge of War, Advocate Says, Star Advertiser, Honolulu, Hawaii
May 31, 2014.

Americans Must Push to Stop Scourge of War, Says Advocate, Honolulu Star Advertiser
May 31, 2014.

University of Costa Rica Weekly Newspaper. Will the new Government Review Policy of Using US Military Schools
May 14, 2014.

Tico Times. , Activists Warn of US Militarization of Costa Rica
May 3, 2014.

Curing Infectious CLAP -- a Mega-Injection of Truth and Transparency
May 2, 2014.

TV interview on Hispanic TV with Medea Benjamin concerning US militarization in Latin America. Ask Costa Rican government to Stop Sending Civilian Police to US Military School
May 2, 2014.

GAZA PEACE DELEGATES, ANN WRIGHT at Luxor, Egypt airport, Video interview
April 24, 2014.

Karma Of Dissent: An Interview With Ann Wright, Spring Issue of The Inquiring Mind
April 1, 2014.

Egypt's Security Concerns Compound the Deterioration of the Lives of Civilians of Gaza
March 21, 2014.

Barred Entry, We Send Our Support to the Women of Gaza from Afar
March 9, 2014.

France 24'broadcast from Cairo with International women's Delegation to Gaza, French and American delegates who made it into Egypt! but not to Gaza
March 9, 2014.

Video to the women of Gaza on International Women's Day
March 8, 2014.

Ann Wright interviewed on KPFA radio's Women's Magazine, International women's Delegation to Gaza and Syrian women to the peace talks in Geneva
March 3, 2014.

Interview with ann wright on KRCB radio, Santa Rosa, CA on "Questioning America's 'Pivot to Asia'
February 27, 2014.

College Students Have Mixed Reviews on Drone Activist, Ann Wright speaks at college near Beale Drone Base, California
February 26, 2014.

Nuclear Submarines, Whales and Tourists Don't Mix
February 2, 2014.

Ann's foreward to the book "Women Under Fire:Abuse in the US military
February, 2014.
"These stories stand as warnings to those thinking about joining the US military that has a long history of protecting criminals who commit sexual crimes. ".

Obama faces smattering of protests on Hawaiian vacation, Ann in photo with sign
December 28, 2013.

12 Years a Slave vs. 12 Years a Prisoner... in Guantanamo
December 20, 2013.

Survivor of US Military Rape in Japan Wins US Court Judgment Against Perpetrator
November 26, 2013.

Japanese Prime Minister Abe and President Obama Want Japan to be able to Wage War
November 10, 2013.

Ann Wright's article . Japanese Citizen Delegation Makes Apology for Japan’s Imperial Army’s Massacre of 300,000 in Nanjing, China in 1937
November 8, 2013.
n a memorable ceremony on October 25, 2013, a delegation of Japanese citizens made an emotional apology to the citizens of Nanjing, China for the massacre by the Japanese Imperial Army of 300,000 Chinese in the city of Nanjing in a six week period in 1937 during the Second Sino-Japanese War and the rape of thousands of women before they were put to death..

Ann Wright Speaking at the Howard Zinn Read-In, Purdue University, Jann's presentation begins at 1:30
November 4, 2013.

Japanese Citizen Delegation Makes Apology for Japans Imperial Armys Massacre of 300,000 in Nanjing, China in 1937
November 2, 2013.

Our Peace Boat is Bigger Than Your War Ship-but None Can Compare to the Force of Pacific Typhoons!
October 24, 2013.

Video of Ann Wright's talk on US Foreign Policy and Japanese Artilce 9 NO War in Kyoto, Japan
October 17, 2013.
Ann's talk begins at the 30 minute mark after wonderful performances by a peace dance group and marimba and flute musicians.

Speech by Ann Wright in Kyoto, Japan on the Assault on the NO WAR article of the Japanese constitution & the President Obama view of American "exceptionalism"
October 17, 2013.
This is a 2 hour video of the talk I gave in Kyoto, Japan on October 16, 2013--complete with peace dancers and performances by wonderful performances by musicians on the marimba and the flute! My talk begins at the 30 minute mark. I spoke on the assault on Article 9, the NO WAR part of the Japanese constitution by the Japanese and American governments..

Amidst high Japan-Korea tensions, More than 1000 Japanese and Korean citizens set sail on the Peace & Green Boat Asia Regional Voyage 2013
October 16, 2013.

Jeju Island-Tragic Destruction of Pristine Marine Area for Another Naval Base for the US Missile Defense System
October 14, 2013.

Interview on Universal Broadcasting Radio on Sexual Assault in the Military
October 2, 2013.
Download Podcast from October 2, 2013-on sexual assault in the military.

Remarks made by Ann Wright in receiving on behalf of US Army Private Chelsea Manning the International Peace Bureau's Sean MacBride Peace Award, in Stockholm, Sweden
September 14, 2013.

Ann Wright's interview about Syrian crisis on Pacifica's KPFK radio Los Angelese
September 4, 2013.

Possible Consequences of a U.S. Military Attack on Syria
August 31, 2013.

The Real New video. Statements after sentencing of PFC Bradley Manning, Lawyer David Coombs, journalist Chris Hedges, Professor Cornell West and Retired Colonel Ann Wright
August 23, 2013.

Short TV interview on Vets for Peace conference in Madison, Wisconsin
August 7, 2013.

Video of Ann Wright Speaking About trip to Yemen and US drone attacks
July 3, 2013.

Bradley Manning: A Brave, Altruistic Soldier
July 1, 2013.

The Role of Dissent in National Security, Law and Conscience, My article in the Foreign Service Journal 10 years after my resignation
July 1, 2013.

In Yemen, Most Al Qaeda can be Captured, but Killing is Easier
June 22, 2013.

In Yemen, Most Al Qaeda can be Captured, but Killing is Easier, Talking with Families of victims US drone strikes
this link works.
June 22, 2013.

In Yemen, Most Al Qaeda can be Captured, but Killing is Easier, Talking with Families of victims US drone strikes
this link works.
June 22, 2013.

Democracy Now-American Activists in Yemen Rally Against Guantanamo Prison, Ann Wright speaks about the trip to Yemen
June 18, 2013.

Ann Wright's interview with Intisar al Qadhi in Sanaa, Yemen
June 18, 2013.

'Open Diplomacy' or Espionage?
June 17, 2013.
Quotes from Ann Wright.

Day 121 for Guantanamo Hunger Strikers-Joined in Solidarity by 3 Long Term Fasters in the United States
June 7, 2013.

Leaving Truth Outside At Bradley Manning's Trial
June 4, 2013.

Interview with Ann Wright on Russia Today TV on 3rd Anniversary of Gaza Freedom Flotilla
June 3, 2013.

Landmark Case In U.S. Civil Court On Rape By U.S. Military In Japan Eleven Years Ago
May 24, 2013.

"I protest": challenging the war policies of the United States , Posted in Open Democracy
May 22, 2013.

"I protest": challenging the war policies of the United States
May 22, 2013.

The Reason for Hunger Strikes-from Northern Ireland to Guantanamo
May 21, 2013.

The U.S. Nuclear Weapons Emperor Has No Clothes, Nor Security, The Trial of the 3 Transform Now Plowshares defendants for Oak Ridge Nuclear action
May 17, 2013.

Nuclear Protesters at Oak Ridge found guiillty of harming national security
May 8, 2013.

Vieques Island Struggle-10th Anniversay, quote from Ann Wright during her visit to Vieques
May 4, 2013.

On Guard! Your Government Isn't Trustworthy! An interview with Col. (ret.) Ann Wright
April 22, 2013.

Video. Warriors for Peace, The story of Brian Willson
April 14, 2013.

Waging Non-Violence. Anti-drone movement takes flight
April 10, 2013.

Truthdig's. Families of Flotilla Dead Want More Than an Apology
April 8, 2013.

An Israeli Apology Means Little to the Families of the Nine Passengers Murdered on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla
April 5, 2013.

10 years after resignation and I'm still protesting
March 19, 2013.

Ann Wright and other Whistleblowers Speak at Oxford University, Sam Adams Award for Whistleblwoing
March 13, 2013.

"A Dissenting Voice: Ten Years Later after the Iraq War, Interview with Ann Wright in the "Nonvilent News" monthly publication by the Irish Network for Nonviolent Action Training and Education
March 1, 2013.

Ann Wright speaks to Galway, Ireland Alliance Against War, Part 1
February 18, 2013.

Ann Wright speaks to Galway, Ireland Alliance Against War, Part 2
February 18, 2013.

Irish Times. Former US diplomat cautions against Irish Nato involvement
February 15, 2013.

Col. Ann Wright, Richard Boyd Barrett TD speak at Press Conference, Buswells Hotel, 11am, Thursday 14 Feb.
February 13, 2013.

Drone protesters disrupt Senate hearing for nominated CIA director John Brennan
With video that shows 8 of us being arrested in the drone hearing.
February 7, 2013.

Israeli Drone Strikes in Gaza in November 2012 Attack: Two-Thirds Killed Were Civilians
February 6, 2013.

Whistleblowers at Oxford Union-Tom Fingar, Ann Wright, Ray McGovern, Julian Assange, Tom Drake, Coleen Rowley, Craig Murray, Katherine Gun, Annie Machon
February 2, 2013.

An Evening with Whistleblowers at Oxford Union, Transparency in Europe
February 2, 2013.

11 Years of Infamy -- US Actions at Guantanamo Prison
January 13, 2013.

Drones Kill Kids: Protesting in Hawaii Obama's Drone Program
January 6, 2013.

The Compassion of Women of Afghanistan for the Women of Gaza
December 15, 2012.

Ann Wright & John Dear interviewed on Democracy Now about trip to Afghanistan . As Admin Preps "Enduring Presence" in Afghanistan, U.S. Peace Activists Build Ties to War's Victims
December 14, 2012.

Israel and Palestine: Who is The Victim and Who Is the Aggressor?
December 9, 2012.

Israel and Palestine: Who is The Victim and Who Is the Aggressor?
December 9, 2012.

Israeli Violence Finally on Trial
November 23, 2012.

Interview with Ann Wright in The Real News Report. Protest Against Drones and Afghan War at White House
CODEPINK: Women for Peace 10th Anniversary action-At the White House, Congress, Israeli Embassy on the attack on Gaza, and Bus boys and Poets.
November 18, 2012.

Turkey puts Israeli Generals on Trial for Mavi Marmara Attack
The Real News 10 Minute video with interview with Ann Wright.
November 12, 2012.
Ann Wright, "The commandos coming in with violence, it's human nature if somebody's coming at me and going to beat the hell out of me, I'm going to pick up that camera right there and try to stop them. That's what people were doing on the Mavi Marmara. They had no weapons, they used chairs, they bent some poles off things, but when you're facing a force that's shooting and has already killed people, and you don't know whether they're going to kill you next, one can understand why there were some people that tried to resist. There were people who were killed on the top of the boat, on the Mavi Marmara, that were killed by snipers that were shooting from the helicopters. There was no resistance there. They were just standing there, and all of a sudden they were lying in their own pool of blood." Hassan Ghani Passengers on other boats, where there was no resistance, say they too were shot with plastic rounds, tasered and severely beaten. Many of them have been testifying in Istanbul. Ann Wright "This is the first time the evidence has been brought to a court. And it also sends a signal to other Israeli government officials, that if you follow the dictates of a political administration, and you attack and murder others, you are going to be held accountable for this - so this is a very important trial.".

Turkey begins trial of Israeli military over Gaza ship killings, Ann Wright, a former colonel in the U.S. army, who was on one of the smaller ships, described how Israeli troops had boarded their vessel, firing paint bullets and tossing stun grenades. "After serving 29 years in the U.S. army, I retired in 2003 in oppo
November 7, 2012.

Turkey begins trial of Israeli military over Gaza ship killings
November 7, 2012.
Ann Wright, a former colonel in the U.S. army, who was on one of the smaller ships, described how Israeli troops had boarded their vessel, firing paint bullets and tossing stun grenades. "After serving 29 years in the U.S. army, I retired in 2003 in opposition to the Iraq war," she told the court. "One of the reasons I went on the flotilla is that I felt compelled to challenge Israeli policy to impose an illegal blockade on Palestine and the U.S. policy to support Israel's illegal actions," she said..

Turkey tries former top Israeli soldiers in absentia
Turkish newspaper Hurriyet.
November 7, 2012.
Mary Ann Wright, 65, a former United States Army colonel and retired official of the U.S. State Department, said she was on board the flotilla Challenger 1, which was traveling alongside the Mavi Marmara. "Two choppers were approaching the Mavi Marmara and there were six ships and we could see many on the horizon," she said. According to Wright, both ships were attacked by Israeli commandos despite being unarmed and obviously peaceful..

Trial trying Israel soldiers for deadly Gaza raid starts
November 6, 2012.
Many complainants from Western countries also attended the first hearing of the case. Mary Ann Wright, 65, a former United States Army colonel and retired official of the U.S. State Department, said she was on board the flotilla Challenger 1, which was traveling alongside the Mavi Marmara. "Two choppers were approaching the Mavi Marmara and there were six ships and we could see many on the horizon," she said. According to Wright, both ships were attacked by Israeli commandos despite being unarmed and obviously peaceful..

Trial opens in Turkey against Israeli military officers in 2010 ship raid
November 6, 2012.
Among the plaintiffs testifying in court Tuesday was retired U.S. Army Col. Ann Wright, who was a passenger on a ship in the convoy that sought to break through the Israeli blockade around Gaza in May 2010. Speaking outside the court, Wright said she witnessed the Israeli military take over the Mavi Marmara from a different ship in the flotilla. She also described her own experience in Israeli custody. "They did everything to intimidate and humiliate us," Wright said. Tension grows between Turkey, Israel U.N. releases report on flotilla incident Read more: Flotilla raid 'regrettable' but legal, Israeli commission finds "If there is a judgment against these four people, then it really sends the signal to other Israeli officials that if you implement the criminal policies of your government that are violations of your own laws as well as international laws, then you may be held accountable. And that is a major move. That's really big," she said..

The Pakistan Forum . Col. Ann Wright Speaks at South Asia Democracy Watch Symposium in Dallas, Drone Attacks Kill Americans and Muslims without Legal and Moral Justification
November 1, 2012.

'Drone attacks creating public opinion against US'
This is an article about Ann Wright's talk in Dallas, Texas about the CIA drone assassin program in Pakistan.
October 30, 2012.

Stopping Trans Canada's Keystone XL Pipeline--Activism from the Trees and on the Ground
October 25, 2012.

Israeli Envoy calls "Estelle" a Provocation While 7 Parliamentarians Sail to Break the Blockade of Gaza
October 18, 2012.

Hawaii: Head of the Tentacled Beast
October 18, 2012.
Article by Jon Letman quotes Col Ann Wright "Retired U.S. Army Colonel Ann Wright sees RIMPAC and the growing number of multi-national joint military "exercises and engagements" in the region as an opportunity for the United States to test (and show off) its next generation of weaponry: laser-fueled, computerized, and submarine-launched drones. It's also a chance to closely assess regional capabilities while positioning the United States to more effectively "push around" other countries and persuade them to do the foreign policy and military operational bidding of the United States, Wright says. Wright, who resigned in protest of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, points to the South Korean naval base on Jeju which, when finished, will house AEGIS-equipped destroyers linked to U.S. missile defense as an example of how the United States pressures its allies to follow certain paths.".

"US Joins Israel in Blockading Education to Students in Gaza"
October 16, 2012.

Video of Ann Wright's presentation on Gaza's Ark, and the Drone trip to Pakistan
October 11, 2012.

CNN-American activists in Pakistan to protest U.S. drone strikes
October 5, 2012.
When the Pakistani television host asked Wright to respond to accusations that she was a radical activist, she said jokingly, "I'm a radical peace activist.".

Letter to US Ambassador to Pakistan-Change American policies and Pakistan will not be dangerous for Americans
October 5, 2012.

Pakistani newspaper "Dawn". 'Americans against drones and militarism'
October 3, 2012.

Pakistani newspaper "Dawn". 'Americans against drones and militarism'
October 3, 2012.
Article about Ann Wright's presentation to the Institute of Policy Studies in Islamabad.

Pakistan newspaper New Frontier. Drone attacks are illegal, says former US deputy envoy Ann Wright
October 2, 2012.

Anti-Drone Protesters Gather for Weekend March into Waziristan, Former US Army Colonel Ann Wright leads US delegation
October 1, 2012.

Pakistani newspaper "the Express Tribune". Condemning drone strikes: Former US envoy (Ann Wright) advises Pakistanis to stand up to govt
October 1, 2012.

Business Recorder newspaper in Pakistan. 30-member US civil society team to participate in SWA anti-drone rally
October 1, 2012.

Survivor of US Military Rape in Japan Allowed to Pursue Perpetrator in US Courts
September 11, 2012.

Survivor of US Military Rape in Japan Allowed to Pursue Perpetrator in US Courts
September 11, 2012.

Blockade Busters -- Activists and Ships Attempting to Break the Israeli Blockade of Gaza
August 23, 2012.

More Costs of War: Suicides and Mental Trauma of Military Family Members
August 22, 2012.

Honollulu Civic Beat. Planning for Gaza's Ark Underway
August 19, 2012.

Green-Washing War, Sinking Ships, Drones from Submarines -- Largest International War Games around Hawaii
July 25, 2012.

3 Part video series on Iraq Veterans Against the War protests of NATO-G20 events in Chicago
Ann Wright interviewed in the series.
July 7, 2012.

Amnesty International's Shilling for US wars, By Ann Wright & Colleen Rowley
June 17, 2012.

Turkish Court Indicts Senior Israeli Military Officials in Murders of Nine Gaza Freedom Flotilla Passengers
June 1, 2012.

We have to Keep Agitating
May 24, 2012.

Chicago's Scaring Itself Silly While NATO -- Not Protesters -- Disrupts the City and the World
May 18, 2012.

Chicago Tribune. CODEPINK & VFP-NATO protests target Obama & Consulates of NATO Countries
May 17, 2012.

Peace Activists Demand End to NATO Violence at Chicago Obama Headquarters and Consulates
May 16, 2012.

Truthdiig. The Dark Side of the Prestigious Marine Barracks
May 8, 2012.

Video of Foreign Policy Presentation in Richmond, Virginia
May 5, 2012.

The Government's Warning to Bradley Manning and Others: "Tell on us, and we will put you behind bars for the rest of your life", On Michael Moore's website!
April 26, 2012.

Arrests during nuclear weapons and drone protests at the site of the new Kansas City Plant and Whiteman AFB
April 16, 2012.
Our Trifecta was proposed in February by Col. Ann Wright; the weekend had earlier been intended for only the nuke-parts plant protest. Ann, now at home in Hawaii for physical therapy, joined our Trifecta on 4/15 by phone, saying, “Thank you for supporting Bradley Manning and/or whoever released documents to Wikileaks. … (At the nuke-parts plant) you are protesting the hypocrisy of U.S. policy in saying Iran and North Korea cannot have nuclear weapons. … As drones fly over Somalia, Pakistan, and the U.S., right here in Hawaii we have drones practicing flying between two sacred islands. And today, for the first time, drones are being protested at Whiteman AFB. Blessings to the beautiful kites and balloons as they fly over Whiteman Air Force Base, hopefully changing the views of the men and women who operate the drones.”.

64 years later, America Complicit in a Second Massacre on Jeju Island, South Korea: America's Missile Defense System Destroys a World Heritage Site
April 4, 2012.

Marines, Navy and DOD Sued Again for Rape of Military Women
March 24, 2012.

Nine Years Out of Government and Pinning Hopes on Those Who Challenge it!
March 19, 2012.

Promises to Families of Afghans Killed by US Soldier Ring Hollow
March 15, 2012.

DOD says Zero Tolerance for Sexual Assault, but Keeps Limbaugh on Radio
March 11, 2012.

Obama, the 'Denier' of Israel's Crimes
March 5, 2012.

US Military Leadership Says "Zero Tolerance for Murder, Assault and Hazing," But Marine Corps Courts Rule Differently
February 16, 2012.

US Military Leadership Says "Zero Tolerance for Murder, Assault and Hazing," But Marine Corps Courts Rule Differently
February 13, 2012.

Ann Wright in protest in Senator Carl Levin's office-military detention aspect of NDAA
December 14, 2011.

U.S. Free Speech Hypocrisy, U.S. Protects Free Speech for U.S. Citizens on Flotilla to challenge human rights violations in Cuba, but wants to prosecute those on Gaza Flotilla to challenge Israeli human rights violations
U.S. Protects Free Speech for U.S. Citizens on Flotilla to challenge human rights violations in Cuba, but wants to prosecute those on Gaza Flotilla to challenge Israeli human rights violations .
December 12, 2011.

Incredibly, Gaza Rebuilds Despite Israeli Land & Sea Blockades and Threats to Water, Electricity and Tax Revenues
December 8, 2011.

Violence on Tahrir Square
November 25, 2011.

70 delegates including Parliamentarians from 11 Countries Issue Appeal for the End of the Siege of Gaza-No US Congresspersons involv
November 24, 2011.

Protests Fill Tahrir Square, Again
November 21, 2011.

Keynote addess at Staten Island Peace Action annual dinner
November 5, 2011.

Ann Wright makes presentation. Code Pink Delegation Warmly Received by Pakistan National Defense University
October 2, 2011.

Published in the US military's Stars & Stripes newspaper. Instead of attacking WikiLeaks, fix what it exposed
September 15, 2011.

Citizens Challenge Police to Prevent Construction of a Naval Base on Jeju Island, South Korea
August 25, 2011.

Jerusalem Post. What do "Flotilla Folk" think and why
July 31, 2011.

The Gaza Freedom Flotilla-One Year Later and Another Flotilla on the Horizon, UN Secretary General Calls Israeli Blockade "Unsustainable" and Israel should take "further meaningful and far-reaching steps" to end the blockade of Gaza
May 29, 2011.

Commander-in-Chief Influence on Bradley Manning's Court-Martial?
Citizens' and International Pressure on the Obama administration forces change in location and treatment of Bradley Manning.
April 27, 2011.

Crime and (Disparate) Punishment for US Soldiers Army Private Bradley Manning faces a death sentence while Army Specialist who mutilated the body of an Afghan gets "supervised chores"
March 8, 2011.

Giving up my Hawaii State tax exemption on Federal retirement to help Hawaii
January 30, 2011.

Ann Wright's OpEd in the Honolulu Star Advertiser. Gaza victimized by double standard
December 22, 2010.

commondreams. Obama's Afghanistan War: Waist Deep in the Muddy and the Captain Says Push On
September 30, 2010.

Obama's Afghanistan War: Waist Deep in the Big Muddy and the Captain Says Push On, with video of Pete Seeger singing "Waist Deep in the Big Muddy"
September 30, 2010.

Israel Calls Jewish Boat Challenge to Blockade of Gaza a "provocative joke"
September 27, 2010.

Michael Moore.com. A Campaign to Free Bradley Manning
September 21, 2010.

Las Vegas Drone Trial Makes History
Ann quoted as expert witness in the Las Vegas trial of the Creech 14, the first persons to be arrested at the assassin drone base outside of Las Vegas.
September 16, 2010.

Commondreams.org. Secretary of State Clinton: Now That the Wedding Is Over, Could You Respond to Requests From American Citizens on the Gaza Flotilla?
August 5, 2010.

Commondreams. Israeli Military Report on Its Gaza Flotilla Actions Underscores Need for an Independent Investigation
July 14, 2010.

Commondreams. Life Aboard an Activist Ship to Gaza
May 30, 2010.

Life Aboard an Activist Ship to Gaza
May 30, 2010.

Commondreams. The Audacity of the Free Gaza Flotilla, Breaking the Israeli Siege of Gaza May Lead to an Attack at Sea, Detention Camps and Deportation
May 27, 2010.

Commondreams: Gaza Death Zone, Israelis and Egyptians Are Killing Palestinian Youth Who Challenge the Siege of Gaza
April 29, 2010.

Ann Wright & Friends confront Goldman Sacks at Congressional hearing
April 28, 2010.

GOP Leadership Acting Like Spoiled Brats - Suspend Hearing on Homeless Vets
March 25, 2010.

Citizens denied access to meeting protest outside Pohakuloa Traiinng Area-Big Island
March 3, 2010.

The 1,000 Day Siege of Gaza
March, 2010.

Olympics Recall Historic Collisions
February 19, 2010.

Congress Told That DOD Data on Sexual Assault and Rape in Military Is 'Lacking in Accuracy, Reliability and Validity'
February 15, 2010.

Protest at the University of Hawaii Challenges Intelligence Community Centers of Academic Excellence & CIA Campus Recruitment
February 12, 2010.

Protests Start off the National Security Studies colloquium
February 11, 2010.

February 9, 2010.

Israel and Egypt continue to Squeeze the Lifeblood out of the People of Gaza, Israeli Airstrikes and Tank Shelling and Egyptian Underground Walls and Maritime Blockade
January 17, 2010.

Video of the Gaza Freedom March, Scenes from Cairo and Gaza
Photos by Angela Sevin.
January 10, 2010.

Gaza and Israel: David and Goliath
Classic Assymetric "Warfare".
December 20, 2009.

Afghanistan: Don't escalate a failing war, by Ann Wright and Paul Kawika Martin
CNN International.
December 2, 2009.

An American Diplomat and a British Soldier Tell Their Leaders They Have No Clothes: No to the Afghanistan War Strategy
October 28, 2009.

Ann Wright speaking at Times Square, New York City on Military Rape Awareness Week
October 13, 2009.

Commondreams: Guam Resists Military Colonization
August 17, 2009.

Corporate Responsibility -- Products for War and Occupation or Products for Peace?, Japanese women's cosmetic company "Laila" donate 1% of profits to peace actions
August 11, 2009.

Huffington Post:: In Hiroshima
August 10, 2009.

Marilyn Clement-Civil Rights leader-RIP
August 4, 2009.

Breaking the Siege of Gaza: Government Refuse While Citizens Act
June 30, 2009.

President Carter and Citizen Activists Witness Destruction in Gaza
June 18, 2009.

Israeli Police and Military Brutalize Peaceful Protesters at Netanyahu's Speech
June 15, 2009.

Commondreams: The Anniversary of My Dissent
March 19, 2009.

Anniversary of My Dissent
March 19, 2009.

With The Women of Gaza On International Women's Day: We Will Not Be Silent!
March 9, 2009.

Can Gaza Be Rebuilt Through Tunnels?
February 24, 2009.

The Israeli Smashing of Gaza and International Silence
February 13, 2009.

Under siege again, but Gaza will not die
February 12, 2009.
Originally posted on Commondreams.org, but no longer available on that site..

Commondreams: Under Siege Again, But Gaza Will Not Die
February 11, 2009.

Former Officer and Diplomat Calls For Rule of Law, War Crimes Times
Check out the Inaugural Edition at www.warcrimestimes.org.
January 20, 2009.

Canada Orders US War Resister (and New Mother) Deported
January 16, 2009.

Iranians Ponder Future U.S.-Iranian Relations in an Obama Administration
December 27, 2008.

Remembering Pinter: Is Our Conscience Dead?
December 26, 2008.

Stink Eye Politics--Running Against the Republicans AND the Democrats: Why I'm Campaigning for Cindy Sheehan
October 30, 2008.

In a Way, It's Surprising That There Aren't More Bodies Piling up at Military Bases All Over This Nation
October 16, 2008.

'My Daughter's Dream Became a Nightmare': The Murder of Military Women Continues
October 6, 2008.

When Refusing to Kill Has a Higher Sentence than Murder
September 19, 2008.

U.S. Military Keeping Secrets About Female Soldiers' "Suicides"?
August 26, 2008.

Another US War Resister From Canada Court-Martialed
August 24, 2008.

A Trained Warrior Wages Peace With Joy and Determination
August 19, 2008.

Sexual Assault in the Military: A DoD Cover-Up?
August 1, 2008.

The Costs of War: The Parents' Agony
July 20, 2008.

Canadian Immigration Blinks on Use of FBI Database for U.S. Peace Activists
June, 2008.

When Rape Hobbles Bush Administration Policies: Sexual Assault and Rape by US Military in Japan Leads to a Major Incident
Also posted Japan Policy Research Institute website - www.jpri.org.
May, 2008.

Japan Blog
May, 2008.

Switching a National Psyche from War to Peace -- Japanese Style
May, 2008.

Despite Bush Administration Pressure, Japanese People Say No More War
May, 2008.

Protest Camps Against American Military Bases in Japan and Italy
May, 2008.

Is There an Army Cover-up of Rape and Murder of Women Soldiers?
April, 2008.

Counter-Recruitment Is Not Counter-Military
March, 2008.

Why We Said No: Three Diplomats' Duty
March, 2008.

An "Enduring" Relationship for Security and Enduring an Occupation for Oil
December, 2007.

Veterans Day: A Day for Peace or for War?
November, 2007.

Ann Wright: Banned From Canada for One Year
October 30, 2007.

Blood on Her Hands
October, 2007.

More Bounties in Afghanistan and Pakistan Will Result in Detention of Innocent Civilians,
300 Uncharged Prisoners Still in Guantanamo from 2001 Reward Program
October, 2007.

FBI Provides Arrest Records of Peace Activists to Immigration of Other Countries - Be Ready to Be Detained
August, 2007.

Conyers Now Says Impeachment is NOT Off His Table
August, 2007.

Bush, Impeachment, Strong Women and Dallas, Texas
July, 2007.

What Congress Really Approved: Benchmark No. 1: Privatizing Iraq's Oil for US Companies
May, 2007.

Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Personifies Why Many Dislike America and Its Policies
May, 2007.

Heroes, Sung and Unsung
April 2, 2007.

Blood Diamonds and Blood Oil: Child and teen soldiers in Sierra Leone and the U.S
March, 2007.

Why I Will March to Support the Troops and End the War
March, 2007.

Why a Congressman Paid the Fine for My Arrest in Congress
March, 2007.

The Sheikh and the Torture Senator
March, 2007.

An Appeal to Conscience to Those Who Would Bomb Iran
February, 2007.

Watada Follows Military Rules on Dissent
February, 2007.

Video of Ann Wright speaking on CODEPINK delegation to the gates of Guantanamo Prison, Cuba
January 11, 2007.

Press Release from CODEPINK for International Delegation Travels to Guantanamo, Cuba to Protest Infamous US Prison
January 3, 2007.
International Delegation Travels to Guantanamo, Cuba to Protest Infamous US Prison Delegates include mother of current prisoner, former Guantanamo detainee, and high-level US peace activists On January 9-13, a first-ever international delegation of former prisoners, families of current prisoners, US lawyers and human rights activists will travel to Guantanamo, Cuba to hold a conference on prison abuses and march to the Cuban-side security gate of the US Naval Base to call for the closure of the illegal prison. The protest in Cuba is part of the January 11 International Day to Shut Down Guantanamo, the day that marks the 5-year anniversary of the first prisoners being sent to Guantanamo. “I am traveling all the way from Dubai because my heart is overflowing with grief over the abuse and ongoing detention of my son,” says Zohra Zewawi, who claims her son has been tortured and blinded in one eye during his detention, and has never been charged or tried. Her son was imprisoned in September 2002 and is still a prisoner in Guantanamo. Asif Iqbal, a former detainee who was freed on no charges after years of abuse, is coming to show his support for the basic rights of detainees. “All prisoners deserve humane treatment and fair trials, which is not happening in Guatanamo,” says retired US Army Colonel and delegate Ann Wright. “US federal courts, not military commissions, should hear the cases against those charged with terrorist acts and the infamous prison in Guantanamo should be immediately shut down.” The group, organizing by US groups CODEPINK: Women for Peace and Global Exchange, will hold a press conference in Havana on January 9, a conference in Guantanamo on January 10 on prison conditions and international law, and then on January 11 will march from the center of Guantanamo to the security gate of the US Naval Base where the prison is located to hold an interfaith service and call for the closing of the prison. The group will then travel to Havana to debrief the press on January 13. A smaller group will then travel to the US to lobby Congress to shut the prison, restore Habeas Corpus, repeal the Military Commissions Act, and give all detainees fair trials or release them. In both Guantanamo and Havana, the award-winning film Road to Guantanamo will be screened, with a post-showing dialogue with e film co-producer Mat Whitecross and former prisoner Asif Iqbal, whose horrific story of detention is portrayed in the docu-drama. The 12-person delegation also includes renowned US “peace mom” Cindy Sheehan whose son was killed in the war in Iraq; Adele Welty whose firefighter son was killed on 9/11; US human rights/peace leader Medea Benjamin of Global Exchange and CODEPINK; retired US Colonel and diplomat Ann Wright who resigned over the invasion of Iraq; and legal director of the US Center for Constitutional Rights Bill Goodman who has taken the cases of Guantanamo detainees to the US Supreme Court. On January 11, the International Day to Shut Down Guantanamo, protests will be held all over the world, including England, Australia and Holland. In the US major protests will take place in Washington DC and New York City, plus dozens of cities throughout the country, including outside the US Southern Command in Miami. For interviews with delegates traveling to Cuba, contact Medea Benjamin by phone or medea@globalexchange.org. For information about US and other international protests on January 11, see www.witnesstorture.org or contact Matt Daloisio, 201-264-4424. .

Arrested on the Golden Gate Bridge for the 3,000 US Dead
January, 2007.

A History of Surges
January, 2007.

Guantanamo's Cost to Our Humanity
January, 2007.

Witnesses at Guantanamo
January, 2007.

Five Years of Infamy: Close Guantanamo!
December, 2006.

Torture, the Geneva Conventions and the School of the Americas
November, 2006.

Essential Dissent, Chapter in "Stop the Next War Now"
October, 2006.

Banned in Washington - Where's the Free Speech?
September, 2006.

Bush Appointees Browbeat Senior Military Officers on Geneva Conventions
September, 2006.

Letters from Camp Casey, By Stephanie Westbrook with comments about Ann Wright
August 20, 2006.

ess conference on Sexual Assault in the Military at the Veterans for Peace conference, Seattle, Washington
Interviews with Sara Rich, mother of Suzanne Swift; Eli Painted Crow; Ann Wright; April Fitzsimmons; Kelly Doughtery .
August 12, 2006.

Day 10 of the Fast
July, 2006.

Arrested for Protesting the Nomination of an Architect of Torture
July, 2006.

To Refuse To Serve
June, 2006.

Resistance in the U.S. Military to the War on Iraq
June, 2006.

Photos of Easter at Camp Casey
April, 2006.

Statement on International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity by the Bush Administration
January, 2006.

Resigning as Resistance, Mandala magazine (non cached)
December, 2005.

Thanksgiving at Camp Casey: Sheehan, Ellsberg, Miller & Wright Arrested
November 24, 2005.

For the Record: Breaking Through Diplomacy's Glass Ceiling, Foreign Service Journal
October, 2005.

"Breaking Through Diplomacy's Glass Ceiling," , American Foreign Service Journal
October, 2005.

Inside the Foreign Service, Chapter on Life at the US Embassy-Afghanistan
September 15, 2005.

Bush Urged to Counsel with “Wise Women” on Iraq
August 24, 2005.

Army Vet Ann Wright Running “Field Operations for Peace, Not War”
August 19, 2005.

Breaking Through Diplomacy's Glass Ceiling, Article in the Foreign Service Journal
June 15, 2005.

We Stand for Something Different
June, 2005.

Written Testimony for Congressman John Conyers' Hearings on the Downing Street Memos
June, 2005.

Women Involved in Prisoner Abuses: Perpetrators, Enablers and Victims, Published in Proceedings of the Conference on Women in the Military
May, 2005.

A Day in the Life of Embassy Kabul, Chapter on Life at the US Embassy-Afghanistan
January, 2005.

A Diplomat's Battle, MS. Magazine article about Ann WRight's resignation
December, 2003.

Cowboy Diplomacy: Putting the Nation at Risk,
Speech at Center for International Policy conference, Washington, DC
October, 2003.

Why Dissent is Important and Resignation Honorable, Foreign Service Journal
September, 2003.

Government Executive magazine. The Unquiet Americans, Foreign Service Officers who Resigned In Opposition to the Iraq War
May, 2003.

Mary A. Wright's Letter of Resignation from the US Diplomatic Corps in Opposition to the War on Iraq
Government Executive.
March 19, 2003.

Letter of Resignation
March, 2003.

Ann Wright Receiving Heroism Award from US State Department
March 3, 1998.



Ann Wright's article. Military Fails to Protect Service Members from Rape- Class Action Lawsuit filed against the Pentagon
March 24, 2011.

, Jewish Activists Set Sail for Gaza from Cyprus
September 26, 2010.

'The Ship turned into a lake of blood,' says activist on Gaza flotilla, with video of Ann Wright and other passengers on Challenger 1 taken off the ship on the pier at Ashdod, Israel
May 31, 2010.

Retired Army officer, Japan peace delegation tour Guam
July 21, 2009.

President Carter and Citizen Activists Witness Deliberate Destruction of Gaza
June 18, 2009.



Ann Wright speaking on the Gaza Flotilla flag ship about the voyage, Indonesian 24 hour Metro News TV
April 15, 2024.

Anti-War Veterans Groups Echo Aaron Bushnell’s Demand for a Ceasefire in Gaza
March 23, 2024.

Ret. Col. Ann Wright Unmasks the Truth in Arms Transfer Debate in the United Nations Security Council
December 12, 2023.

November 26, 2023.

Ann & film director Deann Liem speaking about her documentary film "Crossings" about our 2015 mission to North Korea & crossing the DMZ into South Korea , With peace conferences in both North and South Korea
Showing of "Crossings" at the Veterans For Peace online 2022 national convention.
August 28, 2022.
Trailer for "Crossings" https://www.mufilms.org/films/crossings/; Women Cross DMZ: https://www.womencrossdmz.org/ Korea Peace Now: https://koreapeacenow.org/.

Webinar-Is Trump a Peace President, Webinar with Medea Benjamin, Colonel Larry Wilkerson and Colonel Ann Wright
September 18, 2020.

What Trump Didn’t Know About Cultural Locations in Iran
January 22, 2020.
Also US Must Protect Cultural Locations in Iran and Secretary of Defense Sets Trump Straight on it https://www.opednews.com/articles/US-Must-Protect-Cultural-L-by-Ann-Wright-Cultural-Rights_Iran_Sanctions_Secretary-Of-Defense-200123-595.html.

Getting Away with Torture and Murder: The New CIA Director Nominee and the Massacre at My Lai
Many comments to this article.
March, 2018.

Six weeks Left for President Obama to Approve Clemency for U.S. Army Whistleblower Chelsea Manning
December 1, 2016.

Ann Wright's interview on Gaza's Ark at the annual conference of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
October 10, 2013.
Interview on Gaza's Ark begins at the 11 minute mark..

Ann Wright's OpEd in the Honolulu Star Advertiser. Gaza victimized by double standard
December 22, 2010.

Commondreams.org. Unseizing Gaza-- Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister says Blockade of Gaza Was a "Mistake and Not Effective"
September 2, 2010.

The Berkeley Daily Planet. More Gaza Flotilla Detainees Released; Larudee Badly Beaten but now headed to Greece
June 2, 2010.

The Berkeley Daily Planet. More Gaza Flotilla Detainees Released; Larudee Badly Beaten but now headed to Greece
June 2, 2010.

Life Aboard an Activist Ship to Gaza
May 30, 2010.

Life Aboard an Activist Ship to Gaza
May 30, 2010.

Zenju Earthlyn Manuel. Dissent: Voices of Conscience, Turning Wheel, Journal of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship
November, 2009.

Review in Japanese by former Japanese Ambassador to Lebanon Naoto Amaki
アン・ライトさんの著書 DISSENT の日本語版出版を祝福する.
July 31, 2009.

Ed McWilliams. They Spoke Out, Review of Dissent on pp. 53-54 in the May, 2009 issue of the Foreign Service Journal
May, 2009.

Christine Thomas. Gift Guide: Greenies, Pundits, and Somewhere in Between, Literary Lotus
December 17, 2008.

In Their Own Write, Foreign Service Journal, Scroll to page 21
November, 2008.

Margaret Bassett,. Thank you, Ann Wright and Susan Dixon
June, 2008.

May, 2008.

Barnes&Noble Review: Saying NO to USA Empire, Danny Li, reviewer
April 18, 2008.

The Nuclear Resister, Last page
April, 2008.

Danny Li. Saying No to the Logic of Empire, Hawai'i People's Fund Newsletter (p. 4)
April, 2008.

Seth Sandronsky,. Wrong and Wright
March, 2008.

Gerald Loftus,. Honorable Dissent: The Resignation of Ann Wright
March, 2008.

MichaelMoore.com. Link of the Week, (Scroll down)
March, 2008.

Russell Branca,. Aria Aperta
February, 2008.

France Kassing. KDViations Top Ten Nonfiction Books, Davis, California
January, 2008.

Sky Barnhart. Maui Weekly Review
December, 2007.

David Swanson. "Enough Heroes to Fill a Book"
December, 2007.

William Hughes. "Voices of the Iraq War Dissenters Ring Out"
December, 2007.

John Perry. Reading David Swanson's Review on YouTube,, with photos of dissenters
Click above for English. For Japanese version, go to http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=cvGnSh_bbw0.
December, 2007.

"Women Involved in Prisoner Abuses: Perpetrators, Enablers and Victims, In Book of the Proceedings of the Conference on Women in the Military Today
5, 2005.




Ann Wright speaks to Galway, Ireland Alliance Against War, Part 1
February 18, 2013.

Ann Wright speaks to Galway, Ireland Alliance Against War, Part 2
February 18, 2013.

Ann Wright speaking on Gaza and Gaza's Ark, In Portland, Oregon
October 12, 2012.
Gaza's Ark: Breaking the Israeli Naval Blockade First Unitarian Church of Portland, Eliot Chapel: 1011 SW 12th Ave. Portland, OR 97205 Contact Dan Shea Sponsored by Veterans for Peace, Physicians for Social Responsibility, American Friends Service Committee, Recruiter Watch, Code Pink, Americans United for Palestinian Human Rights and Unitarian Church of Portland .

Pakistani TV interview on "Capital Talk" with cricketeer & politician Imran Kham
October 3, 2012.
As a part of the CODEPINK trip to Pakistan to challenge the CIA assassin drone program that has killed between 2400 and 3200 Pakistanis..

C-Span Press Conference at the National Press Club, Washington, DC on 2nd Lawsuit on Rape in the Military
March 6, 2012.

Ann Wright's Keynote address at the Military-Industrial complex conference, Charlottesville, VA
September 18, 2011.

Ann Wright's Keynote address at the Military-Industrial complex conference, Charlottesville, VA
September 18, 2011.

Ann's talk for the Plowshares 5 Anti-Nuclear Trial, Tacoma, Washington
December 7, 2010.

How US Policy Fosters Insecurity in the Middle East, Traverse City, Michigan
October 26, 2010.

What Really Happened on the Gaza flotilla. Ann Wright's 2hr presentation in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
July 21, 2010.
Sponsored by the Thomas Paine Chapter of Veterans For Peace, Peace & Justice Across Borders, and the LEPOCO Peace Center. .

Ann Wright and Joe Meadors at the University of Texas-Austin, with videos from the book Midnight on the Mavi Mamara and Iara Lee's 1 hour video she smuggled off the ship
July 11, 2010.

Ann WRight speaking on the Gaza flotilla, At the Potter's House, Washington, DC
June 16, 2010.

Ann Wright talks about the Gaza flotilla at the Potter's House, Washington, DC
June 16, 2010.

Ann Wright Spotlights the Killing Fields of Gaza
April 29, 2010.
Col. Wright's comments were made on Thursday, April 29, 2010, at a "Teach-In on Capitol Hill," held in Room 2168 of the Rayburn House Building, in Washington, D.C. The forum dealt with the question of what the U.S. Congress must do to end the U.S. Wars and secure a peaceful Middle East. Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) served as the host/moderator for the forum. For more details on this event and its sponsors, go to: Teach In on Capitol Hill: What Congress Must Do to End U.S. Wars and Help Secure a Peaceful Middle East. .

Ann Wright speaking at Times Square, New YOrk City on Military Rape Awareness Week
October 13, 2009.

Marching with Eve Ensler and Sandra Lee to the US Military Recruiting Station for Military Rape Awareness Week, Times Square NYC
October 13, 2009.

Ann's Plenary talk in Albuquerque, New Mexico on Afghanistan and Gaza
October 11, 2009.

Speaking at an Assembly called Pentagon of Peace, Santa Fe, New Mexico
October 10, 2009.

1 in 3 Women is Raped in the Military, Workshop in Santa Fe, NM
October 10, 2009.

Ann's talk in Santa Fe, New Mexico on Rape in the Military in Santa Fe, New Mexico
October 10, 2009.

Ann's Plenary talk in Santa Fe, New Mexico on Afghanistan, Iraq and Gaza
October 10, 2009.

Piedmont Unitarian Universalist Church, Charlotte, NC
October 8, 2008.

Ann Wright and David Swanson Discuss War and Bailouts
September 24, 2008.

Peace, War, and Protesting
September 23, 2008.

University of North Texas
April, 2008.

Ethics and Dissent in Public Service, University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX
March, 2008.

Community Bookstore, Brooklyn, NY
February, 2008.

Ann Wright and Daniel Ellsberg, Dissent: Voices of Conscience, Cody's Bookstore, Berkeley, California
Purchase this video from C-SPAN.
January, 2008.

Voices of Conscience, Clearwater, Florida
January, 2008.

The Role of Dissent, West Hartford Town Hall Forum, broadcast on C-SPAN's American Perspectives
October, 2007.

Time-Tested Books, Sacramento, CA
October, 2007.

Sacramento City College, Sacramento, CA
October, 2007.

Whistleblower Symposium, at American University, Washington, DC
September, 2007.

The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, Ottawa, Canada.
August, 2007.
Part One      Part Two.

The Coming War with Iran, Brown University.
April, 2007.
Part One       Part Two      Part Three.

Colonel Ann Wright speaking in De La Guerra Plaza in Santa Barbara
December, 2006.

Press conference on Sexual Assault in the Military at the Veterans for Peace conference, Seattle, Washington
August 22, 2006.

Press conference on Sexual Assault in the Military at the Veterans for Peace conference, Seattle, Washington
August 22, 2006.

Ann Wright and David Swanson Speak to San Diego City Club
April, 2006.

Camp Casey, Crawford, TX
August, 2005.

Ann Wright speaking on Gaza and Gaza's Ark , In Portland, Oregon
October 10, 201.


A Question of Impeachment: Trial By Theater, The Culture Project, New York City
Ann Wright questioned by attorney Elizabeth de la Vega
November, 2007.

Verdict on Bush War Crimes, Washington, DC
September, 2006.

International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration, New York
October, 2005.

Congressional Hearings on Downing Street Memo
June, 2005.


Press Conference with Pakistan politician Imran Khan & lawyer Shahzad Akbar in Islamabad, Pakistan, Wazirstan march
September 30, 2013.
CODEPINK trip to Pakistan to challenge CIA assassin drones.

Preemptive Arrests at the RNC in St Paul, 2nd video on page
August, 2008.

On Being Barred Entry into Canada, with Medea Benjamin, Washington, DCa
October, 2007.

On Being Arrested, Washington, DC
September, 2007.

In Support of Lt. Ehren Watada, Tacoma, Washington
June, 2006.


TV Interview on Russia Today, Live from Cairo on events in Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt
November 26, 2011.

Interview on RT (Russian TV) on Libya
March 22, 2011.

Interview on Democracy Now on General McChrystal's Rolling Stone statements
June 23, 2010.

RT TV: US activists direct anger over Gaza at US Congress
June 11, 2010.

You-Tube of Gaza Flotilla protest at US Congressman Brad Sherman's office
June 11, 2010.
11 minute video with Ann Wright, Ramzi Kaysi, Medea Benjamin, Tighe Barry and the Capitol Police who did not arrest us..

Grit-TV: Israeli Commandos Storm Humanitarian Aid ships-Murder 9
June 9, 2010.

Canadian TV interview on the Israeli raid on the Gaza Flotilla
June 6, 2010.

Democracy Now. Flotilla Passengers Huwaida Arraf of Free Gaza Movement and Retired Army Col. Ann Wright Respond to Israeli Claims on Deadly Assault
Interview with Ann Wright starts at 34:05 marker on the video.
June 5, 2010.

Pakistani TV interview with Ann Wright on the Mavi Mamara 24 hours before the Israeli attack.
May 29, 2010.

Olelo: Hawaii Public Access TV. 1hr interview on Gaza & on Dissent: Voices of Conscience, University of Hawaii Professor Dr. Ibrahim Aoude, interviewer
February 1, 2010.

Olelo: Hawaii Public Access TV. 1 hour interview on the Gaza Freedom March with photos, Liz Rees, interviewer for Resist program
January 28, 2010.

Ann Wright interview (1 hour) on Gaza, Hawaii Public Access TV Olelo-Interviewed by Jesse Ponce de Leon
January 22, 2010.

Ann Wright and Ray McGovern, Flashpoints, Pacifica Radio
October 28, 2008.

Veterans Occupy National Archives Building, (scroll down)
September 23, 2008.

Three Powerful Women: Colonel Ann Wright, KBOO, Portland, OR
September 12, 2008.

Geraldine Cahill Trinn. From Militarism to Peace, RealNews Network
September 4, 2008.

NPR. Soldier's Family Challenges Army Suicide Report
August 11, 2008.

Expert Witness (WBAI). Rape and Murder in the Military
August, 2008.

KERA (NPR). War, Peace, and Diplomacy, Dallas, TX
July, 2008.

Fox News: Hannity & Colmes. Anti-Military Antics? San Francisco Schools Refuse to Give Credit to Students in JROTC Program
June, 2008.

Canadian Broadcasting Company. As It Happens
June, 2008.

Martha Odom. "Honor the Dead, but Save the Living"
May 26, 2008.

Charlotte Talks, with Mike Collins, WFAE, Charlotte, NC
May, 2008.

Al Jazeera's "The War in America" Part 1
Colonel Ann Wright, NoWar-NoWarming arrests, IVAW arrests, IVAW Geoff Milliard, Nadia McCaffery-GSFP, Codepink, Medea Benjamin.
March 19, 2008.

Al Jazeera's "The War in America" Part 2
Codepink, Desiree Fairooz&Condi Rice "Bloody Hands," Dennis Kuchinich, Cindy Sheehan, Ramsey Clark, IVAW Kelly Doughery, IVAW Toby Hartburger, IVAW Geoff Milliard,.
March 19, 2008.

Al Jazeera's "The War in America" Part 3
Tina Richards-MFSO, Cloy Richards-IVAW, March on the Pentagon, Dennis Kuchinich, Dr. Justin Frank, Davd Frum-Bush Speechwriter, Mara Hilliar-Lawyer, Ramsey Clark, Coffins at the Ellipse, Al Zappala-GSFP.
March 19, 2008.

Al Jazeera's "The War in America" Part 4
Al Zappala&Joan Kosloff-Gold Star, Geoff Milliard-IVAW, Mara Hilliard-Lawyer, Medea Benjamin-Codepink, Geroge Bush, Nancy Pelois, Dennis Kuchinich, Joe Biden, John McCain, Karen Meredih-Gold Star, Nadia McCaffery-Gold Star, Dr. Justin Frank, David Frum-Bu.
March 19, 2008.

Real Time, with Bill Maher
March, 2008.

The Morning Show, KPFA, Berkeley, California
January, 2008.

Susan Galleymore. MotherSpeak, Stanford, California
January, 2008.

Deb Hobson. A Chatauqua, Columbia, Missouri
January, 2008.

Leonard Lopate Show, WNYC
January, 2008.

Sunday Journal with Stu Levitan, Progressive Talk Radio, Madison, WI
January, 2008.

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!. On Being Denied Entry into Canada
October, 2007.

Bill O'Reilly. The O'Reilly Factor
March, 2007.

Geoffrey Millard, Truthout, Fasting and Middle East Diplomacy
July, 2006.

Sara Rich and Ann Wright. Military Sexual Violence: Command Rape
March, 2006.

Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!, At Camp Casey
August, 2005.

William Hughes. Ann Wright: Unsung Hero
June, 2005.



2 hour podcast. Ann Wright speaking on Resistance Across the Borders, University of Toronto, Canada, With US war resister Patrick Hart and Council of Canadians Stuart Trew and Andrea Peloso, Toronto CODEPINK coordinator
March 2, 2010.
Photos of the Event: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kimkim/sets/72157623831955640/.



Talk Nation Radio: Ann Wright on the Women's Boat to Gaza and Being Kidnapped by Israel in International Waters
October 11, 2016.

Peter B. Collins interviews Ann Wright. Globetrotting Activist Col. Ann Wright Comments on Drones, Targeted Killing, Israel/Palestine, and Rape in the US Military
October 5, 2012.

1 hr. radio interview with Sallie Elkordy on the "Sallie & Mary" show
June 27, 2012.

Kansas City radio interview on Trifecta Resista, a weekend of 3 protests-Drones,Anti-Nuke & Bradley Manning
April 10, 2012.

Interview on KKFI Kansas City, Missouri radio on Trfecta Resista-3 protests in one weekend-Drones, Anti-Nuke & Bradley Manning
April 10, 2012.

1 hour radio interview on St. Louis National Public Radio with Don Marsh "St. Louis on the Air"
March 27, 2012.

Canadian Broadcast Corp Radio. Predator drones as Game Changers
March 19, 2012.
You may have to go to the 2nd section of the show for this 30 section on drones.

1 hr. radio interview with Power Hour host Joyce Riley
March 19, 2012.
Former government insider and Retired Colonel ANN WRIGHT provides a timely Middle East analysis based on her travels through Israel, Iran, Palestine, and Gaza - - - and she was also on the 2010 and 2011 Gaza Freedom Flotillas. Plus, comments on the latest lawsuit against DOD regarding rape in the military, the newest drones, and the curtailment of civil liberties with the proposed "stop protest law". Website: http://www.VoicesofConscience.com .

30 min interview on KGO-ABC radio San Francisco on Rape in the Military
March 19, 2012.
to to 5:50 minute for the interview to begin.

Iran, the Next Iraq, 30 minute TV show from London
March 2, 2012.
much footage from the protest OCCUPY AIPAC in opposition to the AIPAC conference.

1 hour interview on the Bernie Hayes show, WGNU - AM St. Louis, Missouri
February 27, 2012.

1 hr. radio interview with Dr. Helen Caldicott, world renown medical doctor & anti-nuclear activist
September 15, 2011.

"The People United" radio show on KOOP FM Austin, Texas. Ann Wright and Joe Meadors on the Gaza Flotilla
July 23, 2010.
Exerpts from a talk given at the University of Texas on July 11, 2010.

Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox. Interview with Colonel Ann Wright on the Gaza Flotilla
July 18, 2010.

KPFK Pacifica radio-Los Angeles. Colonel Ann Wright Challenges Israeli military investigation of attack on Gaza Flotilla
July 16, 2010.

Earthwise, New Zealand Radio Plains Community radio FM 96.9. Ann Wright, ex-US colonel,participant in Gaza Freedom Flotilla
July 8, 2010.

Interviewed by Stan H for a podcast on the. Ann Wright on Gaza
June 30, 2010.

1hr interview on Gaza & Afghanistan on Town Square, Hawaii Public Radio
February 10, 2010.

The Jeff Rense Radio Show, "Gaza & Israel - Classic Asymmetric Warfare"
January 18, 2010.
Gaza and Israel: David and Goliath http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/sites/afterdowningstreet.org/files/Article-Gaza-David%20and%20Goliath%20PDF%2012202009.pdf .

National Radio Project: Women Rising XX: Women Struggling with War
The interview with Gambia's Fatou Bensouda, Deputy Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court is also on this link..
January 12, 2010.

Austrailian Broadcasting Pacific Beat. Ann Wright interview "Concern Over US Military's Build-Up"
July 27, 2009.

Australian radio: Concern Over the US Military's Guam Build-up
July 27, 2009.

6th Anniversary of the War on Iraq & Gaza. Radio New Zealand
April 21, 2009.

Gaza. WBAI-Pacifica -New York City Flashpoint"
April 20, 2009.

6th Anniversary of the War on Iraq. KPFT-Pacifica Radio-Houston
April 18, 2009.

6th Anniversary of the War on Iraq. KPFT-Pacifica Radio-Houston
April 18, 2009.

6th Anniversary of the War on Iraq & Gaza. WBAI-Pacifica -New York City "Talk Back"
April 18, 2009.

6th Anniversary of the War on Iraq & Gaza. KPFA-Pacifica Berkeley "Flashpoint"
April 18, 2009.

1hr interview on Gaza on Town Square, Hawaii Public Radio, Beth Ann Koslovich, interviewer
April 16, 2009.

Codepink Radio-The Gaza Report
March 22, 2009.



December 8, 2015.
Great photos of our Veterans for Peace delegation to Jeju Island in these articles, but the translation into Korean is really poor! http://www.jejusori.net/?mod=news&act=articleView&idxno=170537 ( http://www.pressian.com/news/article.html?no=131671 ) http://www.headlinejeju.co.kr/?mod=news&act=articleView&idxno=259551 http://www.sisajeju.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=252710 http://www.newsjeju.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=228524 http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2015/12/08/0200000000AKR20151208138300056.HTML.

Karma Of Dissent: An Interview With Ann Wright, In the Inquiring Mind magazine
April 1, 2014.

Ann WRight on al Jezeera English "Inside Story" about NATO
May 21, 2012.

Talk on "Iraqing Iran: They Lied Last Time, They're Lying Now, Charlottesville, Virginia
May 3, 2012.

Democracy Now interview with Ann Wright on Obama's Strategic Plan for Afghanistan
May 2, 2012.

Democracy Now interview with Ann Wright on Obama's Strategic Plan for Afghanistan
May 2, 2012.

Interview on military & civilian drones in civlian airspace, Interview on Kauai, Hawaii
April 12, 2012.

Ann Wright on Democracy Now on Drones, go to :50 seconds on Headlines
December 2, 2011.

Ann Wright interviewed on Russia TV from Cairo about Tahrir Square events on "Last Chance Friday"
November 25, 2011.

Democracy Now interview with Ann Wright on Gaza Floitilla & Trial in NY on arrest at Drone Protest
November 4, 2011.

Democracy Now interview with Ann Wright on Gaza Floitilla & Trial in NY on arrest at Drone Protest
November 4, 2011.

Transcript of Cindy Sheehan's interview with Ann Wright
Cindy's Soapbox Radio Show.
September 4, 2011.

Interview with Ann Wright on Jeju Island, South Korea, Protests against construction of naval base
August 24, 2011.

Bill Would Aid Afghan Women Caught in U.S.-led War.
February 22, 2011.

"Me fui del Ejrcito de EE UU, no pude representarlo ms" I could not represent the United States Any Longer
Interview in the largest newspaper in Spain-El Pais.
February 21, 2011.

Maui Time. Retired Colonel Ann Wright Discusses Why the War in Afghanistan is Unwinnable
January 19, 2011.

Hawaii Independent. Ann Wright shares the stories of the youth resistance in Afghanistan and Gaza
January 14, 2011.

RT (Russian Television) TV interview with Ann Wright, Kathy Kelly and Mike Ferner. NATO denies plans to run special-ops in Pakistan
December 21, 2010.

International Incident-Gaza Flotilla, Cover story of the Maui Times
August 12, 2010.

Russian TV interview with Ann Wright. , US puts new sanctions on Iran
August 4, 2010.
Scroll down into the article for embedded interviews with Ray McGovern and myself. Russian TV gave us each about 7 minutes, yet not one US TV station wanted to interview us after the Memorandum to the President about a possible Israeli attack on Iran..

Russian TV interview with Ann Wright, US puts new sanctions on Iran
August 4, 2010.
Scroll down into the article and click "Read More" for embedded interviews with Ray McGovern and myself. Russian TV gave us each about 7 minutes, yet not one US TV station wanted to interview us after the Memorandum to the President about a possible Israeli attack on Iran..

Santa Fe New Mexican newspaper. Ann Wright-Activist works to bring U.S. aid to Gaza
July 25, 2010.

The Express Times, Lehigh Valley, PA. Activist talks of return trip to Gaza, article renamed "Peace activist Ann Wright speaks to diverse crowd at Wesley United Methodist Church" leaving Gaza out of the title!
July 22, 2010.
Another article " Ann Wright Joins Flotilla of Aid to the Gaza Strip" http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/bethlehem/index.ssf?/base/news-2/1279771505163990.xml&coll=3 .

The Nation Magazine. Nation Conversations: Ret. Col. Ann Wright on Israel's Raid
June 9, 2010.

Democracy Now. Flotilla Passengers Huwaida Arraf of Free Gaza Movement and Retired Army Col. Ann Wright Respond to Israeli Claims on Deadly Assault
Interview with Ann Wright, starts at 34:05 marker on the video.
June 3, 2010.

Pakistani TV interview on the Mavi Mamara 24 hours before the Israeli attack.
May 30, 2010.

Hawaii Independent: Voices of conscience bring Gaza to the American forefront
February 12, 2010.

Interview with Ann Wright,. "How Do I Save My Honor? War, Moral Integrity and Principled Resignation" by William Felice, Chapter 5
January 29, 2010.

Maui Time: "Breaking Ranks" Interview with Colonel (Retired) Ann Wright
January 21, 2010.
Retired Col. Ann Wright says the terrorists don't hate us for our freedom, the Bush Administration should be charged with war crimes and Obama is repeating the mistakes of the past.

Ann Wright quoted in Al Jazeera-English. Egypt Opens Gaza Border Crossing
January 3, 2010.

Ann Wright interviewed by Al Jazeera. Egypt opens Gaza border crossing
January 3, 2010.

Assessing McChrystal and Afghanistan
September 25, 2009.

Inter Press Service interview in Tokyo, Japan. "Punishment (for Rape) Has to Be Top Priority in U.S. Military"
August 13, 2009.

Ex-envoy warns against US plan for Guam
July 22, 2009.

Ann Wright interviewed on Afghanistan by Il Messaggero
April 5, 2009.

Interview on Grit-TV on International Women's Day in Gaza
March 9, 2009.

Santa Cruz Sentinel-Former Colonel Turned Peace Advocate Visits Santa Cruz
February 12, 2009.

Israel's Crimes-Grit TV interview
February 9, 2009.

A Voice of Dissent
Adrian Castaneda, Santa Barbara Independent.
May, 2008.

We don't want no war: Peace activist sheds light on the Iraq War
Peter Serafin, Honolulu Weekly.
January, 2008.

End the War and Impeach Bush,
Thomas P. Healy, CounterPunch
February, 2006.

A Felon for Peace,
Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch
November, 2005.

Ann Wright, Former U.S. Diplomat,
Revolution Interview
October, 2005.



Speaking Matters

Global Exchange Speakers Bureau

While the Flotilla Did not Make it to Gaza, Israel Did Not Win
July 1, 2015.

Ann Wright "dis-invited" from Swedish Boat to Gaza due to 2-weeek membership on Free Gaza board
October 15, 2012.

After the March, Article about Ann Wright and the drone trip to Pakistan in the Pakistan newspaper The International News
October 12, 2012.

Anti-Drone Protesters Gather for Weekend March into Waziristan, Former US Army Colonel Ann Wright leads US delegation
October 1, 2012.

NATO Protesters Begin To Arrive In Chicago
May 12, 2012.

Ann Wright against militarization of Santa Rosa sister city-Jeju Island, South Korea
November 10, 2011.

Arrests in U.S. Anti-Drone Protest (including Ann Wright)
April 26, 2011.

Wright is Right on Gaza
December 30, 2010.

Harvard Crimson-Four stories of dissent and consequence
December 5, 2010.

Aloha Aina Ea Ea, Hilo, Hawaii. Gaza Peace Flotilla: Colonel Ann Wright Reporting
November 26, 2010.

Blog from Speech at the James A. Baker Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, Houston, Texas. Activism 101 with Colonel Ann Wright
October 28, 2010.

Student Newspaper of Geneseo College, New York. Retired Col. Ann Wright addresses U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan
September 30, 2010.

Rochester New York City Newspaper. The Hidden Costs of War
September 29, 2010.

Troy New York Record. , Former Diplomat Urges Critical Eye
September 21, 2010.

Rice University newspaper. Wright Discusses Gaza Flotilla
September 17, 2010.

OPED in the Albuquerque, New Mexico Journal. Israeli Consul Spins Attack on Flotilla
August 7, 2010.

albuquerque New Mexico Journal. Activist supports Probe of Aid Raid
July 29, 2010.

Albany Union Times. From Fighting a War to Fighting War
July 18, 2010.

Corpus Christi Caller Times newspaper. Pair describes Israeli attack on flotilla
July 14, 2010.

Killeen, Texas Daily Herald. Activists Protest War Outside Post, Iraq Veterans Against the War convention
July 9, 2010.

Jewish Journal of Boston North. Flotilla Activist Calls for New Peace Strategy
June 24, 2010.

Peace Activist's Friday Talk Causing a Stir-Essex, Mass
June 17, 2010.

Hawaii activist joins Washington D.C. protest of British Petroleum
June 17, 2010.

Honolulu Weekly, Ann Wright in Israeli custody after Gaza flotilla raid
June 2, 2010.

Progressive Alaskan. Col. Ann Wright on the Gaza Flotilla, with Ann's article "Break the Israeli Siege of Gaza or Attack at Sea, Detention Camps and Deportation"
May 26, 2010.

Palestine Telegraph: US Army Colonel Joins Freedom Flotilla to Break the Israeli Siege of Gaza
May 19, 2010.

Peace Groups Invite Anti-War Colonel, Billings, Montana Gazette
May 15, 2010.

Peace Groups Invite Anti-War Colonel, Billings, Montana Gazette
May 15, 2010.

Ann Wright given Montana Peace Seekers Award, Award given at Montana State Capitol at statue of Jeannette Rankin, Montana Congresswoman and peace activist
May 14, 2010.

Retired Colonel speaks against war, Helena, Montana Queeen City News
May 12, 2010.

Retired Colonel Ann Wright speaks, Missoula, Montana Independent
May 11, 2010.

Outspoken anti-war Colonel featured speaker in Butte, Butte, Montana Gazette
May 11, 2010.

Diplomat Activist to Speak in Butte, Butte Weekly, Butte, Montana
May 5, 2010.

Ann Wright in USA Today's "Do databases cross a line in border checks?"
April 22, 2010.

Formerly Banned Peace Activist comes to the University of Toronto
March 8, 2010.

Hawaiians Protest War Criminal Karl Rove in Hawaii; Conservatives Threaten To "Line You Up Against A Wall & Shoot You!"
March 4, 2010.

, US Activist allowed into Canada despite FBI warning
March 2, 2010.

Barred U.S. peace activist seeks entry to Canada
February 27, 2010.

, Ann Wright's "Breaking Ranks"
January, 2010.

Atlanta Honors Colonel Ann Wright with Proclamation
November 19, 2009.

Retired Colonel Argued for Afghanistan Withdrawal during Atlanta Visit
October 16, 2009.

August 31, 2009.

, Former U.S. envoy backs Guam sentiments on buildup
August 21, 2009.

Jude Lizama. Ex-Envoy Warns Against US Plan for Guam, Marianas Variety
July 22, 2009.

Anti-war activist profiles others who have spoken out against Iraq war
October 22, 2008.

Veterans Raise Awareness of Murders By Veterans
October 10, 2008.

Government Whistle Blowers Speak at Peace Conference During RNC
Justin Martell, The Justin A. Martell Hit Parade.
September 8, 2008.

War Objections a Growing Issue
Scott Harrison, KRDO, Colorado Springs, CO.
August 25, 2008.

"Big Issue,", a women's magazine in Japan
August, 2008.

Voice of Dissent
Andrea Woo, Vancouver Metro News.
June, 2008.

Antiwar group fears speakers will be blocked at border
Doug Ward, Vancouver Sun.
May 31, 2008.

Demonstration Targets Anti-War Protesters
Nyier Abdou, New Jersey Star Ledger.
April, 2008.

Former Colonel Speaks Out Against War
Eric Schwartz, The Chronicle, Lewis County, WA.
April, 2008.

Retired Colonel Speaks Out Against Iraq War
Matthew Abraugh, Independent Collegian.
March, 2008.

Iraq war critic who was U.S. colonel to speak at UT
JC Reindl, Toledo Blade.
March, 2008.

Surreal Time
March, 2008.

Bill O'Reilly cuts mic of US Colonel Ann Wright as she defends her service and stance
March, 2008.

Merriam Park (MN) Neighbors for Peace
February, 2008.

Time to hold Bush administration responsible for torture, Brenda Norrell, Narcosphere
February, 2008.

Ann Wright Book Tour in Florida, Lydia Vickers, CODEPINK
January, 2008.

Col. Ann Wright in Jail
December, 2007.

Book Opposing War Available Soon, Gary Lookadoo, The Benton County Daily Record
November, 2007.

Climate of Fear,
Editorial by George Arnold, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
November, 2007.

Arllington West: Four Years Old /. Retired Colonel Speaks on War at Sunday Ceremony
Caitlin Daniel, Santa Barbara Independent.
November, 2007.

Peace Activists to Retest Border Policy
October 24, 2007.

60 Arrested Near Capitol At 'No War No Warming' Protests
October 22, 2007.

Give peaceniks a break, Editorial, Toronto Star
October, 2007.

In the Service of Her Country:, Pentagon official turned peace activist Colonel Ann Wright comes to West Hartford
Adam Bulger, Hartford Advocate.
October, 2007.

Retired U.S. Army colonel speaks to group
Rebecca S. Bender, Eureka (California) Reporter.
May, 2007.

Ann Wright: An American Hero
Victoria Harper.
February, 2007.

Ann Wright: A Courageous Leader
Scott Galindez.
February, 2007.

U.S. Activists Arrive in Cuba to Protest Guantanamo Prison
Agence France Presse.
January, 2007.

Middle East Peace Trip
August, 2006.

Anti-War Protesters Begin July 4 Fast
Agence France Presse.
July, 2006.

The Colonel's Latest Posting? Off Base
Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts, Washington Post.
May, 2006.

Former diplomat: Iraq war made world less safe
Bob Kasarda, Northwest Indiana Times.
April, 2006.

She's on Activist Duty Now, Elizabeth Mehren, Los Angeles Times
January, 2006.

Retired Colonel Opposes Iraq War: Advocates Hawaii's Wave Energy to Replace Petroleum, Shepherd Bliss, Hawai‘i Island Journal
December, 2005.

Bard Politik. "All of a Sudden, The Sheriff Shot First, Three American Diploats Explain their Resignation
September, 2003.

Three U.S. Foreign Service Officers Resign Over Iraq War
June 1, 2003.

Diplomat resigns to protest war
Shane Harris, Government Executive.
March, 2003.